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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 131

Enzo’s POV
“Thanks for coming with me to the beach, Enzo,” Connie said, laying out on her stomach on the large
blue beach towel. “I hate going to beaches alone.”
“I didn’t really have anything better to do while Lila is at work,” I explained.
I didn’t want to continue being a distraction for her, so I figured space was what she needed.
“I hope my being here doesn’t bother her. That last thing I want to do is cause problems…”
“She will be fine,” I said, keeping my eyes locked on the horizon.
I stayed on the beach chair thinking about the other day when I was at the beach with Lila.
Connie sat up and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen out of her bag.
“My back feels like it’s burning. Do you mind?” She asked, holding the sunscreen out to me.
Her back was starting to turn red; I felt comfortable touching someone else, but I also didn’t want
Connie to blister. So, I grabbed the sunscreen from her, and without a word, I quickly rubbed it on her
back. I didn’t linger there for long though; soon enough, I handed her the sunscreen back and sat back
down on the beach chair.
“A true gentleman,” she chuckled. “How’s your mom doing, by the way? It’s been a while since I’ve
spoken to her.”
“She’s back with her rogue family,” I answered, shaking my head in dismay. “She still refuses to come to
my pack where I can protect her.”
“I think she’s mainly worried about the others. She doesn’t want to leave them behind. They gave up
their abilities, so they are defenseless against all attacks.”
“She’s defenseless too,” I reminded her, shaking my head as I thought about how my poor mother was
attacked brutally by my father’s men.
The very thought was sickening.
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Connie perched herself up on her arms to look at me.
“I get that you are worried about her. But sometimes, people don’t want to be helped.”
I didn’t want to discuss my mother anymore; I stood up from the chair and peered out into the water.
“I’m going for a swim,” I said.
“Out there?!” She gasped, raising her brows. “But ocean water is so gross.”
“If you felt that way, then why did you want to come to the beach?” I asked.
I couldn’t help but feel a little bit annoyed.
She frowned.
“What else is there to do around here?”
“Plenty,” I answered. “But seeming we are here; I’m going for a swim.”
I turned away from her and went toward the ocean. The memory of my time with Lila in this very ocean
surfaced in my mind.
What I wouldn’t give to do that with her again. It was too bad she had to work right now.
Swimming always seemed to bring out the pup in Max; he couldn’t resist the water. It took everything in
me not to shift into him. I could hear him laughing excitedly as we swam around. I shook my head at
my wolf, but a smile twitched at the corner of my mouth.
Once I got back to my chair, Connie sat up.
“I’m hungry; can we grab some food?”
“Sure,” I answered. “There’s a bunch of restaurants around here we can go to.”
“I don’t want to go in my bathing suit. I was thinking we could go back to the resort and grab
something to eat,” she said with a shrug.
I agreed and we packed up our things to the resort. As we walked down the sand pathway, that lead us
through a short, wooded area, I heard something falling from behind me.
I turned away quickly to see Connie struggling against the vine. She had fallen to the ground and her
bathing suit had been completely ripped off.
“Shit!!” She yelled and I could hear the panic in her voice as she attempted to cover herself. “My bathing
suit is completely ripped!” She cried.
Connie’s upper half was now exposed, and her bathing suit was destroyed.
“Why didn’t you bring a change of clothes to the beach?” I asked if I couldn’t hide the annoyance in my
tone as I went toward her.
“I didn’t think I would need it,” she said with tears in her eyes.
I took my shirt off and handed it to her, averting my eyes as she put it on.
“I’m covered,” she said with a pout.
I looked back at her and saw that she was standing with her bathing suit in her hands, and she was
completely covered in my shirt. The shirt was long enough to reach her knees. For a moment, she
looked like that helpless little girl I knew when we were children.
Turning away, I said, “Only a little further. We can go up to my balcony and into my room. From there
you can go back to your own suite and change.”
“Okay,” she agreed.
The balcony stairs came into view and as soon as we entered my room, I heard the front door shut.
I glanced at the clock, not realizing it had gotten to be late in the afternoon. It must have been Lila
returning from her day at work.
What was she going to think when she saw Connie walking out of my room dressed in only my shirt?
Before I could stop Connie from leaving, she opened the door, only to be faced with a stunned face Lila.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear you,” Connie said as she walked out of my room. “Did you just get back?”
Lila was at a loss for words; she looked at Connie for a moment longer; scanning her barely clothed
body before shifting her eyes to me.
Connie read the room immediately and she cleared her throat as the silence only grew thicker.
“I guess I’ll be finding my own food,” she said, trying to break the silence.
She glanced back at me questionably before turning towards the door and leaving.
Lila stared at me for a moment longer before turning away.
“It wasn’t what it looked like,” I tried to tell her, but she was rushing toward her door.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said quickly once she reached her door. “It’s not like we were in a serious
relationship or anything. We can’t be. You’re my professor…”
My brows furrowed together as I stared at the back of her head.
“It was only sex, right?” She said, glancing at me from over her shoulder. “That’s all we were… was just
sex buddies. Right?”
“Sex buddies?” I asked, unsure of what she meant by that and not really wanting to find out.
I could see the pain in her eyes despite her desperately wanting to hide it.
“Yes,” she confirmed, opening her bedroom door. “That’s all it was. It was just sex. We don’t need to
make a big deal out of things.”
But it was a big deal; I just wasn’t sure how to put that into words.
“Can you just stop for a minute and let me explain?” I asked, just as she turned her whole body to face.
“There’s nothing to explain. You spent the day with Connie… she’s your best friend and you obviously
have feelings for her, Enzo. So, you should be with her…” she said, lowering her gaze to the ground. “It
makes me feel less bad anyways… because I’m going out tonight.”
“You’re going out?” I asked, raising my brows. This was the first time she had mentioned this. “Where
are you going?”
“I’m going on a date.”
Then she slammed the bedroom door in my face.


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