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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 158

Enzo’s POV
Despite all the shit that’s happened between Connie and me over the course of these months, I was
glad she finally found her mate and it seemed she was willing to give him a real chance.
Lila seemed pleased too.
We made our way back towards the restaurant knowing that was where the carriage ride was going to
start. When we arrived, I saw a stubby man standing near a pure white stallion with large brown eyes.
Attached to the horse was the white carriage with golden framing around the doors and matching seats
with golden and white cushions.
This particular carriage ride around Monstro was called the royalty ride. I thought this would have been
something Connie would enjoy, but it seems I had misjudged her.
Lila looked up at the large and gorgeous horse with wide eyes. She was in awe of the creature and the
smile that tugged at her perfectly plump lips caused my heart to quicken its pace.
“May I pet it?” Lila asked the stubby man who gave her the nod of approval.
I watched as Lila, a bit too short to reach the horse’s head, stood on her toes and reached her arm up to
the horse’s nose. She ran her slender fingers down the bridge of the nose and that smile only grew.
The way the sun was setting made Lila’s features glow and sparkle; I stifled a smile of my own.
The horse snorted and closed its eyes, allowing Lila to pet it.
“We should get going before the sun actually sets,” the man said, moving around the carriage to open
the doors. “My name is William and I’m the coachman for the evening. We will start with the beach
views of Monstro and then gradually make our way into the city. There will be a firework show there
once the sun is completely set. Then, I’ll be taking you to the theatre for the showing tonight.”
“That sounds wonderful; thank you,” Lila said to him, her eyes beaming as she slid into the carriage and
sat in one of the seats.
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I pulled out a $50 bill and handed it to the coachman, William, as a tip. He thanked me as I slid into the
carriage and made myself comfortable next to Lila.
“There is champagne in the cooler and some snacks; feel free to help yourself,” William added.
I looked down and saw the wine glasses that were hooked to the lower wall and beside them was a
cooler. I opened the cooler and pulled out the bottle of champagne.
“Would you like some?” I asked Lila.
She answered my question by grabbing the wine glasses and holding them toward me to fill them. I
met her response with a smile as I filled the glasses.
“This is beautiful,” Lila said, staring around at the carriage. “I’m sure they would have loved it if given the
“They are happy doing their own thing,” I shrugged while taking a sip of the champagne. “We shouldn’t
push it.”
“I know you are right,” she breathed leaning back in her seat. “I feel rotten that I let myself get so
consumed by this that I didn’t even bother asking what she wanted. Or what he wanted.”
I glanced over at her and saw that she was gazing out the window, watching as we went by palm trees.
The sky was now orange and made everything else around us look orange as well.
I made a promise to myself that my relationship with Lila would be nothing more than platonic. This
wasn’t something we could keep doing considering I was her professor. Though, I’m not sure for how
much longer.
My father’s men were beginning to snoop around our pack even more now that I’m not there to protect
it. Ethan and the Gammas have worked hard on protecting the pack and keeping things safe, but they
feared that these now rogue wolves were going to do something stupid.
“They can smell that an active Volana has been in the pack,” Ethan had told me one evening.
We call Lila and her mother an active Volana because they still have their powers and have the
appearance of a Volana wolf. Those like my mother and the rogues she lives with are inactive because
they gave up their abilities long ago. It was an attempt to keep themselves hidden and out of reach for
those who wish to do them harm, however, because they are still technically Volana wolves, they can
still be sensed if close enough.
My father’s followers don’t know where my mother and the others are hiding, mainly because they have
a witch that keeps their territory hidden. However, whenever they wander outside of their barriers, they
are in danger of being found out.
That was how my mother got hurt in the past.
But the scent these followers were picking up from the pack was not the scent of my mother or the
other inactive Volanas.
It was the scent of Lila.
Which meant that they were that much closer to finding out about her.
Of course, they already knew she existed. Everybody in the werewolf world knew about Bastien’s Volana
daughter and wife. But nobody in their right mind would mess with Bastien’s family. However, if my
father’s followers knew that she was my mate… she would be in severe danger.
I couldn’t let that happen. Which meant I needed to keep her at arm’s length.
Having sex with her all these times while we were here was a mistake because of now her scent was on
Resisting her was going to be difficult though because of how beautiful she is. Not to mention this mate
bond we had was intense and made my wolf nearly lose control every time we were around her.
One day, once I gained the respect and trust of the entire werewolf world when I rise my way to the top
and become the number one Alpha and head of the Alpha committee, I will be able to take care of my
father’s followers and banish them for good. I will be able to protect my mother and the others and
build their own community within Calypso.
I would be able to protect my mate.
Not even Bastien has gained enough power to be able to do that.
He made Elysium safe for his family, it was time for me to make Calypso safe for mine, along with the
rest of the world.
“Are you okay?” Lila’s voice brought me out of my head.
I almost forgot where we were; she must have been worried since I had gone quiet.
“Yes,” I answered, I knew the less she knew the more she would be safe.
“This is a beautiful ride,” she breathed, closing her eyes, and soaking in the cool breeze that tickled her
feature. “I’m glad we were able to do this together.”
Her words caused my throat to tighten.
This feeling she unintentionally gave me was like no other feeling I’ve ever had.
By the time we reached the city, the sun was completely set and was replaced with a dark sky and bright
stars that danced above us. The moon shined its ray’s down, something Lila was soaking in as well.
I knew as a Volana, the moon gave her more energy than it would an average werewolf. I could see the
strength and life illuminating around her and it caused her to smile as she stared up into the sky.
I wanted to reach over to her and hold her hand, but I refrained from doing so. I feared the physical
touch would be too much for my wolf and me to handle.
The carriage soon stopped and that’s when I heard the crackling of the fireworks. The fireworks lit up
the sky and caused everything around us to light up in color. Lila was in awe over the display, as was
everyone else who gathered around the busy city streets.
“Enzo?” I heard Lila’s small voice from beside me. When I looked over, she was chewing on her bottom
lip, and I found myself being drawn to her. Her cheeks grew pink, and she looked almost embarrassed.
“I want you to kiss me…”


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