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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 247

Ella’s POV

“Ella, come to my office as well; I’d like to speak with you and Sarah together,” Headmaster Prescott said to me, trying to be heard over the crowd of frantic students.

Those affected by Sarah’s mind manipulation were freaking out because of the time they had lost and their free will being taken. The witches and those with abilities were frantic because they were powerless.

Everybody was powerless.

My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest as I looked up at the headmaster. She didn’t think I had anything to do with this, did she?

“Am I in trouble?” I asked; I couldn’t hide the nervousness from my tone.

“No, of course not. But I’d like you to be there so I can get the full picture of this situation,” she simply said.

I met Colton’s eyes from across the room; he was now standing and watching me with worry in his eyes. I gave him a small smile to assure him that everything was okay and thankfully, he returned it.

“Colton,” Headmaster Prescott said as she approached him. “Get everybody to settle down. They can still vote to keep their minds off the situation… not that it’ll matter much anymore. But then I’d like them to return to their dorms for the rest of the afternoon. I’m canceling evening classes. But I’ll make an announcement, once I’m done speaking with the girls.”

He nodded.

“I’ll have some of the staff help me get everything organized,” he assured me.

She nodded at him, pleased by his quick response.

“My powers!” I heard someone sobbing. “My powers are gone!!!”

“What happened to me!” I heard someone else shouting. “Why did I do these mean things to people??”

“Why can’t I remember anything from the last two days!” A boy asked as I passed him. I wanted to say something to him that reassured him, but I wasn’t sure what could make things better.

My heart was squeezing painfully in my chest for them.

Headmaster Prescott was already gone and I knew I couldn’t keep her waiting any longer. Colton was already getting to work with the other professors to get the students to settle down. The board members were lining students up to vote in the back room and ordering the really frantic ones back to their dorms.

I shook my head at the sight and turned away; I couldn’t watch anymore of this.

When I got to her office, I was surprised to see that Alpha Jonathan was already there. I didn’t even see him leaving the auditorium. He was looking anything but happy.

Sarah sat in the seat in front of the office door while he towered over her. Her gaze was fixed on the ground, and it looked like he had just finished yelling at her. The secretary who sat at the desk in the corner of the room looked pale-faced and wide-eyed, confirming my suspicions.

Tiffany Prescott cleared her throat, getting their attention.

“Come into my office,” she ordered them without giving them a second look as she opened her office door.

Alpha Jonathan’s gaze found mine.

“What is she doing here?” He asked the headmaster as if I wasn’t standing right there.

I felt my face warming.

“I asked her to join us,” she answers.

“For what reason?”

“I have my reasons and I’ll explain once you are inside my office, Alpha,” she said firmly. I was surprised by how assertive she sounded knowing that Alpha Jonathan owned this school.

He didn’t argue with her, much to my surprise. He turned away from me and stormed into the office. I glanced at Sarah who also looked up at me; I couldn’t read her expression, but she looked pale.

She visibly swallowed and stood to her feet. She didn’t say anything to me as she turned and went into the office.

I followed closely after them.

Headmaster Prescott had pulled up an extra chair and sat it in front of her desk before taking her seat behind her desk.

“Please sit,” she instructed all of us.

We did as she said, only Alpha Jonathan hesitated slightly before sitting beside his daughter who still appeared pale in the face. I’m not sure if that was because she was sick, or because she was terrified.

“I need a full explanation of what happened today,” she said, staring directly at Sarah.

She was surprised by the remark and glanced at her father who let a growl emerge from his throat.

“Do I need to call my lawyer, Headmaster?” He asked through his teeth.

She looked at him with a frown.

“That won’t be necessary, Alpha,” she assured him. “I just want to get to the bottom of things. The students are very distraught and they seem to believe that your daughter has done something to them. I would like to know exactly what happened.”


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