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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 25

Lila’s POV
I was able to get through class without any other issues containing my powers, but I couldn’t help but
think about Enzo’s whereabouts the entire time. Even Becca could tell I was distracted because she was
able to get a few attacks in.
“Are you okay?” She asked, eyeing me carefully. “Are you worried about Sarah?”
“A little,” I lied. “I just don’t want her to think I’m dangerous.”
Becca went to say something, but we were interrupted by Professor Connie behind us.
“You must be Lila. I’ve heard a lot about you. I look forward to getting to know you a little better,” she
said with a fond smile.
I frowned and stared back at her.
“I thought you were only here for a few days,” I say, trying not to sound too rude but I couldn’t help
“I’m not really sure how long I’ll be here for,” she admitted. “He didn’t really specify. But I was told you
are one of the best combat students. I’m eager to see what you can really do.”
“I appreciate that,” I said in return. I paused for a moment as I stared around her face. “Do you happen
to know where Professor Enzo is? It’s odd that he took off without a word to his students.”
She frowned and shook her head.
“Family issues from my understanding,” she explained with a shrug. “It sounded urgent when he called
me on the phone though. He asked if I could take over the class for the time being but didn’t really
specify much more.”
A knot formed in my stomach, and I suddenly wasn’t feeling so well.
He called her? Who was this woman to him?
“Thank you,” I said to her, forcing a smile on my lips as I turned away. “I should be going.”
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I left without another word.
What kind of family problems would keep Enzo from coming to work? I roamed through the halls,
feeling almost like a ghost. I ignored most of those who walked past me; I heard some saying hello to
me, but they sounded so distant, and I felt so hollow.
This feeling was unfamiliar and strange to me. Is this what having a mate was like?
Feeling this overwhelming sense of dread whenever I wasn’t around him?
Why couldn’t he just reject me already?
“Do you honestly want him to reject you?” Val purred within me.
“Kind of,” I answered honestly. “Enzo could never love me… it’s foolish to think otherwise.”
“Why do you think so little of him?”
“I don’t think little of him. I respect him very much actually,” I answered. “But the truth of the matter is,
he doesn’t want a mate. He certainly wouldn’t want a Volana as a mate. You saw his face when he found
out the truth…”
“Aren’t you a little bit curious about him?”
“Of course, I am,” I said in return. “But we are after different things in life. We are very different and that
was clear to see. Besides, he’s, my professor. What kind of relationship could we really have?”
“Wouldn’t the board understand that he is your mate?”
I went to answer, but a new voice cut through my thoughts.
“Oh, hello, Lila.”
I turned to see Miss Grace standing at the doorway of her classroom. My art professor and my assigned
guidance counselor.
“Hello, Miss Grace,” I say with a kind smile.
“Don’t forget that this semester’s big project is due in a few days. A painting of your inspiration or role
model. I can’t wait to see the work you have done.”
I have been working for the last couple of weeks on a family portrait. It’s kept in my dorm room under a
silk blanket and ready for viewing. I couldn’t wait for her to see it as well; it counts for half of my grade
for this semester.
“You’re going to love it,” I tell her.
I pause before walking away.
“Miss Grace, as my guidance counselor, could you grant me permission to take the next couple of days
off from my courses?” I asked, raising my eyes to meet hers.
She frowned for a moment, thinking about my request.
“I could, yes,” she answered with some hesitation. “But why would you want me to do that?” She asked,
cocking her head to the side.
“There has been an emergency at home that I need to tend to. My family said it was fine if I couldn’t get
the time off. But I wanted to ask anyways. I’ll be back before the due date of the project.”
She thought about it for a moment longer before nodding.
“Have one of your peers collect your homework for you in your absence so do you don’t fall behind.
Swing by my office later and I’ll get you that permission slip.”
“Thank you,” I say to her before passing her in the halls.
I hated lying to her, but I needed to find out what was going on with Enzo before I completely lost my
mind. There was no way I would be able to concentrate on my lessons without knowing the truth.
I had to go to the Calypso pack and find him.

Enzo’s POV
“You haven’t left my side in over 24 hours, darling,” my mother said, peering up at me from her hospital
bed. “You look exhausted. You should go home and get some rest.”
“I’m fine,” I told her, shaking my head. “Not until you are back on your feet.”
“That could take a while; I don’t heal as quickly anymore. Besides, I’m already feeling stronger than I did
yesterday,” she assured me. “Don’t you have a job to do? You’re not just an Alpha, you’re also a
“I asked a friend to take care of the class for me until I return,” I explained.
This was true; I called Connie, a friend of mine, yesterday and asked if she could substitute for me. As
long as the class is being taught, it’s not like anyone would notice my absence.
“Are sure nobody would notice your absence?” Max teased. “You can’t think of one person who would
care. Perhaps someone you ditched the day prior without saying a word too?”
Per usual, I chose to ignore my wolf.
I wasn’t going to think about Lila right now. I couldn’t.
“What is it?” My mother asked, raising her brows at my expression. She always knew how to read me
well. “Something is bothering you.” That wasn’t a question.
“I’m fine,” I assured her, kissing her gently on the forehead. “I just wish you would let me protect you
and come home with me to my pack. I can keep you safe.”
“I can’t just abandon the others, Enzo,” she breathed. “They need me, and I need them. They are my
family too.”
It pained me to hear those words from my mother, but I understood. As long as my father’s men were
out there, hunting for Volanas, my mother and the others weren’t safe.
Years ago, my mother, a Volana wolf, had taken medication to get rid of her abilities. Same with those
who live with her in the rogue territory. She feared my father so much that she was willing to take away
a part of herself to hide from him.
These men are dangerous when it comes to Volanas and as long as they are around, Volana wolves
aren’t safe.
Lila isn’t safe.
I couldn’t be with Lila knowing the danger I would bring to her life. These men are constantly watching
my every move.
If they knew that Lila was a Volana, it’ll be her in this hospital bed next.
Or worse.
Now that Lila had her wolf, her Volana scent was going to become more evident. I didn’t have the time
to waste. She needed to stay as invisible as possible.
Not only would having her as a mate cause me to be distracted from completing my duties, but I would
bring her a world of danger.
That was something I wasn’t willing to risk.
I stood from my mother’s bedside. My mind was officially made up.
She narrowed her eyes at me, confused by my expression, I’m sure.
“What is it?” She asked, furrowing her brows together.
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” I told her. “I’m going to return home for the night.”
I said my goodnights before leaving; I needed to return to the academy and find Lila.
I needed to officially reject her.


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