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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 253

Ella’s POV

Hazel was in her hospital bed when we arrived at the Calypso Pack Hospital. It only took us about 25 minutes to get there from the city. We wasted no time.

She was looking for a lot better than when I last saw her. Hazel’s wounds were healing nicely, and she didn’t look as thin and wasted away. She was still hooked up to a couple of different machines; one was monitoring her heart rate and the other was pumping her with a liquid fluid.

The heart monitor had a steady rhythm, which was definitely a good sign.

As we entered the hospital, her assigned doctor was the first to greet us.

“She will be able to return home in the morning, Alpha. She’s going to need plenty of rest and to keep up her hydration. But she’s looking good,” he said, glancing at Hazel with a fond smile.

“Thank you for caring for her, Doctor,” Colton said in return.

“You look exhausted,” I pointed out, sitting by her bedside.

She gave me a faint smile.

“I was given some medication yesterday that kept me asleep all evening last night and day today,” she said. “I haven’t been sleeping much because I’ve been so worried about the village, and they thought it would help me. I don’t think they anticipated I’d be asleep this long.”

“You mentioned on the phone that you can feel Jazzy’s magic,” Colton said, stepping toward her.

My eyes widened at his words.

“What?” I gasped.

“It’s true… I can feel her dark magic at play. But it’s more than that,” she said, her eyes darkening. “I can feel darkness.”

“Darkness?” I asked, furrowing my brows together.

“I’ve only felt this once before,” she explained. “A long time ago. Jazzy has conjured it before.”

“She conjured darkness?” Colton asked. “How is that possible?”

“It takes a very dark heart and a sacrifice to do it,” Hazel explained; her expression was grave. “I don’t know what she could want with darkness though. The first time it was only to cause mayhem to let out the anger she felt when our parents died.”

“Mayhem…” I breathed; it wasn’t a question. I grabbed Colton’s arm as the thoughts of the mayhem at school yesterday surfaced in my mind. “Colton, could it have something to do with what happened at the election yesterday?

“What happened?” Hazel asked us quickly, looking between us.

“We were having an election for President of the student committee, and during this election everybody who has magic became powerless,” he explained; her face turned mortified as he explained the events that unfolded last night.

I thought, for a moment, that she was going to jump out of bed and run from the room. I had never seen anyone look quite as terrified as Hazel felt and it made my stomach twist into a tight and unsettling knot.

“That sounds like the mayhem she would cause, yes….” She said, shaking her head with a worried expression. “He has returned to our lands; but for what reason, I am unsure.”

“He?” Colton asked, furrowing his brows together. “Darkness is a person?”

“It takes the form of a man; though, it can take many different forms. He goes by the name Zagreus. He’s a dark demon that if given a sacrifice will do her bidding.”

“Darkness acts as her slave?” Colton asked. “She can control it?”

“Nobody can truly control darkness; but if they have a common goal, he will work with her and do as she please. Just as long as she does what he pleases as well.”

“A sacrifice?” I asked, finding it difficult to use my voice.

“In order for him to form fully, he needs a sacrifice. He feeds off the blood and beating heart of purity. But that one sacrifice won’t be enough to keep him around. She will need to sacrifice again soon if she wishes to keep him even longer. Like a payment for his deeds.”

“Why would they make students at the school powerless?” Colton asked, shaking his head. “It’s not making sense.”

Hazel was quiet for a moment as she thought about how to answer that, but then her eyes widened. She didn’t have to say anything for me to understand where her head had gone.

This time, it was me who answered.

“Darkness enjoys mayhem; so, if it caused mayhem at your school, then that pleases him. However, I fear it’s more than that. Jazzy wouldn’t conjure him again unless she truly needed something from him.”

“Could it have been a test?” I asked, looking up at Colton.

Colton looked at me with a worried frown.

“A test? Like she was trying to see if the spell would work?”

“Yes,” I answered. “But what could she be planning that requires everyone to lose their magic and abilities?”

We were quiet for a moment as that question weighed in the air.

“How did she even align herself with darkness in the first place?” Colton asked and I could see he was growing angry. “How did she discover this Zagreus?”

We both looked at Hazel who had gone pale.

“When we were young, our parents died because of a Volana wolf…” Hazel began to explain, making me gasp in horror. “It was difficult for us both, but Jazzy was much younger and took it even more difficult. She grew angry and self-isolated despite my efforts to get her to open up and talk to me. She spent a lot of time in my mother’s garden. I’m not sure how it happened because I wasn’t there… but I ended up finding our gardener dead. That’s when my sister started to become a dark witch. This darkness she called Zagreus was the one who gave her dark magic. I never understood it myself, but something happened that hurt him enough to slither back to wherever he came from.”

“If Zagreus really has returned to our land, what are we going to do?” I asked, staring up at Colton who had a grave look on his face.

“You must stay away from her,” Hazel warned. “She’s incredibly dangerous and now that Zagreus has returned to her, she’s even more dangerous. There’s no telling what she will do. Especially because you are a Volana wolf. She hates Volana’s more than anything. I don’t doubt that it has something to do with your kind.”

“We don’t even know where she is,” Colton murmured, clearly aggravated.

“If I can feel her magic, she isn’t far,” Hazel said.

“I’ll send my warriors back out and look for her again,” Colton assured her.


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