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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 259

Ella’s POV

Hazel instantly knelt to the ground and bowed her head low in respect to the guardian. The rest of us did the same.

The guardian, Aura, scanned us with her beautiful blue eyes with an expression unreadable, yet filled with serenity. She was beautiful and fierce at the same time; it was almost intimidating and difficult to look at her for an extended period of time.

“Guardian of Earth, thank you for coming,” Hazel said, speaking in a tone that was low and direct.

“You have summoned, we have come,” Aura said, looking down at Hazel. “Tell me, daughter. Why have you summoned—”

Her voice broke off and she looked off in the distance at nothing particular, as if something had just called for her. She breathed in deeply, closing her eyes while she floated to the ground until she was kneeling beside Hazel.

She pressed the palms of her delicate pearly white hands to the hard mass of the ground and took in another deep breath. It seemed like she was smelling something, or maybe she was just taking it in.

But what she was taking in, I wasn’t sure.

We all remained silent, not daring to speak while she intoned herself with the earth and felt the ground with her hands. Then her eyes opened, and she let out a gasp before floating back into the air and resuming her spot just above Hazel’s head.

“Darkness…” she whispered.

This time when she looked at us, I saw that her eyes were glistening with sadness and remorse. If she wasn’t already porcelain white, I would have thought she had gotten whiter, but that couldn’t have been possible. A single, sparkling, tear escaped from her left eye and washed over her cheek. It didn’t drip from her though, it disappeared once it reached her chin.

“The earth weeps with pain and agony,” she spoke in a tone so low I had to strain to hear her. “Darkness had touched down and it hurts the earth in its core.”

We all remained silent, Hazel bowed her head lower and the rest of us did the same.

Aura looked down at Hazel, nearing closer.

“How did this happen?” Aura asked, her tone, though still musical and light, was firm and filled with power. “What has happened to my earth, daughter.”

“I’m so sorry, Guardian…” Hazel said in a tone that shook with each breath she took. I thought she now sounded weak and frightened, but this guardian didn’t bring me the same level of fear and I was confused by Hazel’s reaction toward her. She did this spell with such confidence, and now she appeared so frightened. “It was my sister… she had turned from light a long time ago and is now allied with darkness. She had summoned him to your earth and he is here to do harm.”

“Zagreus…” Aura breathed, taking a deep breath once again.

She didn’t say his name like a question; it was more like she was facing him directly and she was greeting him. But he wasn’t there; it was only us, and Hazel answered her anyway.

“Yes, Guardian…”

“Your sister Jasmine was the one who summoned him?” Aura asked, though she didn’t sound surprised, more like she was disheartened.

“I’m afraid so…” Hazel said sadly. “I am so sorry…”

“It is not your fault, daughter. You did not summon him to my earth. You did right by summoning us though,” she said simply. “However, I cannot defeat darkness. My job is to not fight but protect.”

“Guardian, we summoned you today to protect us from this darkness. We don’t know what Zagreus and my sister are planning. We are frightened and we need protection. We don’t know what more to do,” Hazel said, looking up at the guardian.

Aura looked amongst us for a moment and then to my utter surprise, her gaze fell upon me. My breathing got caught in my throat and we stared at one another for what felt like a long time. She held my gaze, and something flashed in her eyes.

“What is your name child?” She asked, lowering herself so she was at eye level with me.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat before answering.

“Ella…” I answered, but my voice came out weak and soft like a little girl. I was instantly embarrassed.

“Yes, of course,” she whispered as if she should have already known my name.

She stared around my face like I was some kind of science project that she needed to study. She reached her hand out toward me and I remained frozen, staring at her with wide eyes. Her fingertips grazed the top of my cheekbone and her touch left a cooling sensation in its place.

I saw, from the corner of my eye, Colton tensing, unsure of what was happening and who was touching his mate.

“Your wolf, what is her name?”

“Valentina,” I answered, my voice coming out stronger this time.


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