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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 265

Ella’s POV

“Oh, my goddess; did you hear what happened last night?” Kay asked as she ran up to Becca and me in the dining hall.

I had a tray of food she almost knocked over in the process of grabbing my arm excitedly.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying not to sound too annoyed with her. Looking at her excited face though, the annoyance melted away.

“Everybody got their powers back!” She nearly screamed and on cue, others started clapping excitedly around her.

“Everybody?” I asked, raising my brows, and looking around.

“All the witches, and those with abilities,” she answers. “Yes!”

“That’s incredible!” Becca said, mimicking my thoughts. “Thank goodness for that.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, relieved that everything was restored to normal.

“Yup,” she said, her eyes twinkling with happiness. “And I know how it happened.”

I raised my brows at her as we made our way through the dining hall and toward an empty table, the only other table available.

“Do tell,” I said, sitting down beside Becca.

Kay sat in front of me and leaned in close, lowering her voice so only we could hear her.

“It’s the guardian of the earth,” Kay said, completely and utterly surprising me. Of course, I knew that the guardian was involved, but how did Kay?

“The guardian of the earth?” Becca asked, looking at me and then back at Kay. “Who is that?”

“She’s our earth mother,” Kay explained simply. “She’s the protector of the earth; like the ground we stand on. As a forest fairy, we worship her like a goddess. We work closely with the guardian and her orb children. I can sense her magic a mile away and this is definitely her magic.”

“If she protects the earth, then why would she restore your magic?” Becca asked, taking a bite of her spaghetti.

“I’m assuming whatever took our magic was also hurting the earth,” Kay said, shrugging. “Her earth.”

My stomach clenched; I knew exactly what was hurting the earth. It was darkness and I also knew the guardian wasn’t going to be able to keep darkness away for long. Even Aura said that darkness would grow and soon her barriers wouldn’t be strong enough to keep it out.

“I wonder what was hurting the earth,” Becca breathed, and I could hear the worry in her tone.

“Whatever it is, the guardian is protecting us from it,” Kay said, a smile planted on her lips. “Thank goddess for her. I don’t know what we’d do without her. But I’m so happy that our magic is back!”

“That’s really incredible,” I said, trying to give her a non-bothered smile.

I looked down at my own plate of spaghetti, suddenly not hungry. I was too worried about this darkness that’s been conjured. But I didn’t want to tell them this because it would only worry them and cause the school to go into a frenzy.

“Are you okay, Ella?” Becca asked, furrowing her brows at me.

I blinked a couple of times and looked at her.

“Yeah, of course,” I’m just thinking about the committee.

“Oh, right. We have a meeting tonight, right?” Kay asked, excitedly.

“Actually, we need some more members before we start any meetings. I was going to go around campus after lunch and post some fliers,” I told them.

I grabbed my backpack from under the table and rummaged through it until I came across a manila folder; within the folder held the stack of fliers. I handed one to Becca and another to Kay so they could read them.

“Anyone wanting to become a committee member can seek our Ella, the president of the club, after dinner hours in the student lounge,” Becca read.

“She will be there until curfew; come join a fun committee with awesome people and help make this school incredible,” Kay finished.

“I like it,” Becca said with an approved smile. “I can help put fliers up once we are done eating.”

“I’ll help too,” Kay said, grabbing a stack of fliers. “I’ll go right now!”

“Thanks,” I said. “I’m going to go too. I’m suddenly not very hungry.”

“I’ll eat your food,” Becca said, grabbing my plate. I laughed and nodded, waving goodbye to her as I left to place fliers around the school.

I started with the wooden lamp poles outside, and then I put some of the doors to the buildings. When I got to the school bulletin board in the center of campus, I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

“Hey, Ella,” Brody said as he approached.

“Hey,” I said. “Want to help?”

I handed him some fliers; he was part of the committee after all. He should help us post the fliers around campus.

As he helped me post them, he nudged my shoulder with his.

“Thanks for not saying anything about last night. Sarah said she got back to her room and hasn’t gotten in trouble for being out last night,” Brody said casually.

“As long as she doesn’t say anything about me being out past curfew, or anything about Colton being my mate, then I’ll keep her secret as well,” I said, shrugging. “I’m glad she’s not in trouble though.”

“Yeah, me too,” he said, his grin widening as he got lost in thought.

“So, you decided to not reject her?” I asked, raising my brows at him.

He shrugged only one shoulder and his smile faltered only a moment.

“We are starting by talking,” he admitted. “Nothing is officially determined yet, but there’s definitely promise. I actually enjoyed talking to her last night.”


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