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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 270

Ella’s POV

“You aren’t late at all,” Brody said a little too quickly, making me furrow my brows at him. He pulled a seat out beside him and motioned for her to sit down.

She stood in her place at the doorway though, staring at me almost sheepishly.

“Come on in, Sarah,” I said, motioning for her to enter the room and sit beside Brody.

“What the hell is going on?” Rachel asked, staring at Sarah with the most disgusted look on her face. “Why is she here?”

She said the word “she” like it was a bad taste on her tongue, which surprised me. I knew Rachel didn’t like Sarah, not a lot of people did, but I didn’t expect her to be so rude.

“She is here because she is joining the committee,” I answered simply, taking a signup sheet and a key, and handing them both to Sarah as she took her seat next to Brody.

“I thought she wasn’t allowed to,” Kay said, glancing at me and then back at her curiously.

“Headmaster Prescott made an exception,” I explained. “It’ll be good for Sarah to learn how to work with a team and it’s her way of giving back to the school. She’d like to right her wrongs and there’s no better way than to join our committee.”

“But she can’t participate in any school activities. But she can help us plan them and be part of the committee,” Becca helped me explain.

“You both discussed this without me?” Rachel scoffed; I looked at her feeling all sorts of shock and disbelief.

“You haven’t been around to talk,” I reminded her, my force becoming much flatter than I meant it. “I’m sorry that we blindsided you with this, but you haven’t been here.”

“I don’t want that bitch here,” Rachel hissed.

I looked at Becca who was staring directly at Rachel with her body tense.

“It’s not up to you,” Becca surprised me by saying. “Ella is the president, and it was approved by the headmaster.”

“We should have taken a vote,” Rachel said, folding her arms across her chest.

“Okay then let’s vote now,” I said, also keeping my eyes locked on her. “Raise your hand if you care if Sarah stays.”

Brody was the first to raise his hand, I raised my hands and I was surprised that Becca raised hers as well. She looked at me and smiled at me.

“I’m with you, Miss President,” she answered my unspoken question, making me smile.

Luis also raised his hand, glancing at Becca with a little smile on his lips.

Hmmmm. I thought to myself. I made a mental note to ask Becca about her relationship with Luis later.

I was surprised to see that both Skylar and Matt rose their hands as well and when I looked at Skylar with my brows raised, she shrugged and muttered, “I don’t really give a shit.”

“I don’t care either,” Matt said, giving me a boyish grin.

Kayla was hesitant though and I couldn’t blame her for that. She had her powers stripped of her, not that it had anything to do with Sarah, but everybody has been associating Sarah with the strange events from the last few days. So, I didn’t blame Kay for being a little nervous about her.

“Can we trust her?” She asked, looking directly at me.

“If we don’t give her a chance, then who will?” I asked in return, glancing at Brody who gave me a small smile.

He mouthed, “Thank you,” before I turned back to look at Kay who sighed and nodded, raising her hand slowly.

“I say she stays,” she said, sounding defeated, but giving me a nod.

I looked at Rachel and shrugged.

“There, we voted,” I said simply.

“This is fucking ridiculous,” Rachel hissed. “I’m not staying here with that bitch,” she growled, quickly standing to her feet.

The force of her movements was enough to knock her chair to the ground, making it clatter loudly against the hard floor and making every jump, startled.

“It’s either her or me,” she hissed, staring at me.

I saw her eyes darkening and I knew she was being fueled by fury; I just wasn’t sure where it was coming from all of a sudden. Rachel wasn’t an angry person, and it was alarming that she was acting this way.

“That’s not fair,” I said, staring at her in disbelief. “We just voted; Sarah stays, Rachel.”

“Then I guess you made your choice,” she muttered. “I’m out of here.”

She grabbed her things and stormed toward the door, making me stand up quickly.

“Rachel!” I called after her; but she didn’t stop to turn around, she slammed the door shut behind her, leaving us all in silence.

“That was weird,” Becca breathed; she was the first to speak after the long silence.

I looked at her and saw the worry in her eyes; we exchanged identical and knowing looks. She now knew that I was right. I sighed and sat back down, facing everyone else.

“Where were we?” I asked, trying to appear normal.

“The fall formal,” Matt surprised me by saying. “You wanted to plan a formal and asked for volunteers.”

“Oh, right,” I said, running my fingers through my hair. “Anyone want to help set up for a fall formal? We’ll need a venue, catering, a theme with decorations, etc.”

“I’m really good at planning stuff like that,” Sarah said with a shrug. “I can get a venue with a ballroom and get the catering. I might need some help though with the decorating part.”

I was surprised that she was quick to volunteer.

“Put me to work,” Brody said, giving her a bright smile and making her cheeks grow pink.

“I can help too,” Skylar shrugged. “I’m a great decorator.”

“Me too,” Kay said, giving Skylar a nervous smile. “I’ll help too.”


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