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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 278

Ella’s POV

“Did you see the body?” Brianna asked, curiously and also sounding horrified at the same time.

“No, of course not,” I answered, shuddering at the thought. “But I saw the gurney; her body was covered in a sheet.”

“I bet it was gruesome.”

“Bri!” I scolded.

“What?! I’m just saying that her heart was ripped out and she was drained of blood. It sounds gross.”

“I’m aware of that, Bri,” I said, rolling my eyes. “But she was a person like you and me. She deserved better than that.”

I felt drained and sad thinking about poor Merida.

“I’m not saying she didn’t,” Brianna said softly. “Have they looked into Alex?”

“He might be an asshole, but I don’t think he’d kill someone,” I told her, shaking my head. “At least not like that.”

“I thought I knew him too,” she murmured. “But he ended up being a fake.”

“How are you doing by the way?”

I sat curled up on Colton’s couch, clutching the phone tightly in my hand and close to my ear. I called Brianna shortly after Colton had left. It was now nightfall and Colton left when Headmaster Prescott called him.

“I can finally get out of bed,” she said softly. “It doesn’t hurt as bad. My wolf is still sleeping though.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said to her, feeling my heart hurting for her. I couldn’t even imagine what she must have been going through.

“It’s not your fault,” she said a little bit lighter. “I also don’t want you to feel bad that Alex is your bodyguard.”

“If I had a choice—”

“I know,” she assured me, stopping my words suddenly. “Trust me, I get it.”

“Have you been eating?”

“Here and there,” she admitted. “My mother is practically forcing food down my throat.”

“I heard that it gets better,” I told her; which was the truth.

There were a couple of girls in the pack who were rejected by their mates and though it was difficult at first, over time things seemed to have gotten better for them. I hoped with all my heart that things would get better for Brianna.

“Thanks, Ella,” she said kindly.

I wanted to say something more to her, but the loud sounds of a police siren stopped me. My entire body froze as the blue lights of the cop car shined brightly in the night air. I quickly stood my feet with a pounding heart.

Colton had a faint view of the parking lot from his house and when I looked out the window, I saw the cop cars pulling into view.

I furrowed my brows together, completely forgetting that I was on the phone with Brianna.

“Ella?” She said for the third time. “What’s going on? Is that a cop?”

“Bri…can I call you back later?” I asked, keeping my eyes fixed on the cop cars. “I think something is about to happen.”

“Yeah, keep me updated,” she said just before I hung up the phone.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to see what was happening. With my Volana abilities, it was easy to see in the night, but those bright siren lights made it difficult.

I imagined the lights on the sirens dimming and adjusting to benefit my sight instead of working against my sight. I felt my wolf illuminating her powers as those lights dimmed and my vision cleared.

I was able to see a couple of cops standing outside their cars as Detective Sanchez walked across the parking lot with Headmaster Prescott walking behind him. She looked grim and I couldn’t tell the expression she had on her face other than that.

Continuing to watch them, I saw the two officers that were with the detective, walking a distance behind them. They were each holding the arms of someone that I couldn’t see clearly because the officers were blocking him from sight.

My first thought was, “Is it Colton?” And that thought alone made it difficult to breathe.

But then Colton came into view, and he was walking behind them; his expression was hard. I didn’t like seeing him like that. Val wanted so desperately to go to our mate and comfort him, but I knew we couldn’t do that. Not yet anyway.

When they reached the cop car, one of the newly arrived officers began speaking to the person I couldn’t see. The officer had a pair of silver cuffs in his hands and motioned for the two officers to turn the person around.

As soon as they spun him around and started to cuff him, I saw his face clearly. My heart fell deep into my stomach, and I thought I was going to get sick at any moment.


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