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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 285

Ella’s POV

When I got to the parking lot, I saw Colton’s waiting car. He instantly got out to greet me, but he was acting strange. He didn’t open his arms for me to run into them and as much as I wanted to, I refrained from doing so.

He did say someone was in the car waiting for me and wanting to talk; I assumed it was somebody who shouldn’t know about our relationship. Colton did, however, give me a small smile and a quick wink which made my heart instantly flutter.

I stifled a smile of my own and went toward the car. He opened the back passenger seat and motioned for me to enter.

“Such a gentlemen,” I whispered teasingly.

He placed his hand on my lower back as I passed him, and he lowered himself, so he was directly against my ear.

“I’ll show you how gentlemen-like I can be later,” he whispered for my ears alone, making my body flare with heat.

I slid into the seat as he shut the door and ran around the car and into the driver’s seat.

“Hello Ella,” I heard a familiar voice coming from the front seat.

I furrowed my brows together and adjusted my body to see who it was that was speaking to me.

“Alpha Emmett?” I asked, my dropping into my stomach.

Scott’s father was with Colton?

“I found him at the police station,” Colton explained as he threw the car in drive and started to drive away from the school.

“Colton told me that you believe my son to be innocent,” Emmet said, staring out his window.

I wanted to just nod, not trusting my voice, but I knew he couldn’t see me.

“Yes,” I answered out loud. “I don’t think Scott would kill anyone.”

How much did he know? What did Colton tell him? What did Colton find out? I had so many questions.

“I agree with you,” he surprised me by saying. “My son wouldn’t kill anyone. He’s been set up and we need to find out who would do such a thing.”

“I’m with you, Alpha Emmet,” I said quickly. “And we will.”

“Colton tells me that it was mind manipulation, but you don’t think it was Sarah, even though she’s done this before.”

“It wasn’t Sarah,” I was quick to say. “I know it wasn’t.”

“How do you know for sure?” Emmet asked.

“Because she told me—”

“You are basing this off her word alone?” Emmet interrupted. “May I remind you what she did to him last year?”

“She learned from that,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. “This is about murder, Alpha. She wouldn’t do something like that. She might manipulate for selfish reasons, but she wouldn’t murder.”

Alpha Emmett was quiet for a moment as he processed my words.

“I don’t trust her,” he finally said. “We need to be wary.”

“We will keep all options open,” Colton assured him. “We will prove Scott’s innocence.”

I looked at Colton in his mirror and he returned my look; I needed him to believe me that Sarah was innocent. But I didn’t think mindlinking him right now was a good idea. Alphas could often sense when a mindlink conversation is going on around them and I didn’t want to take that chance.

“How is Scott doing?” I asked, still looking at Colton.

“He’s doing okay,” Colton said. “He wants to go home.”

“Does he remember anything?”

“He remembers what he was forced to remember. His memories aren’t his own,” Colton explained. “Whoever manipulated his mind did more than just convince him to take the fall. They convinced him he did the crime.”

“But he didn’t,” Emmet was quick to say.

“No, he didn’t,” Colton agreed. “I told him to try and focus on his fake memories to see if he can figure out who they belonged to.”

“If he was given fake memories, that means he’s inside the head of the real killer,” I breathed, realizing where Colton was going with that.

Colton gave me a proud look in the mirror and smiled.


The rest of the ride was quiet; by the time we got to the Calypso packhouse, my father was waiting in the sitting room with Beta Ethan and Gamma Jack.

“Dad!” I said, rushing toward him and throwing myself into his arms.

He held me tightly, kissing the top of my head gently.

“Ella, I’m so glad you are safe,” he breathed. “I’m sorry about your classmate.”


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