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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 290

Colton’s POV

Alpha Bastien was already at the school when we arrived. As soon as we got to campus, we went straight to Tiffany Prescott’s office.

Bastien was there reading through some reports while Prescott stood behind him. She had a worried look in her eyes and I could feel her anxieties before she even spoke.

“Do I need to enforce another lockdown?” She asked, staring up at me and then at Alpha Emmet.

Her face dropped slightly as she straightened her body to face him.

“Hello, Alpha,” she said to him, bowing her head slightly in respect and remorse. “I’m so sorry about your son—”

“I know it’s not your fault, Headmaster. You were just doing your job. My son confessed to the murder, so you had no reason to not believe him.”

I was surprised by Emmet’s maturity and telling from Bastien’s raised brows, he was also surprised.

Prescott’s face reddened.

“If I thought for a second, he was lying…”

“That’s the thing, we don’t think he is lying,” I said, cutting her off.

She snapped me a look, surprised by my words.

“Oh, I thought—”

“We think it was mind manipulation,” I said, cutting her off again. “That’s why we need to investigate students with abilities.”

Her face paled at my words as she looked at Alpha Bastien and then back at me.

“The only student who has that ability at his school is Sarah… it’s a very rare ability…” Prescott said hesitantly. “You don’t think she’d do something like this, do you?”

“No,” both Bastien and I said at the same time.

“It wasn’t Sarah,” I said, shaking my head.

“She’s also not the only one with that ability,” Bastien, who was sitting at her desk, said while looking up at her. “My daughter is a Volana, which means she also has that ability. However, that’s not listed on her reports.”

“Well, that’s because the Volana abilities are very mysterious to the board and we aren’t sure all the abilities they have,” Prescott explained.

“You should have done more research. I would have been happy to fill you in, as would my wife and Luna, who is also a Volana.”

“My mother is a Volana,” I admitted, getting her attention. “I was also aware of her abilities. I’ve researched and studied under them for a long time.”

Tiffany Prescott’s jaw dropped as she looked at me.

“I wasn’t aware of that, Professor,” she said, swallowing audibly. “I guess it was never a thought to ask you about it. But please, keep in mind that I’m only the headmaster starting this year. All the reports from last year were created by the former headmaster.”

“As the new headmaster it was your responsibility to make sure all the paperwork and information was up to date,” Bastien said firmly.

He used a harsh tone that made her flinch. But I knew he hadn’t meant to sound harsh. He was only trying to get his point across.

“Yes, sir,” she said lowering her gaze.

“So, if my own daughters are going under the radar, I’m sure other students’ abilities are also going under the radar,” Bastien continued as he went through the paperwork and then glanced at her computer to look at transcripts.

“It’s a possibility,” she admitted, sheepishly.

“Get your board members together and have them speak with each of the students to find out what exactly they can do. We need to get in contact with all wolves, bears, vampires, and witches,” Bastien ordered. “I also hear there’s a fairy that’s now at this school. We will need to speak with her as well.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, nodding her head.

Just as she was about to leave her office, the door opened, and Alpha Jonathan stepped inside.

“Did I miss anything?” He asked, looking between all of us.

I couldn’t have been the only one feeling annoyed that he was there.

Headmaster Prescott quickly bowed her head to him.

“Hello, Alpha,” she said to him, sounding all sorts of nervous. “I was just stepping out to speak with the board.”

“What for?”

“We need updated information,” Bastien explained, peering over at him from the desk. “Sarah can’t be the only one with the ability to manipulate minds at this school. My daughter also has that ability being a Volana and that’s not reported in any of these documents. Makes me wonder what else is flying under the radar.”

I saw a flash of red in Alpha Jonatha’s eyes as he glared at Prescott.

“Why are these documents not updated, Headmaster?” He asked through his teeth. “If someone else is manipulating minds, why is my daughter the only suspect when things like that happen?”

“I will get to the bottom of it, Alpha,” she said, lowering her gaze.

“I want everything to be looked into. Including the election,” Jonathan said through gritted teeth.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“Sarah admitted to messing with minds,” I reminded him. “That was definitely her.”

“Just like she admitted to manipulating Scott’s mind last year when he vandalized the art studio,” Bastien chimed in.

“I paid quite the fee to get that studio repaired,” Emmet muttered.

Alpha Jonathan rolled his eyes.

“Your son still did the vandalizing. My daughter got suspended. We are even,” Jonathan said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Hardly,” Emmet said, his jaw clenching.

Jonathan glanced at the headmaster and narrowed his eyes at her.

“Why are you still standing there? You obviously already orders,” he seethed.

She paled.

“Oh, right, sorry,” she said. “I’ll be back.”


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