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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 294

Ella’s POV

The walk to the parking lot felt like an eternity long. By the time we reached the lot and I saw my father in the distance, it took everything I had not to run to him. But I think I was the one who was keeping Becca from crumbling to the ground, so I remained by her side.

However, when I saw Colton, my entire heart fell into the pit of my stomach.

His shirt was covered in blood.

“What happened to our mate?!” Val growled; I knew my eyes were probably glowing as my wolf fought to take control.

Colton met my eyes, and I knew he could see the worry in my eyes and the anxiety of my wolf. He glanced down at his shirt with a frown and then back at my eyes, shaking his head slowly.

“It’s not my blood,” he said in a mindlink.

“Rachel’s?” I asked; even in my mindlink, my voice came out trembling.

“Yes and no,” he answered grimly.

He must have attacked her attacker.

Tears filled my eyes and I blinked to release them. I felt raw and numb all over. I looked at my father who was watching me with remorse in his eyes. I had to stop walking because I thought I was going to fall over.

Thankfully, my father met me the rest of the way, closing the gap between us and not only wrapping me in a hug but including Becca as well.

We both melted in the arms of my father and sobbed as one unit. We were both so weak and I was suddenly so tired.

“Who did this to her?” I asked, peering up at my father through my tear-filled eyes.

“The vampire dorm advisor, Roderick,” he answered grimly.

I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my lips. I didn’t know much about Roderick; I know most called him Rod. But from what I knew about him he was the youngest professor and advisor at this school. He was also a hybrid, born from a vampire and a werewolf. He mainly kept to himself with the other vampires, and he was also the blood lust professor.

Skylar spoke about him often and always cooed about how good-looking he was.

He was the type of teacher that his students loved because of his good looks, charm, intelligence, and kindness.

He was very nice.

I have met him maybe once since I started attending this school, and he was very nice when we spoke. I don’t even remember what we spoke about, but I remembered being surprised by his niceness.

“I don’t understand…” I said, shaking my head. “Why would he want to hurt Rachel?”

“Colton saw her outside the boy’s dormitory with Rodrick standing over her with a dagger,” my father went on to explain.

I winced at his words, not wanting to imagine the scene.

“But there’s something else, Ella…” he continued, placing his hands on my shoulders and making me look at him.

“What is it?” I asked him, my voice coming out unfamiliar.

“He confessed to the other murders too and framed Scott.”

I stepped away from it, too shocked for any sort of contact.

“What?” I breathed.

Becca let out a loud sob.

“He’s been taken to the jail for further questioning. But once we have more information, we are going to release Scott,” he said, eyeing me carefully.

I glanced at Colton who was staring at me with a strained look in his eyes. He met my eyes, and I knew from that one look that there was something Colton needed to say. But I also knew he didn’t want to say it in front of anyone else other than me.

“Are you sure it was actually him?” I asked looking back at my father.

“He confessed,” my father answered.

“So did Scott,” I shot back, surprised by the force in my voice. “But he didn’t kill anybody.”

“It would make more sense for a vampire because of the blood loss in the other three victims,” my father explained. “If Colton hadn’t walked in when he did… it would have been too late for Rachel.”

I froze.

“She’s alive?” Becca whispered, looking at my father with huge eyes.

My father nodded, but only once and a bit hesitantly.

“She lost a lot of blood; it was a silver dagger and bears are a lot weaker, so she was injured badly. They are doing what they can to save her,” he explained.


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