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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 304

Ella’s POV

The drive back to the packhouse was quiet. I was in a daze for most of it; still trying to wrap my mind around what I had just found out. Despite everything that’s happened this week, Alpha Jonathan still wanted to hold a banquet.

I thought he would have canceled it by now. But apparently not.

Colton parked the car in his usual parking spot outside the packhouse, but he kept the car running. We both just sat there for a long while; neither of us said anything. I don’t think either of us knew what to say.

That is until I could no longer take the silence.

“Does he really expect us to attend this banquet under these circumstances?” I asked, peering over at him.

He was quiet for a moment longer before sighing.

“No… he expects you to go to this banquet,” he said; I could see the aggravation in his eyes.

I had forgotten that Colton wasn’t even invited to this banquet. A nervous knot formed in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t like the idea of attending this thing without him, but I knew I wasn’t going to be alone. My father would be there, along with my mother and Beta Ethan. Also, my friends would be there as well.

I didn’t have to worry about anything bad happening as long as I was surrounded by people who loved me. But I wasn’t going to be around the one person I wanted the most. My wolf whimpered at the thought of being away from him, even if it was only for a few hours.

She pawed at me, wanting to get out and be entangled with his wolf. From the way he was breathing, I could tell he wanted the same thing.

“Want to go for a run?” He then asked, looking over at me.

I couldn’t help but smile at him; I wanted more than anything to go for a run. I nodded eagerly, trying to contain my excited wolf.

He turned off his car and we stepped outside. He took me by the hand, and I felt instantly entranced by him. His hand was so warm and sent a wave of electric chills throughout my body. Goosebumps formed on my flesh, and I breathed in his incredible scent. He smelled of melted caramel and it made my mouth water.

I wanted to bask in his sweetness and get lost in his arms.

He traced my neckline and ran his thumb across the mark that decorated the back of my shoulder- blade his mark.

I often thought about marking his as well; it wasn’t unknown for the female mates to mark their male mates. It was more common in today’s generation than it was in the past, but it was uncommon for an Alpha to be marked by their Lunas for future Lunas. But my wolf wanted to mark him; she wanted to claim him as he claimed us. She wanted to mark her territory and make other she-wolves fully aware that he belonged to us.

Once we marked him, our bond would only grow stronger. I would be able to feel him much easier, and we could communicate from a further distance.

She kept going over all the reasons why we should mark him, but I kept telling her no. We can’t mark him. He would hate us if we marked him; that’s not how things work. Colton was an Alpha… Alpha’s don’t get marked. They do the marking.

Val has been sad since that conversation, but whenever we are around Colton, she perks up again. It made me smile seeing her so happy.

Colton bent and brushed his lips across mine; I soaked in his scent and his warmth. I wanted to be entangled with him.

I didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much.

“Colton…” I whispered; my lips parted slightly as he kissed me.

The kiss was short but incredibly intimate. He pulled back, leaving me wanting so much more. But then I watched as his body transformed and he shifted into his wolf. His large dark wolf towered over me and howled up at the moon before fixing his golden eyes on my face.

I smiled, unafraid of the beast that stood before me.

Instead, I reached my hand out and allowed him to sniff me for a moment before he closed his eyes and allowed me to run my hands down his narrow nose and brush my fingers through his long and soft fur.

“Hey Max…” I whispered to the wolf. “You are such a good boy.”

He opened his eyes and before I knew what was happening, he licked me in the face, making me stumble backward in surprise. I burst out laughing and wiped the saliva off my face.

I saw the twinkle of humor in Max’s eyes as I shoved him playfully. He then licked my hand and let out a low and nonthreatening growl from the deepest part of his throat.

Max was very playful and seemingly gentle. He always seemed to make Val laugh, even before Colton and I accepted one another as mates. Our wolves have been hoping that we would accept one another, that way they can be together way more often.

Val was itching to be released so she too could roam around our lands and have fun with her mate. I didn’t want to deny her that any longer.

I allowed her to take control of my body and we shifted. Oftentimes, when I’m in my wolf form, I hand Val over full control, and I sit back in the corner of her mind and watch her adventures unfold.

She used her paw to pat Max’s long nose like she was playfully bopping him. He replied with a growl, but I knew it was playful as well. She licked his fur and he nuzzled against her. After a moment, she decided to take off in the forest. Val ran quickly; she was large, but not as large as Max.


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