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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 308

Ella’s POV

I don’t think any of us could really process what had happened. It all happened all at once and soon howls were coming from the house. Alex looked as if he had been shot in the chest as he staggered backward. Alpha Jonathan had released him, no longer posing him as a threat.

I thought he was going to fall over.

Brianna stared at him without any remorse on her face; tears welled in my eyes. I was beyond proud of her. She had finally stood her ground and stood up for herself. I’m sure a lot of it was her wolf, but Brianna was strong enough to pull through.

She did exactly what she needed to do; she trusted her wolf.

Alpha Jonathan motioned for some of his warriors to come and escort Alex off his property. They did so without hesitation.

My father released Ethan once Alex was out of sight. Bri was now looking at him and I could see the pure fear in Ethan’s eyes. He was no longer whimpering or growling, but his body trembled slightly. I had never seen Ethan appear so weak before; he was a strong Beta and fighter. He fought and worked alongside my mate… an Alpha.

Seeing him weak like this, made me realize that he was also just a man. He was tentative; he didn’t want to speak because I knew he was worried. He was worried that she might reject him as well. ‘

There was a part of me that wondered if she was going to. I think I and everyone around me was holding our breaths, waiting for the second rejection of the night.

She swallowed audibly as she stepped toward him. I knew he wanted to close the gap and wrap his arms around her, but he remained still.

“Mate…” she whispered, staring up at him. Then her next word changed everything. “Mine…”

With that word being said, she was the one who closed the cap and threw herself into his arms. Ethan seemed to have unfrosted at that point and closed her into her embrace.

I hadn’t realized I was crying until the howls echoed throughout the house and this time, my friends and family joined in on the howl. My vision became blurry, and I blinked away the tears as I too howled my congratulations to my best friend and her mate, Beta Ethan.

I wanted more than anything to call Colton and tell him of this incredible news, but it was going to have to wait until later when Alpha Jonathan wasn’t around.

I looked at Ethan and he looked as if he never wanted to let her go. I couldn’t blame him; he came close to finding his mate and losing her all in the same day. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him to see that she was already mated to someone else.

Second-chance mates were incredibly rare, especially when the mate bond was still technically active even after the rejection, but my best friend was blessed by the goddess herself and given her second chance mate. The goddess didn’t want Brianna to suffer anymore and took away her pain by giving her someone else.

Beta Ethan was perfect for her in every way and my heart soared for them both.

Brianna finally untangled herself from his arms and happy tears ran down her face. He ran his thumb across her face to wipe away the tears before kissing her head gently.

“I’m never letting you out of my sight…” he whispered.

She smiled up at him and sniffled away her runny nose.

“What is even your name?” She asked, making all of us laugh.

I forgot that Bri had never met him before, and this was their first actual conversation.

“I am Ethan Holland,” he said, bowing his head slightly at her.

“Ethan Holland…?” She asked, her eyes wide. She glanced at me, and I smiled, biting my lower lip to keep from laughing at her dumbfounded expression. “He’s Alpha Colton’s beta?”

I nodded before she looked back up at Ethan. She stepped away from him, causing the corner of his lips to fall.

“This can’t be right… a beta?” She said, her voice becoming shaky.

Now it was my turn to frown; I didn’t understand what was wrong with a Beta. They were high-ranking wolves; of course, not as high ranking as Alpha’s, but they were higher ranking than Gamma’s. Alex is a gamma warrior, not even the head gamma. So, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with being mated to a beta.

“Is something wrong?” He asked, worry returning to his voice.

His breathing became heavy, and I thought she was about to have a panic attack.

“I wasn’t even good enough for a gamma…” she said, her voice cracking. “How could I be good enough for a beta.”

That’s when we all realized at the same time what was running through her head. She was terrified of being rejected again. She thought she wasn’t good enough to have a mate, let alone a mate with a high ranking.

Ethan’s eyes softened as he stepped toward her, once again closing the gap between them.

“You were always good enough,” he said gently, running his fingers down the side of his face. “That man-child wasn’t good enough for you. But you never have to worry about something like that happening again,” he assured her, giving her a small smile to add to his reassurance.

Her body relaxed and her eyes remained on his.


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