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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 315

Colton’s POV

Selene grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs of the dungeon, leaving Xander behind to rot in his cell.

Good riddance, I thought my myself.

He was a crazy man, and we shouldn’t have been humoring him for as long as we had been. He’s been talking out of his ass since the day he showed up. Max was growing restless knowing we should be out there searching for our mate. The fact that we couldn’t feel her through our mate bond was driving the both of us insane.

“Where are we going?” I asked, annoyed but trying not to sound annoyed.

“Outside,” she said almost too eagerly.

Once we were on the back patio, Selene stared up at the sky and took a deep breath. I followed her gaze and saw the hazy outline of the shield that was still very much present. It was meant to protect against dark magic, but darkness could still get inside. Selene was certain that we would be warned if darkness was here though.

I wasn’t as certain. That was the one thing I did agree with Xander about, I didn’t want to take the chance either.

“Aura!!” She yelled to the sky, surprising me. “We need your help! Please come to me!”

“What are you doing?” I hissed, snapping her a wary look.

She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

“We need the guardian’s help,” she said simply.

“And you think screaming for her is going to help?” I asked, furrowing my brows together. “We had to have an entire elemental ritual last time we summoned her.”

“Yes, but she left her children behind. She would need to come to get them eventually anyway. Especially now that Ella is gone…I doubt they can feed off Ella’s magic with her not being here.”

I wanted to protest but she looked up at the sky and began screaming again.

“Child of Aura! Please come to me! I know you can hear me. I can see you at the top of the shield! Come to me!” Selene paused and then added, “Please!”

I stared at the shield and frowned when I saw that the orb was gone. I blinked a few times and looked around confused. I nearly jumped backward when I saw a young girl standing in front of us. She had childlike features and she glowed brightly. She had long brown hair that practically floated around her head like it was a windy day, and she wore a white dress with flowers all over it.

She also had a birthmark on her upper cheek that was in the shape of a star, which I found odd.

She bowed to Selene and when she lifted her head, her bright blue eyes sparkled.

“Hello, Luna, mother of Ella. How may I assist you?”

“Can you tell your mother, the guardian, that we need her?” Selene asked. “It’s important.”

The young girl frowned.

“Mother is protecting the earth from the wrath of darkness,” she breathed. “She cannot be disturbed.”

“She will need to come collect you because my daughter, your energy source, isn’t here anymore. You will need to return with her to the earth. All we ask is a moment of her time while she comes for you.”

The girl’s frown deepened, and she took a deep breath.

“Ella is still on this earth… she is alive,” she breathed. “But you are correct… her energy isn’t as strong. Something is blocking her powers…”

“Can you tell us where she is?” I was quick to ask.

The girl looked at me and proceeded to shake her head.

“She is being held by darkness. It will not let me see in,” she answered.

“Is darkness in this pack right now?” Selene asked.

“No,” she answered. “It is not as of now. But that doesn’t mean it can’t get in.”

“Then that means Xander can tell us everything and not worry about his people being in danger,” I said, ready to turn back inside and get some real answers, but Selene stopped me.

“If his family is at risk, he won’t take the chance regardless,” Selene said, shaking her head. “He’s not going to talk. But the guardian of Earth sees all, and she might know where Xander is from, which is why we need her. She can tell us all that is in Xander’s mind.”

“He has a mental-bound spell placed on his head,” I reminded her, folding my arms across my chest.

“We have to at least try,” she said, peering at me with pleading eyes.

I wasn’t going to argue with her if it meant getting answers and getting Ella back.

“Okay,” I said before turning to the young girl. “Please… try to bring us your mother.”

The girl looked between the two of us before nodding.

She soon disappeared leaving Selene and me alone, staring at the sky.


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