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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 319

Ella’s POV

I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I saw a familiar face standing on the other side of the cell.

Jazzy stood in front of me with her arms folded across her chest. She was staring at me like she was examining a science project. The healer, Dr. Hannah Laureen stood beside her, cocking her head at me as if she was also staring at a science project.

“Pregnant?” Jazzy muttered, shaking her head in dismay. “How did that get missed?”

“You wouldn’t allow me to do an examination right away,” Hanna reminded her.

“I meant before that. How was it not known information?”

“I don’t think she knew,” Hannah said, glancing at her briefly. “I believe it was new information for her as well.”

“How long has she been pregnant?”

“Maybe two weeks,” Hannah answered.

I felt heat creeping around my face. I was two weeks pregnant?

Instinctively I touched my belly; my trembling fingers finding the place where my pups would be growing. With this new knowledge, Val was extra defensive. She was going to do whatever it took to protect our pups, just like my mother did whatever it took to protect me.

I had heard stories of when my mother was pregnant, and she did what she could to make sure I was born into a good environment. She sacrificed her entire life to make sure I was safe, and I was determined to do the same thing with my pups.


I still couldn’t get over that fact.

“Is this going to ruin anything?” Jazzy asked, turning to face Hannah. “Can she still be used to create this vessel?”

“Yes,” Hannah said, bowing her head slightly. “She can still be used. But we have to make sure she remains healthy.”“Then do what you can to keep her healthy,” Jazzy growled. “We can’t use her until the red full moon tomorrow night, so I expect her to still be healthy tomorrow night.”

“Yes, mam.”

Hannah glanced down at me, giving me a look that almost looked like remorse. I wanted to ask her more questions about this pregnancy, But I figured it would be better if I kept my mouth shut while Jazzy was in the area.

There were guards nearby and instantly smelled their rogue scent, which made me want to vomit. Colton’s mother was technically a rogue, as was her entire village. But they didn’t smell anything like that. These rogues smelled just like Paul’s men; in fact, I’m pretty sure they were his men.

Which meant they were also Blaies’s men.

I should have known they’d be working with Jazzy. They wanted to get rid of me and my kind for a long time. Now it looked like they had a window to do just that.

Hannah nodded at them and without hesitation, they unlocked the cage they were keeping me inside and they marched over to me. As they grabbed my legs and arms, I struggled against them, but the chains that bound my limbs burned my flesh, making me scream and fall limp against them.

I didn’t want to hurt myself knowing I was now a cage for two unborn pups. My heart was racing rapidly in my chest as they carried me out of the cage on Hannah’s demand.

“Where are we going?” I found it in me to ask.

“To my clinic,” she answered, following closely behind. “I’d like to do another examination to make sure your pups are healthy.”

I didn’t ask any more questions; truth be told, I wanted this examination. But I wished these nasty rogued wolves weren’t manhandling me like this. I didn’t want their greasy hands on my body even if they were just carrying me to the clinic.

As we walked through the many corridors of this obvious warehouse, I tried to take in everything that I could. I instinctively knew I had to be on high alert and utilize the senses that worked.

I took in the rogues who were guarding certain doors, I took in every sign and every detail of the walls and floor plan. I took in all the stairwells and the windows. The windows were fairly high up so I couldn’t see outside but could glimpse a couple of trees.

We could have been in some kind of forest.

There was machinery crowding some areas, but I couldn’t tell what they were for. I breathed in the musky scent of the warehouse but nearly gagged at the rotten smell.

Was that old meat?

It smelled like meat that’s been sitting and rotting. Maybe this warehouse was used as a butcher or even a slaughterhouse. It would make sense with these strange pieces of machinery; I shuddered at the thought of them keeping me in a slaughterhouse.

“Should she be awake right now?” One of the rogues grumbled as they continued to follow Hannah.

“It’s not like we are going far,” Hannah said in return.

She stopped in front of an elevator and then she entered something into the keypad, I squinted to try and get a better look at what she was entering, But my vision was a little blurry and the way I was positioned, it was hard to get a good look.

But I think I saw a 6, a 5, and maybe even a 3. But there were a bunch of other numbers I didn’t catch.

The elevator door opened, and everyone stepped inside. I felt claustrophobic in this small metal box and when it moved, my heart nearly jumped not my throat. It creaked loudly and it shook as it moved upward.

I certainly didn’t trust this elevator, but then it finally stopped.

Looking at the floor number, we were on the 2(nd) floor.

There looked to only be two floors.

Maybe there were windows I’d be able to see out of once we left the elevator.

The doors opened and we stepped into what looked like a casual lobby. It looked like a doctor's office. Were we in the basement of a doctor's office? Why would the downstairs be a slaughterhouse?


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