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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 334

Ella’s POV

“Congratulations to you both. You are having two healthy pups,” Dr. Carmen Schmitt said as she glanced at the ultrasound monitor.

Carmen was the best OBGYN at the Calpso Pack Hospital and certainly not someone I thought I would meet anytime soon. But after everything went down before and after the battle, with my knowledge that I was pregnant, Colton and I decided that it was time to find out the truth from a doctor that we could both trust.

It’s been a few days since the battle in the forest and we still haven’t told anyone in our families about this pregnancy. We didn’t think now was the right time to inform anybody about it while things were calming down.

Colton is working on a petition to expand his territory so that it could include his mother’s territory too. Now that his mother and her clan had their abilities back, they were ready to return to society. However, they really loved the village they created and made their own. It was their home, and they didn’t want to walk away from it.

I couldn’t blame them. They’ve lived there for most of their lives.

So, Colton wanted to make her village part of his pack.

He wrote out the petition and now he just has to get the permission of the surrounding Alpha’s considering that territory could be part of their packs as well if they wanted it. It was only fair that Colton asked permission to take the territory for himself.

Once permission from the nearby Alphas is granted, my father said he’d be happy to approve the treaty.

I was surprised that Alpha Jonathan was the first to sign the treaty in Colton's favor.

He had three more Alpha’s he needed to speak to and then his mother’s village could be part of the Calypso pack.

My mother has been in Diana’s village, helping them adapt to their abilities again and making their territory more livable and modern. Now that they were no longer in hiding, they didn’t need to be off the grid. Which meant they were now open to having technology and taking down their protective barrier.

Periodically, I’ve been getting updates from Brody. He has been by Sarah’s side, and he hasn’t left. According to Brody, she’s been doing well. She gained a lot of color back, and she was starting to eat a lot more without throwing up. She is out and about more often as well and is planning on returning to school in another week. Brody refuses to return to school without her, so they gave him an extra week off as well.

Alpha Jonathan will be collecting their missed schoolwork, so they don’t fall behind. I was surprised at how accepting Jonathan was when he heard that Brody was Sarah’s mate. But he seemed happy for them, which made me very happy for them.

“Do we know the sex of the pups?” I asked, refocusing on the present moment.

“We won’t know for another month,” she explained. “They are very tiny but healthy. I can already tell they will be strong like their parents.”

I smiled up at Colton whose eyes were fixed on the monitor. I could tell he had a million thoughts racing through his head.

“We are going to be parents…” he breathed.

Tears filled my eyes.

“We are going to have to discuss how this is going to work,” I found myself saying, making Colton look at me questionably. “I’m still in school.”

Realization dawned on him.

“I’ll quit my job,” he told me before I could say another word. He said it so quickly and nonchalantly that it took me by surprise.

I raised my brows at him.

“That’s not what I want,” I said quickly, grabbing his arm. “You love being a professor, despite you not wanting to admit it.”

He narrowed his eyes at me.

“I love my family more.”

“We will figure something else out, Colton,” I told him, trying to give him a reassuring smile. “We have plenty of people who can help us if we need it. But I don’t want you to quit your job if you can avoid it.”

He sighed, but he didn’t argue.

Instead, he bent down and pressed his lips against mine. His kiss was sweet and caused butterflies to attack my stomach. His kisses always caused me to feel this way and I knew they always would.

“I love you,” he said against my lips.

I smiled.

“I love you too.”

“I’m just going to clean mom up and then you can both be on your way,” Dr. Schmitt said with a glimmer of humor in her eyes.

I completely forgot she was standing in front of us and soon my cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

She grabbed a warm towel and began to wipe the petroleum jelly off my belly before lowering my shirt. I didn’t have a baby bump yet, but I knew this time next month I would. Which meant we were going to have to figure out how to tell everybody within the next couple of weeks.

Colton thanked the doctor on both our behalf as he helped me off the table and to my feet. With an arm wrapped around my waist, he led me out of the hospital and toward his waiting car.

He opened his car door for me, and I gave him a silly bow in return, which made him laugh as he shut the door behind me.


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