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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 338

Third Person POV

Rachel sat in the dungeon of the Calypso Packhouse, still wearing her blood-soaked clothes. She was in a daze after all the events that happened earlier. She could hear the guards speaking about her like she wasn’t even there.

Telling one another that she was crazed and shouldn’t be allowed to walk free.

She was interrogated until she was blue in the face and now, she just wanted to rest.

They interrogated her in Alpha Jonatahn’s packhouse, but once they were done, they transported her to the dungeon in the Calpyso pack. They said they wanted to get her away from Alpha Jonathan’s pack and to a place where they knew she’d be safe.

Alpha Bastien told her they were only holding her in the dungeon until they knew for certain she wasn’t a threat.

After she killed her father, she was so sure the darkness that once resided in her body was gone. She felt it dispersing from her and watched as it slithered out the window. Her memories from the past week were foggy, but she remembered the details of killing that girl in the academic center.

She remembered killing those guards and killing also her father.

Rachel had framed Rodrick for those crimes… Rodrick…. Her hybrid mate.

Oh, Goddess.

He was still rotting in jail because of her.

She lifted her head to peer at the metal gates that locked her in the cell as tears streamed down her face. She could see the outline of the guards that stood outside the gate.

The blood on her clothing and skin was beginning to dry and become sticky and itchy. Some parts of the blood were crusty enough to peel off with her fingernails.

She was the reason Ella was gone. Darkness had taken her away and she had no idea where her friend had gone. She was the reason for a lot of horrid things.

She lowered her head and allowed fresh tears to wash over her features. She deserved whatever punishment she got.Footsteps sounded at the entrance of the dungeon doors, drawing Rachel’s attention. She lifted her gaze, and she noticed the guards were also looking in the same direction with identical frowns.

They hadn’t said much to her while she was there. they’d stare at her with strained expressions and only talk to each other.

Bastien, his Beta, and a couple of Gamma warriors were the ones who interrogated her. After the initial shock wore off and she was finally able to speak in a coherent sentence, she was able to explain the events from the last week or so.

The warriors and the Beta seemed reluctant to believe her, but Bastien did believe her, thankfully. But it was obvious these guards didn’t.“What are you doing down here?” One of the guards asked, staring into the abyss of the dark dungeon.

Rachel couldn’t see who the guard was talking to, but he didn’t sound angry, just wary.

“Let me see her,” a woman, she sounded a bit older, maybe middle-aged, said as she neared the guard.

“It’s not safe. She’s dangerous—”

“According to Alpha Bastien, she’s not dangerous. She’s a young girl and she deserves to be treated with respect,” the woman said. “I wish to see her, gamma.”

There was a moment of pause where Rachel thought they were speaking quietly now. She thought the guard was going to refuse and turn this woman away.

But to Rachel’s surprise, he sighed.

“Okay, fine. But I’m not getting in trouble for this,” he murmured.

“You won’t,” the woman assured him as she came closer.

A knot formed in the pit of Rachel’s stomach. She wondered who this woman was and what she wanted. The voice didn’t sound familiar. Then again, she’s never been to this packhouse before.

It didn’t take long for the woman to come into view and recognition flashed through Rachel’s eyes.

It was Deanna, the house mom. She was the head maid and chef for the Calpso pack.

Rachel remembered her from when she came to the school and helped Ella with the bake sales. She’s always been very nice, but Rachel was confused as to why she wanted to speak to her.

When Deanna’s eyes found Rachel, her gaze softened, and her expression shifted into what seemed like sadness. Or maybe it was pity.

Either way, Rachel didn’t like being looked at like that. She felt like she was in a zoo like a caged animal. Or a freak.

“Oh, you poor thing,” Deanna breathed as she stepped closer to the cell. She glanced over her shoulder at the guard. “Let me in.”

He furrowed his brows together and was about to protest but he quickly pinched his lips together and grunted as he grabbed a set of keys and began to unlock the cell door.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he muttered as the door swung open.

Rachel was frozen against the wall, not daring to move a muscle while this woman stepped into the cell and closed the door behind her.

She brought a large bag that reminded Rachel of a beach bag. She set the bag down in the corner and turned to face Rachel, a small smile showing on her lips.

“Hello, my darling,” she breathed, her voice soft and motherly. “Do you remember me?”

“D…Deanna…” Rachel stammered.

It was the first time she used her voice since she was interrogated, and she had no idea how long ago that was.

Deanna’s smile only grew.

“You can call me Dee,” she said gently. “How are you feeling?”

Rachel wasn’t sure how to answer that question. It was certainly loaded.

How was she feeling?”

Rachel felt sick to her stomach. She felt remorseful and disgusted. She had taken lives, framed others for the crimes she committed, got her best friend taken, and betrayed her mate. She most likely lost all her friends and everything she worked so hard to gain when it came to school. There was no way they were going to let her back at school after what she had done.

She killed her father.


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