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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 89

Lila’s POV
“You can’t be serious,” I said, staring at Brody who was barely hanging onto life. “He’ll die.”
“I want to see everything you can do. Show me,” Robert said in a darkening tone.
“I can do that without Brody,” I said, staring up at him. “I won’t hurt him.”
“I wasn’t asking. You’re making this quite difficult for me.”
“I don’t care,” I said through my teeth. “Find another way. I won’t hurt him. I will turn my powers on you
the first chance I get and show you what I can really do.”
I could see his swallowing a lump in his throat as he stared around my incredibly serious face. I
clenched my fists, feeling the power surging through my body. This room was giving me my abilities
back and I could nearly feel my wolf waking as we spoke.
She was confused and hadn’t quite gotten her voice back, but she was there, and I was ready to use
every part of me to get both Brody and me out of here.
However, before I could do anything, someone came up behind me and placed cuffs around my wrists,
which instantly weakened me. As fast as my wolf was returning to me, she was already gone.
“Punish him,” Robert muttered, turning away from me. “Then, bring him back to the cell.”
I let out a scream as a couple more men came out of the shadow region and towards Brody. I was being
held in place so I could watch as they beat Brody till he was nothing but a bloody and bruised mess.
Tears sprang from my eyes, and I kept myself from sobbing by biting hard onto my bottom lip. My
entire heart shattered as they continued to beat him. He was completely unconscious; my only hope
was that he felt no pain.

Enzo’s POV
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The closer we got to the old chapel, the more I could smell Lila’s scent. I knew for certain she was there
and so did Bastien because he picked up his speed once we neared the front entrance.
However, we never got the chance to get through the front doors because a bunch of rogue goons
were standing outside.
They were large black wolves with yellow eyes, snaring their large canines at us, growling with saliva
dripping off their mouths.
“Out of our ways,” Bastien hissed before I had the chance to. “I’m here to get my daughter back.”
“You aren’t getting anything,” one of the rogues growled in return. “Nobody is getting in, and nobody is
getting out.”
“Don’t make us fight you!”
They howled in laughter at Bastien’s threat.
“There is way more of us than there are of you. You have no chance against us.”
“You are going to regret those words,” I found myself hissing as I lunged towards them, snaring my own
teeth and growling as loudly as I could.
I could no longer contain Max; he was out for blood, and he was determined to get our mate back. I
could feel his fury boiling through my bones and giving me strength.
Bastien was right behind me; he was ready to attack as well, and I was glad to have him there by my
side. I would have to come up with an excuse for my passion later but for right now all I could think
about was getting Lila out of that building.
The rogue wolves were large and strong, but they weren’t a match for Bastien and me. They put up a
fierce fight. I could smell the scent of fresh blood as I dug my teeth into the flesh of one of the rogues,
ripping at their fur and hearing a loud yelp escaping his lips.
I felt a sharp pain in my lower back as large claws scraped through my thick fur. I quickly spun my head
around and chomped down on his shoulder blade, watching as he fell to the ground.
Bastien was busy fighting his way toward the doorway when the door swung open, and a much larger
and more familiar wolf came walking out.
His fur was as dark Grey, and his eyes were as black as midnight. He stared around at the fighting until
his eyes landed on mine and then I saw a glimmer of a smile on his wolf’s canines.
I knew this wolf to be Cyrus.
He was once a gamma that worked alongside my father. I banished him to the rogue territory when I
came into power of the Calypso pack. I wasn’t surprised that he would be in charge of this rogue pack,
and I certainly wasn’t surprised that this was all he was doing.
“Well, if it isn’t Alpha Enzo,” Cyrus said with dark humor lingering in his tone. “What brings you to my
neck of the woods?”
“You know damn well why we are here,” I growled, baring my canines at him. Max was ready to pounce
and have his blood on our claws, but I held him back.
“I suppose you’re here because of a certain little wolf?”
“If you hurt her—”
“You’ll what? Kill me? You can try, but we both know you aren’t strong enough to defeat me. You’ve
tried before, remember?”
“I was younger then,” I hissed. “I’m much stronger now.”
“So am I…” Cyrus said with a sly grin.
Soon, he was lunging at me. I was ready to dodge his attack, but Bastien came out of nowhere and
tackled him to the ground. I could tell Cyrus was taken by surprise because he didn’t notice Bastien
there, but he soon regrouped his thoughts and began to fight back.
Other rogues started to fight again as well.
Not before long, I heard the buzzing in my mind and knew a mindlink was coming through.
It was Lila; she sounded so far away, even though it was in my mind.
I froze for a moment.
“Lila?” I mindlinked her back. “Where are you?”
She didn’t respond, but the mindlink was still there so I knew she was still listening.
“What the actual fuck!” I heard the voice of Cyrus roaring from a short distance.
When I glanced in his direction, I saw dark shadows emerging from the ground; they were huge and
morphed into different shapes. I could see the pure fear in Cyrus’ eyes as these shadows clouded his
The other rogues paused the fighting as well and stared at the shadows that also began to consume
I glanced over at Bastien who had a glimmer of humor in his eyes for a brief moment before that
determination returned to his face.
We both knew this was Lila’s doing.
Bastien and I exchanged similar looks before we headed to the chapel.
He knew this place way better than I did and knew exactly where the underground dungeon was.
We ran down a long corridor until we reached a wooden door in the back corner. We used our bodies
to break through the door frame and race down the dark stares, emerging ourselves with the shadows.
I didn’t hear any talking, which meant whoever was supposed to stand guard was probably preoccupied
with something else.
The dungeon was made up of multiple cells and the entire place reeked of mildew and blood. I had a
moment of panic thinking it could be Lila. Until we reached the cell and froze when I saw who was lying
in a puddle of blood and hardly breathing.


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