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I Love You, Miss Genius ( Bonnie Shepard ) novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Bonnie became mistyeyed when she heard Ivor’s words.

On the other hand, Rowena wept. That hurt, Ivor. We’ve known each other since childhood. How could you choose someone you’ve only known for several months over r me?

What of it?Ivor responded briefly.

Bonnie glanced at the weeping Rowena and pitied her. Even so, the former knew what kind of person Rowena was. Any pity would be a waste on Rowena.

It’s all Bonnie’s fault! I’ll make her pay for this! She will return you to me!

Suddenly, Bonnie revealed herself and said, Return him to you? You don’t know your worth, Rowena. He has never belonged to you. You’re just bullshitting.

Her words resembled salt in Rowena’s wounds. Bonnie then approached Ivor and stood beside him, the couple looking like a perfect match. Rowena could no longer take it and ran away, bawling.

Meanwhile, Ivor grew worried that Bonnie might misunderstand the situation. He hastily explained, She kept bugging me and wouldn’t let me leave. I rejected her approach repeatedly, but she clung to me.

Yeah, I can tell,Bonnie responded. Then, she noticed Ivor staring at her. She asked, Why are you looking at me like that?

Ivor frowned. You don’t look even a little jealous.

Bonnie realized he was dissatisfied because she was not jealous of Rowena.

Jeez, he’d get upset and jealous if any guy gets close to me. Now, he’s also upset that I’m not jealous of the ladies who get close to him.

Gosh, you’re such a hopeless romantic, Ivor.

He smiled charmingly and pointed at himself, saying, I’m only a hopeless romantic for you. No one else can bring out that side of me.

Bonnie did not have a good comeback for that. She opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat before saying, Come on, let’s go home. I have a busy day tomorrow.

Ivor got into the car and asked curiously, You don’t have school tomorrow. Why would

Chapter 255

you say you have a busy day?

He realized she would always leave the villa and not return until late at night. He had always been curious about it, wondering what Bonnie was doing outside all day. Still, he respected her privacy and did not send his men to follow her.

Bonnie squinted, saying, I need to visit the Shepardshouse.

Ivor was about to drive off but stopped when he noticed what Bonnie said. He asked, Why would you do that? Do the Shepards have more bones to pick with you?


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