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I Love You, Miss Genius ( Bonnie Shepard ) novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Pan took Bonnie to a place where they could have some privacy. A moment later, he saluted her and said, “Master, when did you come to Jocrovania? You should’ve told me earlier."

“You’re retired now, and I planned to meet with you after the conference. T didn’t expect to run into that mess just now. T had a hunch Jesper would try to weasel his way out of the deal. ‘that’s why | called you. I wanted to play it safc."

‘Jesper is despicable and rotten. His actions only drag us fellow appraisers’ reputations through the mud!” Pan was so upset that he trembled with rage.

“Well, you’re not exactly a young stud. Save your temper for someone more worthy of it. You have to watch your health. Anyway, did you finish the medicines I prescribed last time?"

“They'll last me a couple more days."

“How do you feel?"

“Your medical knowledge is utterly miraculous, Master! I've only taken your medicines and rested briefly , but my health is almost as good as before!"

Not too long ago, there was an auction in Pyralis. The people there spoke highly of a miracle doctor, and Pan could not help but wonder if the doctor was Bonnie.

Bonnie touched Pan’s wrist and said, “Let me check your pulse."

Meanwhile, Avril had stolen away and tailed Bonnie. However, Avril stood afar and could not see her godsister properly. The former muttered, “What’s Bonnie doing?"

Flynn gasped, “Oh, dear, she’s holding Mr. Pan’s hands. Is she cheating on Ivor? If so, why would she pick someone so old?"

Avril rolled her eyes at him and grumbled internally, ‘When did he sneak out with me? Also, to say he has a wild imagination is a major understatement."

“How’s that possible , Flynn? From what I see, she learned everything about gemstones from Mr. Pan."


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