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I Only Want You novel Chapter 1182

After Isaac left, Adele was no longer in the mood to eat. With annoyance in heart, she entered the bedroom.

She really didn't understand why she always argued with him. In the past, she wouldn't even think about quarreling with him.

Just now, he left after saying that and didn't care about her wishes at all.

She sneered.

Why did he become so despicable?

He actually forced a woman! How shameless he was!

"Miss Alaina..." Leola pushed the door open and said to Adele who was lying in bed in a sulk. As soon as she said this, she suddenly realized that she had said something wrong and changed her words quickly, "Mrs. Bai, are you at home? I thought you went out. The door of your room is not closed, so I came to see if you really went out."

Adele suddenly sat up and said to Leola helplessly, "Leola, don't... call me like that. I'm not his wife."

The smile on Leola's face suddenly became a bit awkward, "Mrs...." Did they quarrel again?

"Leola, I told you that I'm not his wife." She smiled bitterly, "Isaac and I... I said that we have nothing to do with each other. Isaac just said it casually. Why do you believe him?"

Leola stood at the door and hesitated for a moment, and then she walked in. She stood by the bed and looked at Adele, "Since you don't like me to call you Mrs. Bai, I won't call you like that anymore. Don't be unhappy. However... weren't you on good terms yesterday? You sent the meal to Mr. Bai and today he asked me to call you that way. I thought you had really become reconciled and you were ready to get married."

Adele looked down at her knees, "We have never been together, so we didn't become reconciled. Besides, it was you who asked me to send him the meal yesterday, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't go there."

As soon as she said this, she felt a little guilty.

Yesterday, Leola did not force her to do that. Although she wouldn't go there if Leola did not call her, she would definitely worry about Issac. She had done what she wanted, but she shifted the blame onto Leola at this time...

Leola didn't mean to blame her. On the contrary, she said apologetically, "I... just wanted to..." She rubbed her hands uneasily, and the smile on her face was very awkward, "At that time, I just thought that one of you should take the initiative to give each other a way out, and then you could make it up. I... didn't mean anything else."

Looking at Leola's expression, Adele felt even more remorseful, "Leola, I... don't mean to blame you. If I hurt you with my words, I hope you won't take it to heart."

"No." Leola waved her hands, "I'm afraid that you blame me for being meddlesome. Well... Mr. Bai called me yesterday and said that I didn't have to cook dinner for you. I thought you... But Mr. Bai said that just now..."

"Mrs... No, Miss Alaina, I think Mr. Bai really likes you. What on earth has happened between you and Mr. Bai?" She sighed, "Miss Alaina, it's not because he gives me salary that I speak for him. I really think that he is a good man. He is elegant and treats me very well. None of the men who I used to work for is as nice as him."


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