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I Only Want You novel Chapter 150

"Yes." The man nodded. Then he put down the firewood on his back, and even took a step forward.

Seeing this, Elizabeth's heart jolted. She immediately stepped back. While backing away, she said in a panic, "Don't... Don't come over!"

She really shouldn't have done this today! If she didn't come here or came with Samuel, she wouldn't be as flustered and helpless as she was now.

She thought so in her heart, but she did not give up. While she was stepping back, she suppressed the fear in her heart and looked at her side quietly to see if there was anything that could be used for self-defense.

However, aside from the lush weeds, there was nothing else that could be used for defense.

Looking at the tall man in front of her, Elizabeth knew very well that even if she wanted to escape, she couldn't run away at all.

She wanted to call for help too, but she didn't dare call directly in front of the man. If she put the phone behind her back, she couldn't make an accurate call for help because it was a touch screen phone.

If he really wanted to do something bad to her, there was really nothing she could do.

Her forehead began to sweat. Her heart also chilled little by little. She couldn't help trembling lightly.

"Ah-" She was getting more and more panicked. She tripped as she stepped back. She stumbled and fell on the ground, and threw out her mobile phone as well.

As soon as the man saw this, his eyebrows twisted and he strode over to her.

The alarm bell in Elizabeth's heart was ringing, and she only felt cold because of the fear. She knew that she should stand up and run away now, whether she would be caught up by him or not.

But she didn't know whether she was so scared of the sudden situation or something else. She tried twice but couldn't stand up.

Biting her trembling lips, she dragged her leg, which had suddenly lost its strength, backward little by little in a sitting posture.

The man did not say anything. He took two steps forward and bent over to pick up the phone that she had dropped on the ground. Then he looked at her with a complicated look.

Elizabeth's heart suddenly missed a beat. She opened her mouth, but found that she seemed to have lost her voice. She couldn't say anything. She had to open her eyes wide with fear, watching the man approaching her step by step.

When he stood still in front of her, he looked at her again and smiled at her. Then he reached out his hand to her.

Elizabeth, who couldn't make any sound, just shook her head reflexively. She was already in extreme panic.

"Young Madam, please stand up first." The man's voice was not loud, but it still made Elizabeth stop all her actions in an instant.

This dramatic reversal stunned Elizabeth for a few seconds, and then she looked at him in surprise. Did he call her "Young Madam"?

Seeing that Elizabeth still didn't move for a long time, he looked at his own hand. Then, he wiped his hand by the hem of his clothes, and then stretched out again to her. "Come on. I'll pull you up."

She heard him call her "Young Madam", and she watched him wipe his hands in embarrassment as well. But before she could figure it out, she still didn't move.

She swallowed her saliva and pinched her palm hard. Then, she asked in a trembling voice again,"... Who are you? How could you know me?" In her impression, she had never seen this man before.

The man's hand was still there, but he didn't take it back. "Mr. Lu showed me your photo, so I know you. But you look a little different from the photo. Young Madam, you can call me Abram."

"Mr. Lu?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu. James Lu." Abram nodded and added more clearly.

Hearing this, Elizabeth knew that she was safe now. She was instantly relieved.

But her doubts hadn't gone away. Had James shown him her picture? She did not remember that she had given him any photos. Moreover, even if James knew him, why would he be here? According to what she just saw, it showed that this man lived on this mountain. "Then... why are you here?"


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