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I Only Want You novel Chapter 425

On the way back to Southern Lake, Elizabeth's mind was quite complicated and indecisive.

Although she felt that Xavier's behavior was indeed a little weird, it didn't go a bit too far. Moreover, he explained to her in that way.

However... Zena appeared later, and that was a completely different story.

Moreover, not long after she entered the house, Zena and Xavier also came in, and they still got along naturally. This even made her have an illusion that what Zena said in the garden was not meaningful and mocking.

But was that really just her illusion? She knew it was not.

Therefore, she was very uneasy and worried, because she was afraid that Zena would misunderstand Xavier.


"Honey, what do you look upset all the way?" James turned back and glanced at her, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Elizabeth opened her mouth, but she just gently shook her head, "No."

She thought that it was better not to tell James about it. Otherwise, she really didn't know what kind of attitude he would have. She only hoped that Zena wouldn't misunderstand Xavier because of that


"Then why do you look so depressed? You even sighed."

"I'm really okay." She smiled awkwardly.

James raised his eyebrows, "Did something happen to Evelyn again?" He thought for a while and this was the only reason he could think of.


"Didn't you say that you went to answer her phone call? You seemed to be in a bad mood when you came back. What's wrong with her?"

"Oh." Elizabeth understood and said, "She said that Lawrence went to find her."

James was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled happily as if he had found something interesting, "That guy!"

"Evelyn hid and didn't see him." Elizabeth thought for a moment and asked, "Was he angry because Evelyn threw the cake at him? So he was irritated and wanted to get even with Evelyn?" At that time, Evelyn also asked her the same question. Although she also thought that it was possible, she still comforted Evelyn and asked her not to think too much.

"I... don't think so." James shook his head.

James held her left hand, "Although I am not very familiar with that guy, I do know his character. If he really wanted to give Evelyn a lesson, he wouldn't let her go so easily last night."

Hearing this, Elizabeth was relieved, "That's good." After that, she changed her mind and said, "Hey, it's not right. Mom introduced Evelyn to him. Besides, we were there at that time. Even if he was angry and wanted to get even with Evelyn, it was impossible for him to do it in front of us, right?"

"What are you thinking about all day?" James was amused and laughed, "Or do you women like to fill your heads with nonsense all the time?"

Elizabeth puckered her mouth, "No! I'm just worried about Evelyn."

James nodded, grabbed her hand, and kissed it gently. Then he said, "Don't worry. He won't. Let me tell you. If he is really angry and wants to vent his anger on Evelyn, how could he go to find her so openly? You just said that it was mom who introduced Evelyn to him. Even if he wants to do that, can't he just ask someone else to give Evelyn a lesson?"

Elizabeth thought about it carefully and felt that James's words made sense. However, she still couldn't understand, "Then why did he go to find Evelyn?"

James raised his eyebrow, "Maybe he has really fallen in love with her."


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