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I Only Want You novel Chapter 503

James closed his eyes and then opened them. Looking at the white pills all over the ground, he felt weak. Without looking up, he said, "How can I believe you?"

Elizabeth once again went up and grabbed his hand, crying, "What I said is true. I really don't love him anymore, and I haven't contacted him for so long. Trust me. As for the pills, I've really stopped eating them... In the past, I... was too selfish indeed, and I didn't tell you about that, but later I really didn't eat the pills anymore. I don't know why I'm not pregnant, believe... me..."

She grabbed him with trembling hands, and her hands were white and cold.

James lowered his eyes and looked at her hands. With her hands, she had drawn the most vivid portrait for him, had cooked the most delicious dishes for him, and had hugged him tightly...

For a moment, he suddenly thought, "Just forget it. I have lost my temper, and she has apologized, so we can let it go and forget this matter. I can pretend that nothing has happened and I didn't find anything in the drawer. I can be humble, as long as we can live happily with her like before."

However, this thought only lasted for a few seconds.

Just as he wanted to forgive her, he suddenly thought of her disgusting deception, and... she might be with Theodore again after plotting against him.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt so painful that he couldn't breathe. He only felt that his heart seemed to be squeezed by someone, and his whole body was in great pain.

He couldn't stand it anymore, shook off her hands with all his strength, and roared, "I can't believe you!¹' To hell with the trust!

Elizabeth staggered. Just as she was about to say something again in panic, James threw the empty bottle on the ground fiercely.


The sudden loud noise made Elizabeth quiver with fear and tremble even more.

The bottle bounced on the ground, splashing a white pill on the ground. The pill sprang and hit Elizabeth's calf. Elizabeth's leg couldn't help but tremble.

After that, the bottle spurted and then fell in the furthest corner. After rolling on the ground, it became still, like a big and silent joke.


"What are you going to do next? Huh?" Staring at her, he endured the pain in his heart and said all his strength, "Are you going to divorce me soon?"

He had asked such a question just now. In such a short period of time, he had considered the possibility of this matter.

However, when he asked this question again, what he felt was not only pain, sorrow, and helplessness. At this moment, he felt that he was about to die. Really, if she said yes or nodded slightly, he might... really jump off the building immediately.

If he died, his heart wouldn't hurt like this, right? If he died, he wouldn't need to think about anything and wouldn't be so desperate.

His eyes were so sore, and he wanted to cry. Even his throat tightened and ached so much as if he had been choked on an egg.

Suddenly, he felt wet on his face. He was stunned for a moment and then raised his hand to wipe his tears like a puppet...


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