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I Only Want You novel Chapter 573

She did not know how much time had passed.

Elizabeth, who had been sitting on the ground for a long time and had not been able to stand up, felt cold all over. Not only her body but also her heart was cold.

Her body was still trembling, and the emotions in her heart changed from time to time. She was overwhelmed by panic, confusion, as well as endless sadness and anger.

She was like a lifeless puppet, sitting there in a daze for a long time without even blinking her eyes.

Just now, she said so much to Zena, the woman who wanted to steal her husband and asked her to leave. She was so mad, and she hoped what had happened was just her dream. Since Zena had left and she had woken up, she should forget those things.

However, no matter how hard she tried, and no matter how unwilling she was, Zena's mocking and provocative words were still ringing in her ears.

"I said, those numbers, 861116, are my birthday numbers."

"Look at you how terrible you're now. Do you think that you can still be with Jimmy?"

"Please know yourself clearly."

"If you have some self- knowledge, you'd better pack up your things and leave on your own."

"The one who is with someone else's lover is the mistress, and you're the mistress."

"He even said that he would try his best to be with me even if he had to go against the whole world."

Those words were not too harsh, but every sentence was like a sharp knife coated with poison, pricking into her heart severely. She couldn't stop trembling and felt so mournful when she thought of those words.

After a long time, she shook her head in panic, trying to get rid of those voices in her mind.

She didn't feel better until her head got a little dizzy, and she couldn't hear those annoying words anymore.

She looked around mechanically. Where was Jane? James was not here. This house was so cold and cheerless that she was scared.

At this time, she hoped that someone could come to talk to her and tell her that she had just had a nightmare. She hoped that there was no vicious woman who wanted to steal her husband, and her husband was still angry with her but didn't want to part with her or even divorce her. She wished that... he was just waiting for her to apologize to him and take him home...

Suddenly, she looked at the stuff in the house and widened her eyes. Her eyes got horribly bloodshot.

Zena said that she advised James to decorate the house like this, and she bought lots of furniture personally...


Elizabeth opened her mouth and smiled softly.

She was like a mad woman. There was nothing to laugh at, but she just couldn't help it. In the end, her light laughter gradually became sad and shrill, and she burst into tears while laughing.

Did Zena advise James while decorating the house? Did Zena buy lots of furniture? Zena...


Elizabeth opened her red eyes wide with rage, hold on to the floor and the sofa behind her, and staggered to stand up.

She took faltering steps forward, but her feeble legs seemed to have gained strength all of a sudden. She rushed to the decorative rack beside the stairs.

She stood there, stared at it with strange eyes for a while, and then smiled weirdly. Then she screamed and reached out to pick up the things on the shelf one by one, smashing them on the ground fiercely.





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