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I Only Want You novel Chapter 62

The phone call was made, but nobody picked it up until it finished ringing.

James Lu furrowed his eyebrows and called again! But still, nobody answered!

"Well, well, well, Elizabeth, it looks like you've got quite a temper!"

James grunted and tried again. He was determined to hear her answer the call.

But Elizabeth Liang, who was entirely focused on cleaning the bathroom, had no idea that her cellphone had been vibrating in her changing room locker.

After the 37th unanswered call, James finally gave up and miserably hurled his cellphone onto the couch.

The phone bounced off the couch and fell onto the floor.

James became even more infuriated. He wanted to kick it away, out of sight and out of mind, but he suddenly stopped and bent down to pick it up.

James dialed Isaac Bai's number. He roared into the phone as soon as the call connected, "What kind of bullsh*t advice did you give me last night? Worked like crap!"

Not only did it work like crap, but it was also embarrassing as hell! He could feel his blood boiling just by thinking about what happened this morning! His display of incredible generosity was a saintly miracle, a divine blessing she should have been honored to witness! Yet how did she react?

"What?" Isaac was still in a daze from just waking up, and was confused by James's shouting.

"You're still sleeping? Do you know what time it is? Lazy bone!"

Isaac sobered up a little, but his voice was still quite hoarse from fatigue after pulling an all- nighter. "I stood for more than ten hours for an operation at midnight. Believe it or not, I need rest. Did you think that I was invincible?"

"I don't give a sh*t about your job." Isaac's work was the least of James's concerns right now. He said irritably, "Weren't you bragging about how experienced and skilled you are yesterday? Why was your advice f*cking useless?"

Isaac sighed, got up, and lit a cigarette to clear his mind. "Did you apologize?"

"Of course I didn't."

"See?" Isaac replied as if he fully anticipated James's answer. "Tell me, how was it useless?"

Frustrated, James rambled on about how he offered to take Elizabeth to school and kept calling her.

Isaac chuckled for a while and said, "What did I say about women and their grudges? Guess who didn't listen? Do you see what I mean now?"

"Is now the time for this?"

"What do you wanna talk about then?"

"That god damn woman still hasn't come home!" James spoke through gritted teeth.

"Are you worried about her?"

"I'm hungry, okay?"

Isaac let out another chuckle. Then he suggested, "Since you don't want to apologize, and she won't let you take her to school, AND she's still not home ... can't you just pick her up?"


James drove to A University and parked his car in front of the campus entrance.

He leaned against the car as he watched the students come out in groups, with an annoyed frown on his face.

What an unbelievably petty f*cking woman, not only did she refuse to answer his calls, but now she resorted to hiding in school to avoid going home!



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