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I Only Want You novel Chapter 72

Elizabeth Liang pursed her lips and stopped talking.

President Fang was not going to let that slip. "Show your sincerity when you apologize, Ms. Liang. How could you expect Mr. Lu to understand you when you sound like a mosquito? Come on, say it again, louder this time!"

Seeing the smile on James Lu's face grow even wider, Elizabeth took a deep breath to refrain from punching him in the face. James A*shole Lu, he was having fun with this!

Whatever, she was just going to thank him for blocking that ball for her, and it won't kill her anyway.

"THANK YOU!" Elizabeth's voice was much louder this time, and could be heard up to 300 feet away.

James was finally satisfied and winked at her. "You're welcome, miss."

President Fang was satisfied as well. "Yes, exactly." After that, he began buttering up James, "I see that you're not only incredibly athletic and agile, Mr. Lu, you also have a true heart of gold. I dare say that a glorious deed like this is worthy of being recorded in the brilliant history of our campus."

Evelyn winked at Elizabeth, since they were both speechless and found the situation to be incredibly hilarious. President Fang was usually a very stern authority figure, so it was extremely bizarre and funny that he was being so excessively flattering.

Samuel walked over and asked, "Is everything alright, boss?" Then he looked at Elizabeth, "Ms. Lia..."

Elizabeth's heart jumped to her throat when she heard Samuel. If he naturally called out her name, how was she supposed to explain herself?

When James realized that Samuel was about to address Elizabeth, he interrupted him immediately, "You flatter me too much, President Fang." Then he raised his eyebrows and scanned the field, "It looks like it's time to improve the field, President Fang."

Samuel paused, not knowing why his boss wouldn't let him greet Elizabeth. Fie frowned and thought about it for a while until it dawned on him - of course, he didn't want his secret little lover to be known to the public!

President Fang paused, "What do you mean by saying that, Mr. Lu?"

"The incident that happened just now should not be ignored. If there were chain fencing on all sides of the field, an accident like that could have been prevented."

"Well..." President Fang was at a loss again. Setting up fences required money too!

As if he was reading the president's mind, James added lightly, "Don't worry, I'll pay for it!"

President Fang was ecstatic at the offer, and he was not going to turn down a free gift. "I'm... I'm so delighted to hear that, Mr. Lu!"

James didn't say anything else. Fie lightly stretched his neck, used the opportunity to squint at Samuel, and then glanced towards Elizabeth's direction.

Samuel was a shrewd man. When he received the signal from James, he immediately understood his intentions almost perfectly.

Samuel coughed softly and said in a serious voice, "You're delighted, President Fang, but my boss doesn't seem to share your sentiment."

The smile on President Fang's face froze, "Mr. Lee..." Then he looked at James and asked in a panicky voice, "Is something wrong, Mr. Lu?"

"Do you see how stiff my boss's posture looks? Fie must have taken quite a heavy hit." Samuel saw James giving him a look of approval, so he went on even more enthusiastically, "Mr. Lu is a busy man with a demanding schedule, and his body is his most important resource. It would be better if we can take him for a check-up, in my opinion. What do you think, President Fang?"

"Yes, you're right, Mr. Lee." President Fang nodded. "I apologize for my negligence. Mr. Lu, would you mind having a check-up at our campus hospital?"

James seemed indifferent. "It's fine, it's not that serious."

Elizabeth also thought that Samuel was being over-the-top. James was fine even after rolling down an entire flight of stairs, why would he need a check-up after getting hit by a ball?

"Since you're busy, President Fang, we'll leave now." Elizabeth nodded at President Fang.

"FHey!" Samuel panicked and called out to Elizabeth. Fie then began speaking very politely, as if he had no idea who she was. "Please wait a second, miss."


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