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I Only Want You novel Chapter 77

August Liang sat in the living room as he smoked one cigarette after another with a dark face.

"Stop smoking so much, August, it's bad for you!" Charlotte Dong tried to persuade him, and then made eyes at Josephine Liang who had just arrived home, signaling for her to say something as well.

"Stop being angry, dad, it was just a useless piece of land anyway," Josephine Liang said nonchalantly. "We'll buy a bigger and better one next time."

Hearing this, August bellowed at her, "What do you know?"

"Hey!" Charlotte lightly slapped August's arm and said, "Stop working yourself up about it. It's all that ungrateful b*tch Elizabeth Liang's fault!"

"Mom?" Josephine was confused. "What does Elizabeth have to do with it?"

"Hmph! Do you know why your father and Theodore Chao missed out on that property? Your father's men investigated the matter and found that little b*tch stayed in Sir Wu's hotel room for a long time, and by the time she left, the land was given to Lu Enterprises."

"What? Are you saying that Elizabeth seduced Sir Wu?"

"Right," Charlotte looked furious. "That ungrateful little sh*t. I can't believe how shameless she has become! She offended President Lee last time, and then she took that piece of land from us. She just wants to destroy our family!"

August has been so upset. He shouted, "Are you done?"

Charlotte grunted, "It's true!"

Josephine saw that and quickly tried to placate August. "Dad, calm down..."

"You're telling me to calm down? This wouldn't even be a problem if the two of you didn't conspire to kick Elizabeth out of this house!" Enraged, August threw the lighter in his hand across the room. "Forget it, it's useless to talk now. I was going to resell the property and earn a profit off of it, but now not only did I lose the property, but there's a problem with the company's funding chain right now. Even President Lee... Agh!"

"What happened with President Lee?" Josephine frowned. "Didn't we already settle Elizabeth's matter with him?"

Charlotte spat at her, "Nothing was settled! Your father wanted to take out a loan, but President Lee turned him down and said that if your dad wants a loan, he'd have to send Elizabeth to him."


August sighed and said, "I haven't seen Theodore these days. Josephine, contact him. We need to figure something out. The shareholders are all freaking out because of the problem with funding."

Josephine nodded. "Don't worry, dad. I'll make sure Theodore does something."

****** "What do you want, James?"

As she watched James close the door and walk over to her, Elizabeth furrowed her delicate eyebrows, with a puzzled expression on her face.

He actually managed to ask for a classroom for her to "draw in peace". Now that they were alone in the room, she finally couldn't hold it back anymore and interrogated him as calmly as she could.

"What do I want?" James raised his eyebrows and smirked. "For you to hand over a satisfactory drawing, of course."

"..." Elizabeth inhaled and said, "Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what my professor and classmates will think of me because of this?"

James shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "It's none of my business what they think of you."

Elizabeth hurled her pencil onto the table beside her with a loud "pang". "You..."

"I what?" James crossed his arms in a relaxed posture. "I didn't say that you're my wife."

As soon as he said that, Elizabeth's face turned red and her heart skipped a beat.

She suppressed the hints of excitement in her heart and worriedly looked out of the window. Defeated, she pleaded to him, "Just go back. I can't even go to class while you're doing this."

"Then don't go!"

"You..." Elizabeth gritted her teeth. "Are you... are you coming after me because I pushed you back there?" She refused to believe that he was honestly here to scout for talents.

Someone like him would never need to scout for talents on his own!

"Oh?" James gave her an amused side-eye. "So you do remember that you pushed me just now?"


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