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I Only Want You novel Chapter 780

"Mom, James... also asked me about this, but... I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Is that so?"

Elizabeth nodded and looked down at the quilt. After a while, she raised her head again, looked at Lydia and whispered, "I don't know what to do."

Lydia said patiently, "It doesn't matter. Just say what you like. I am your mother, and we are family. You can tell me whatever you want. I just want to know what you're thinking about."

Elizabeth thought for a moment, "She has done a lot of evil things indeed, and she has become more and more vicious. For example, today she showed me the divorce agreement and asked me to sign it. I felt angry and thought that she was ridiculous. But at that time, I also felt that she was crazy and a little pitiful."

"But then, she tried to push me down the stairs. At that time, I was really afraid and totally panicked. It wasn't easy for me to keep this child. Later... Alas! How shall I put it? In short, my mood is a bit complicated now."

"I want to ask her what she thinks and why she always aims at me. However, I've thought about it. It's useless to ask her. But if I don't do anything to her, I may feel a bit uncomfortable in heart." After that, she smiled at Lydia and was a little embarrassed, "Maybe I shouldn't be so mean..."

Before she could finish her words, Lydia shook her head and interrupted her, "No, you're not meant at all!"

"Mmm." Elizabeth sighed, "So, I don't know what to do. Even if I really want to punish her, I don't know how to do it. I heard from her that she can't work as a designer now... I'm also a designer, and I know what this means. Therefore, she is pitiful enough now. If I go against her, her life will be too miserable."

Hearing her words, Lydia sighed lightly, "Alas! You're just too kind." Although she said so, the smile on her face did not fade at all.

Sometimes, if a person was too softhearted, he was stupid. Elizabeth was also very kindhearted, but she couldn't say anything to blame her. If Elizabeth was not so kind, how could Jimmy change so much?

Elizabeth smiled helplessly, "Yeah, I think so, too. That's why I'm in a dilemma." If she did something to Zena, she would think that Zena was pitiful. But if she didn't, she would feel sorry for herself.

"Don't think too much. However, even if you don't want to punish Zena, Jimmy will not let her go. You don't how anxious he was when he couldn't find you today. He was like a madman. It serves Zena right! She can only blame herself.

Lydia shook her head in a complicated mood, "Jimmy banned her from the design circle a few days ago. She may be angry because of this. But, what does it have to do with you?"

When Elizabeth heard this, she frowned, "Mom, you mean it was James who did that to her?"

"Yeah. At that time, you were hospitalized because of Zena, weren't you? Jimmy was very furious. However, I know he did that for you. On the hand, Zena went too far. On the other hand, he didn't want Zena to make things difficult for you when you go to work in the future."

Hearing Lydia's brief words, Elizabeth understood everything.

She was going to do design, so James wouldn't allow Zena to work in the design circle again.

Elizabeth sniffed and felt that James was really overbearing, but she didn't think that he was bad at all.

She also understood that Zena lied to her again. Yeah, under such a circumstance, if Zena didn't say like that, how could she prove James's "deep affection" towards her?


She was really insane!

"Zena slapped you in the face, right?" Lydia said as she reached out and touched Elizabeth's swollen face, "Look at your face. My heart aches so much."


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