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I Only Want You novel Chapter 791

After Albert returned home, the anger in his heart had not dissipated. Instead, he became more and more furious.

Jodie Meng had been waiting for him in the living room all the time. "Albert!" Seeing him, she went forward in a hurry, "How is it? Is there any progress?"

Albert did not speak and went straight to the sofa.

Jodie followed him, "I just called you, but you didn't answer it. I was also anxious and went to the company to look for you, but I was told that you had gone out. I didn't know where you were, so I could only come back and wait for you. When I went to the company, I heard from your secretary that this matter is very troublesome. How is it now?"

"Hey! Why don't you talk? I'm so worried now."

In the middle of last night, Albert suddenly received a phone call, and his face suddenly changed. Then he got up quickly to change his clothes and was about to go out.

She asked him what had happened. He just said that there was something in the company and then left in a hurry.

Meng Company sold daily supplies. Sometimes when there was an emergency, the secretary would let Albert deal with it. It was not the first time for Albert to handle an emergency, so she didn't think too much. After Albert left, she went back to sleep.

This morning, when she was asleep, one of her friends who always played cards with her suddenly called her. As soon as she answered the phone, she was told that something bad happened to Meng Company.

At that time, she thought her friend was joking. Later, when she heard that Lu Enterprises was targeting Meng company and had even threatened other companies, she immediately hung up and turned on the computer. Sure enough, there were reports about Meng Company online. There were various comments on the Internet. She read them and felt very nervous. So she turned off the computer and wanted to ask Albert about it. However, she could not get through to him.

"What should I say?" Albert said angrily. After that, he smiled weakly. He used to look commanding and high- spirited, but he seemed to have aged more than ten years all of a sudden, "Don't ask me anymore. Leave me alone."

Hearing this, Jodie was stunned for a moment and immediately got dissatisfied, "What? The company is in danger now! But you want me to leave you alone? If you don't do anything, we're about to go bankrupt!" "Didn't you go out? The secretary didn't know where you were. Where have you been? The company is in a mess now. Where on earth did you go?"

Albert closed his eyes and did not want to say anything.

Jodie was anxious and mad, and her eyes were full of tears, "I don't even know what the Lu family wants to do. We're very courteous to them. Originally, Zena was going to marry Xavier, but they are too heartless! Is James insane?"

Jodie couldn't help but burst into tears as she said this. She didn't put on any makeup and her hair was a little messy. When she cried, she didn't look like an elegant and noble lady at all, "Albert, say something! Does James do this on purpose because Zena didn't marry Xavier?"

"Woo-woo... What did we do wrong? Although Zena has lost her favorite job, we can let her come back to work in the company and take over your place. What about now? What should we do? The Lu family has gone too far."

"Shut up!" Albert suddenly roared with his eyes wide open. His face, which looked old and haggard, was full of anger.

Jodie was scared out of her wits when she heard it.

After a few seconds, she came back to sense and cried more sadly, "Albert, you yelled at me? What did I do wrong? How could you roar at me? Are you out of your mind?" "You crazy man! I am too worried now. You not only don't care about anything, but also yelled at me. Don't you feel sorry for me? Woo-woo... You don't care about the company, but just roared at me. Are you still a man?"

Albert took two deep breaths and stared at Jodie with intense eyes. He was disappointed in heart, but there was nothing he could do.

After a long while, he said, "Where is Zena?


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