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I Only Want You novel Chapter 824

"As time went by, Jimmy seemed to like me more. He almost hid nothing in front of me. I used him to get close to you, but I could know whether he was lying through his expressions and movements."

"He found those people indeed. At first, I wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, I pretended I didn't know about it." Saying this, Zena sighed helplessly, and her eyes were somewhat blurred, "I wanted to get you so much, so I thought that if Jimmy did so, you would not lose anything, but I..."

"I know what Jimmy wanted. He just wanted to show me that you were not as good as you seemed to be and let me give up on you. But I knew everything, didn't I? Besides, even if you really slept with another woman, I didn't think I would leave you, because I loved you so much."

"That day, I secretly followed Jimmy. However, I didn't expect that he would stop in the end. At that time, I was completely stunned. If he stopped, I still couldn't be with you, could I?"

"Therefore..." Zena closed her eyes, "I did those things."

Xavier looked at Zena and felt that she was a stranger. He was obviously very familiar with her, but he felt as if he had never met her before.

"So..." Xavier gritted his teeth and said sarcastically, "Do you think this is the proof of your love?"

Zena smiled with melancholy, "Even if I say no, you won't believe me. At that time, I just wanted to stay by your side. To be honest, I didn't expect that you would be hurt like that."

"Ha..." Xavier let out a long laugh and didn't believe her at all, "Is that so? Do you forget that? Or didn't you hear the recording just now? You said that they could do whatever they wanted to me as long as I could be dealt a severe blow." Zena was really... vicious.

"Anyway, I did the wrong thing." Zena smiled slightly, "But, I don't regret it. If it weren't for that matter, I might not even have a chance to be with you."

Hearing this, Xavier got furious. The hatred and anger in his heart made him lose his marbles. He immediately raised his hand and slapped Zena in the face heavily.


The loud noise sounded abrupt and abnormally frightening in this large and empty room.

Zena staggered, and her face was slapped aside. Then, she felt a burning sensation and pain in her cheek which had been slapped.

If it was in the past, she would definitely be mad and unconvinced, and she... Although she might not fight back, she would at least curse Xavier.

But that day, she did not.

Her face hurt. That day, her father slapped her with great force. The swelling on her face had just been reduced, and she was slapped again. Moreover, Xavier slapped her with all his strength.

However, she did not reach out to touch her face. After a few seconds, she turned her head with her eyes brimming with tears.

Her cheek suddenly swelled up, and there were a few fingerprints on it. Her hair was messy, and she looked a little embarrassed.


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