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I Only Want You novel Chapter 913

It was winter already, so it was not suitable to hold an open-air wedding.

Lydia thought about Elizabeth's physical condition, and she held the wedding indoors.

In the big hotel, the guests had been seated, and a soothing music was played in the hall.

John stood at the door with Elizabeth three minutes before the wedding began.

The emcee said, "Now, let's welcome the beautiful bride to come in!"

Hearing this, Elizabeth, who was standing at the door, suddenly felt nervous and her heart missed a beat.

She pursed her lips, held her hands together unconsciously and couldn't help but swallow. But even so, the tension in her heart was not relieved.

She was high- strung, but she laughed at herself in heart at the same time. In the past, she was not nervous, and she told herself that she had got married for a long time and the wedding was just a mere formality. As a result, the reality was different from her imagination, and she had really overestimated herself.

John seemed to know Elizabeth's nervousness. He took a step forward and whispered to Elizabeth with a smile, "Elizabeth, don't be nervous. Just behave like usual."

Elizabeth said, "Dad, I don't know why, but I am so nervous. As soon as I think that so many people will look at me, I..."

"It's okay. If you really feel nervous, I'll tell you a very simple way. When you enter the hall later, don't look at anything and don't think about anything. Just take those people as trees or buildings."

Hearing this, Elizabeth was stunned at first and then laughed, "Dad, is this... really okay?"

John smiled and said, "I think it's okay." After that, he raised his arm slightly, "Come on. We should go in. Jimmy is waiting for you."


The door was slowly opened from the inside. Elizabeth held John's arm and walk in with him.

At the moment the door was opened, the music was changed. Elizabeth didn't have the mood to distinguish what song it was. As she walked in with John, she observed the decoration in the hall.

The entire wedding hall was decorated by Lydia. Even James did not come here in advance. Naturally, she was no exception.

She really liked the decoration very much.

The entire hall was decorated in pink and blue. The colorful balloons were all printed with the English words "DE".

The red carpet extended all the way to the front. On both sides of the red carpet, there were flower pillars made of pink roses, and even the red carpet was covered with rose petals. On the platform in the center of the hall, there were two big English words "DE". The wedding photo she and James took a few days ago was under it, and below the photo were her and James's names.

There was a twelve-tiered cake and sixty sixtiered Champagne tower...

The most important thing was that James stood on the platform. At this time, he was right in front of her. When he saw her come in, the smile on his face was more dazzling than the crystal lamp in the hall.


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