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I Only Want You novel Chapter 949

"What?" Benjamin was more or less disgusted by James's sudden excitement.

James pointed to the screen, "It's the gift that Elizabeth opened yesterday!"

Originally, Benjamin didn't take his words seriously. Hearing this, he looked up at the screen, "This one?"

"Yes!" James nodded heavily, "Wait a minute. I didn't pay attention to it just now. Let's fastbackward and have a look."

At this time, his heart was filled with joy, hope and excitement.

He didn't see Adele or the gift without signature just now. Later, when he heard Benjamin's words, he was a little discouraged and powerless.

Because he really wanted to help Isaac. If it was really Adele, Isaac would not be sad, and he could prove that Adele was still alive.

Being alive was the best.

James exhaled a few times and rubbed his hands exaggeratedly before he took the mouse and rewound the video.

Ben, we're about to see the miracle." James stared at the screen and said happily, "Let me tell you. If it's really Adele, well inform Isaac immediately. If he knows, he'll be overjoyed. Don't tell me that Maxwell will stop him. If he dares to go against Issac, I'll be the first to kill him!"

Benjamin didn't say anything, but he was in a better mood.

He, James and Issac grew up together, so the friendship between them was very solid.

Although he didn't say anything when he saw that Isaac was not interested in anything and lived in memory, pain, and hatred every day, he was grieved in heart.

Moreover, although Adele was a few years younger than them, to put it bluntly, they watched her grow up, because she and Issac played with them since they were young.

If she was really alive, Issac would be happy and would no longer talk about the three-year promise from time to time. Besides, he hoped that she could live a good life in this world.

"My hands are shaking now. Don't get me wrong. It's because I'm too excited." As James said this, he exhaled again, but the smile on his face got brighter and brighter, "I don't know whether she's fatter or thinner. Oh! I haven't seen her yet, but I've become like this. If I see her, maybe 1*11 go crazy, right?"

"Ben, it must be her. Do you think so?"

Benjamin naturally hoped that Adele was alive, but he didn't say it, nor did he answer James. He just urged James, "Hurry up! It won't be too late to get excited when you really see her."

"Okay. Don't hurry." Although James answered in this way, he didn't delay. He found the most suitable scene and clicked the play button, "Watch carefully!"

Five minutes later, James was no longer excited. He was silent, and the smile on his face had disappeared. He looked very upset.

"I thought it was the result I wanted." After that, he shook his head and sighed heavily, "Alas!"

The video he had to see was not very long, but he watched it very carefully and seriously. However...

The gift was delivered by someone indeed, but that person was not Adele. Instead, it was a woman who was pushing a stroller. Next to her was a little girl.

That woman didn't come here casually. She made a phone call at the door, and then a young man who came to attend the wedding came out.

James knew that man. He was the son of the Shen family in the north of the city, but they were not very familiar with each other. It was said that after Jon Shen got married, he had a mistress outside. It seemed that it was true, because James knew Jon's wife, but the woman in the video was not his wife.


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