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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

*N16% 12:15 

Leo remained tearful as he stood on the dance floor, continuing to complain

Without confirming or rejecting it, Yana lingered on the sidelines, witnessing the drama

Timothy came over as well

But he didn’t speak up for Susan because he feared gossip would harm her reputation

At that moment, the dance floor became Leo’s personal stage

Isabella was surprised by Leo’s proficiency in taking advantage of this opportunity

After considering the situation, she realized that Leo’s actions were actually doing her a favor, so she remained silent

If Susan had a poor reputation, she would not be suitable for Ben

It would be a great opportunity for her, the daughter of a large family, to take advantage of. 

Everyone had their own hidden agendas and no one stopped Leo

Leo became even more impassioned

Right when he described his woeful circumstances, a sudden round of applause erupted from the crowd

Leo quickly said, I appreciate your sympathy. Please keep it in mind. No need to applaud.” 

I feel sorry for you. Really.Ben walked over with a poker face

Susan followed behind him obediently

Ben.Leo’s expression changed. He was still a little afraid of Ben

He tried his best to show a look of grievance. Ben, Since I returned, I have always been respectful of your wife. Why did she ask her sister to humiliate me like this today?” 

Ben glanced at Yana



Chapter 102 

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Yana was very afraid and quickly said, I only hit Isabella! It was Leo who turned up and said these weird words.” 

Although Yana was happy to see what Leo had done, it was indeed not her fault

Ben withdrew his gaze indifferently

Then Yana heaved a long sigh of relief

Leo confidently asked, Why did you hit Isabella when there’s no enmity between you and her? You’re my sisterinlaw’s sister, so how can you prove she didn’t ask you to take this opportunity to humiliate me?” 

He then looked at Ben and said, Ben! Our father passed away when I was very young, and my mother worked herself to the bone raising the two of us. Even though she’s not your biological mother, she cherishes you even more than me. If she knew how my sisterinlaw treats me, it would break her heart.” 

Yes.Ben thought for a moment

Leo was elated and attempted to help Penelope stand out. I’ve been away for many years. You and Mother have a much stronger relationship than I do with her. Ben, even for Mother’s sake, you shouldn’t let Sisterinlaw do this to me.” 

Ben looked at him and suddenly revealed a strange smile

What’s he suddenly, smiling about?thought Leo

For some reason, Leo felt that something was off



Ben suddenly raised her hand and gave Leo a tight slap

Ben!At this moment, Leo was in the same mood as Isabella, who had just been slapped

They were both shocked, extremely shocked, exceptionally shocked

How dare he?Leo thought


Chapter 102 

But after the shock, Leo was actually a little happy

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Since Ben was so mean, everyone should be more convinced of what Leo had just said

Everyone would believe he was a poor guy

Here’s the thing.Ben looked at Leo sincerely. I didn’t slap him.” 

Ben, there are so many people here!Leo was stunned. It’s so loud. I’m sure everyone 

heard it.” 

On the surface, I slapped you.Ben said seriously, Actually, it was your mother who asked 

me to do it.” 

What?Leo didn’t understand

Your mother and I are very close, and she treats him like her own son. So when I hit you, she was the one who asked me to do it,” Ben said solemnly

Leo was going crazy. Ben, what are you talking about? When did Mom ask you to hit me? Why didn’t I know?” 



  1. Oh? Then how did you know that your sisterinlaw asked Yana to slap 

Leo’s expression froze. III just took a guess.” 

I see.” Ben looked at him meaningfully. You ruined your sisterinlaw’s reputation in public based on nothing more than a guess! Is that how you’ve been respectful of her?” 

Susan took the opportunity to wipe away her fake tears. Please stop it, Ben. After all, I’m still a new daughterinlaw. It’s understandable for Leo not to believe me.” 

Is that so?Ben said expressionlessly, Your sisterinlaw is also part of your family. Since you did this to Susan, I bet you’d do it to your mother. No wonder she asks me to slap you.” 

Leo was speechless

He thought, Wait, what’s going on?” 

Leo slapped him and insisted that it was Penelope who asked him to do it


Chapter 102 

That was impossible

#UIN #16 12:16 

But he had just used this as an excuse to insist that Yana was instructed by Susan

Now, Ben could naturally say that he was instructed by Penelope

There was no proof anyway. They were just making up excuses

They could say whatever they want

Leo was still in the shock of being slapped

Ben gave him a meaningful look and said, Leo, you said that you were exiled from your homeland since you were a child. Did you mean that I was the one who caused this?” 

Leo blinked. I didn’t say that.” 

Ben raised his brows and said expressionlessly, When you were in primary school, you. attended a top aristocratic school in Riowert. I went to a private school in our town. Tell me, is this your idea of being mistreated?” 

Leo was speechless with shock

The expressions of everyone changed subtly, as memories were recalled

At the time, it was fashionable to gain experience abroad, so Leo’s decision to go abroad. was not due to mistreatment

In contrast, Ben went to a primary school in town

It was clear that who was more pitiful

Grandpa felt sorry for me, so he took me back to the Landor family for normal education, but his resources were limited and dad refused to cooperate. I ended up going to an ordinary school, but I made it into a top university based on my grades. You, on the other hand, have been exposed to aristocratic elite teaching from childhood and have been. accepted to the top universities abroad. Now, you’re telling me you were excluded?Ben said expressionlessly

Haha, in that case, I also want to be excluded,” Someone said boldly

Chapter 102 

Ben glanced at him with admiration

Everyone seemed to have received some signal and began to talk about it one after 



One person worked hard bit by bit to get into a good university all on his own. The other had a smooth, privileged path laid out since childhood. It’s pretty obvious who was actually being mistreated.” 

It’s possible that he is different from other people, which could explain why he believes he is being mistreated.” 

Mr. Landor was just a child at that time. He couldn’t decide whether to send Leo abroad or not. If Leo believed that he was really being mistreated, it was at the hands of his own parents. It is difficult to imagine how his parents would react if they heard it.” 

His mother must have known that he was such an ungrateful person. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have asked Ben to slap him.” 

That makes sense

Leo was about to go crazy as he listened to their words

He thought, Thisthis doesn’t feel right

This isn’t what I want

Didn’t they say that Ben never bothered to explain

Why did he suddenly appear and give a lengthy explanation

This isn’t like you at all, Mr. Landor.” 

Leo was close to tears.” 

that’s not what I meant. You’ve misinterpreted me and made

me a social outcast. You don’t need to worry. I’m not going to compete with you for the Storm Group. Why are you acting like this to me?” 

He bypassed the topic of his education abroad and accused Ben of hindering his progress in order to keep him from joining the Storm Group


Chapter 102 

Ben sighed and said, Leo, if you’re interested in joining the company, I’d be happy to arrange it for you. However, it’s important to understand that we need to start small and build up. I’m afraid I can’t offer you the position of deputy general manager right away.” 

As Ben spoke, his expression was one of helplessness. You have just graduated and have no experience in business. If I were the sole employee of Storm Group, I would consider even your request to become the general manager. However, Storm Group is not only mine but belongs to the many people who work here. It would be irresponsible to let an inexperienced person take on the role of deputy general manager. Therefore, I must decline your request.” 


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