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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Even though she was continuously comforting herself, Monica couldn’t help but shudder uncontrollably

Seeing Monica in this state, Thomas couldn’t help but say, Monica, don’t be scared. Having a video only means that everyone can know the truth, right?” 

Monica didn’t respond, but the beads of sweat on her forehead became even more pronounced

Something about Monica’s reaction seemed off

Thomas was stunned for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his mind

Could it be…. 

No, it couldn’t be

Although Monica sometimes acted inappropriately, she had a good heart. She couldn’t possibly be framing Susan with this kind of scheme

She wasn’t that kind of person

Thomas, come over here and take a look,Susan suddenly glanced at Thomas. If everything is fine, I plan to post this video on Twitter directly. This way, I can avoid being unjustly accused by some.” 


Post it on Twitter

Given Susan’s current popularity online, if she really uploaded the video, a sinking feeling instantly hit Monica

Then, her reputation would be utterly ruined

Thomas noticed Monica’s suddenly pale face and pressed his lips together slightly. Standing up, he intended to go and check

No!Monica suddenly grabbed Thomas’s hand firmly

What’s wrong?Thomas’s voice was still gentle, but his face had hardened

Chapter 145 

However, Susan’s expression remained unchanged, her head nodding continuously as she pointed at the screen, instructing, Right here, zoom in a bit.” 

Mr. Witt played along, feigning some adjustments

Susan observed seriously, nodding her head now and then

Witnessing the duo’s act, beads of sweat began to form on Monica’s forehead

There’s a video

No, that can’t be,Monica thought, her heart pounding violently. There’s no such coincidence. Susan must be bluffing.” 



Chapter 146 

Even though she was continuously comforting herself, Monica couldn’t help but shudder uncontrollably

Seeing Monica in this state, Thomas couldn’t help but say, Monica, don’t be scared. Having a video only means that everyone can know the truth, right?” 

Monica didn’t respond, but the beads of sweat on her forehead became even more pronounced

Something about Monica’s reaction seemed off

Thomas was stunned for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his mind

Could it be… 

No, it couldn’t be

Although Monica sometimes acted inappropriately, she had a good heart. She couldn’t possibly be framing Susan with this kind of scheme

She wasn’t that kind of person

Thomas, come over here and take a look,Susan suddenly glanced at Thomas. If everything is fine, I plan to post this video on Twitter directly. This way, I can avoid being unjustly accused by some.” 


Post it on Twitter

Given Susan’s current popularity online, if she really uploaded the video, a sinking feeling instantly hit Monica

Then, her reputation would be utterly ruined

Thomas noticed Monica’s suddenly pale face and pressed his lips together slightly. Standing up, he intended to go and check

No!Monica suddenly grabbed Thomas’s hand firmly

What’s wrong?Thomas’s voice was still gentle, but his face had hardened


Chapter 146

Monica, please don’t tell me you’ve lied to me,he thought

LIMonica hesitated, unable to find the right words

9% 09:55 

Susan raised an eyebrow, Well, I might as well just post it then. Mr. Witt, please send me a copy of the video.” 

Mr. Witt agreed and was about to copy the video

Pulling out her phone, Susan assumed a posture that showed she was ready to post the video on Twitter as soon as she received it

Tsk, tsk, tsk, as soon as this video is out, netizens will definitely know what you are,” Theresa said with a face full of malicious joy

Her words pierced straight into Monica’s heart

A flicker of panic passed through Monica’s eyes

No, she absolutely couldn’t let Susan upload that video

With a sudden move, Monica stood up, intending to snatch the USB drive from Mr. Witt’s hand

Ms. Lynn, what are you trying to do?Mr. Witt dodged swiftly

Susan raised an eyebrow and grabbed her hand firmly, Weren’t you the one insisting that! pushed you? If I upload the video, everyone can help you condemn me. Isn’t this a good thing for you?” 

IIMonica was at a loss, forcing herself to say, II just don’t want to make this a big deal. It won’t be good for your reputation.” 

Still not admitting it

Susan scoffed coldly, Thank you for your concern, but I don’t mind.” 

De your pho 

Mrs. Landor, give I’ll help you transfer it,the director said

Alright.Susan unlocked her phone and handed it over to the director without hesitation. Log into my Twitter and upload it directly.” 

Okay.Mr. Witt took the phone and started operating it on the side

Chapter 146 

Monica watched helplessly, wanting to rush over to stop it, but her hand was firmly held by Susan, making it impossible to break free

Panic surged in Monica’s heart

She had just returned and had barely managed to find a steady footing in the circle of the elite again. If this video got uploadedwould she have any reputation left to speak of

Thomas observed Monica’s frantic demeanor, and even though he was reluctant to believe it, deep down, he already knew the answer

He looked at Monica’s face, once pure and innocent, which used to be his favorite sight

But now, it only seemed foreign to him, and evensomewhat terrifying

The transfer is complete, I’m uploading it now,the director said, holding the phone

Wait!Monica finally couldn’t hold back, shouting out loud

Wait? Alright, tell me again, what exactly happened earlier?Susan asked, her face emotionless as she stared at her

Biting her lip, Monica spoke with a face flushed with shame, Youyou didn’t push me. I fell down by accident.”– 

Just an accident?Susan said with a cold smirk

Monica stood her ground defiantly, Don’t go too far.” 

Mr. WittSusan began to turn and call

Wait, wait, wait.Monica became frantic, gritting her teeth as she spoke, It was meI intentionally fell to frame you. It was me, all me. Is this satisfactory?” 

Susan flashed a smile, calmly letting go of Monica’s hand

She glanced at Thomas, So now, the truth is out in the open, isn’t it?” 

Thomaslips trembled, unable to speak for a long moment

Monica hung her head, not daring to look at Thomasexpression

Can you delete the video now?she asked in a soft voice


Chapter 146 

Susan raised an eyebrow, Mr. Witt, show her the video.” 


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