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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

Leo, who was also shocked, said a little hesitantly, Ben, I just got married. I don’t think it’s necessary to divide up family property and live apart.” 


Ben glanced at him and said lightly, Families like us usually live together when the pa are alive, and divide up family property and live apart after the parents pass away. We were supposed to do that after our father passed away. Now both of us are married, so it’s already later than ordinary families to do that.” 

Your father has passed away, but I’m still alive!Penelope screamed, Ben, do you mean that you are not going to regard me as your mother anymore?” 

Ben looked at her with a frown and replied with a confused expression, So you didn’t 

realize this until now?” 

He had never regarded her as his mother

Penelope was speechless with anger

She couldn’t help but look at Charlie, saying, Dad, Ben is trying to force Leo and me to leave. You must uphold justice for us.” 

Charlie lowered his gaze and pondered for a moment

When he looked up again, he said lightly with a calm look, What nonsense are you talking about? People can live with their parents forever, but it’s unreasonable for the younger brother to live with the elder brother forever. We are going to divide up family property and 

live apart today.” 

Grandpa, please take the chair,Ben said

Charlie replied with a nod, I’m going to get the documents. Wait a minute.” 

Then he left temporarily

Penelope, not daring to criticize Ben, involuntarily rolled her eyes at Isabella and said, Jinx, you cause us to be kicked out of our family as soon as you marry Leo.” 

Leo, whose face turned livid, didn’t comfort Isabella


Chapter 102 

What he valued most was his benefit rather than Isabella

Now, if he was really kicked out of his family with nothing, his wife would be a jinx, wouldn’t she

Leo was wondering if he should go back on his word. Although they had registered for marriage, he could divorce her

Sensing that the situation had changed, Isabella lowered her head with a slightly pale face

What was going on

In the last life, Leo and Ben had never divided up family property and lived apart when 

Charlie was alive

Why were things,different now

Susan glanced at Ben and whispered, Why did you suddenly make such a suggestion? Although there are some flaws in Penelope’s character, Grandpa is used to her company. I’m afraid that Grandpa will not be used to being separated from her.” 

Ben held onto Susan’s hand and said softly, After we divide up family property and live apart, Penelope will only take care of Grandpa more wholeheartedly.” 

Once they divided up family property and lived apart, Penelope and Leo would have nothing to do with Storm Group

Penelope, who panicked, would only try her best to make up to Charlie

In fact, even if there were plenty of flaws in Penelope, she had one advantage that made Ben willing to support and tolerate her

The advantage was that she took care of Charlie with all her heart

Fine lady like her were usually invited to a lot of dinner parties

However, Penelope had almost never attended a dinner party, as she had spent all her time 

with Charlie

Although Charlie often lectured her, in fact, he did that because he was close to Penelope

Chapter 152 

He hoped that Penelope could live a peaceful life

Although Penelope had disappointed him again and again, he had tried all he could to put her on the right path all this time

Considering Penelope’s advantage, Ben had tolerated Penelope all this time although he was aware of the tricks she had played behind his back

As long as she could please Charlie, Ben didn’t mind her occasional tricks that he could bring under his control

If Leo hadn’t married Isabella, Ben wouldn’t have proposed for the time being that he and Leo should divide up family property and live apart

However, Isabella was shrewd with the power to see the future, and was hostile to Susan

How could he allow her to live with Susan

Now he and Leo had no choice but to divide up family property and live apart

Half an hour later, Charlie came downstairs with glasses, carrying a stack of documents

Ben and Susan got up to help him walk over

After taking his place at the head of the table, Charlie took out the documents and spread them out on the table

He glanced at Penelope and Leo and said, We are going to divide up the property of the Landor family, and Storm Group is not included in it. Do you agree with this?” 

How could they agree

Penelope said anxiously, Dad, since Storm Group is left by Leo’s father, Leo is supposed to get a slice of it, isn’t he?” 

With a mocking look in his eyes, Charlie took out a document and said, When Ben took over the company, its market value was ten million dollars. Later, the company developed into Storm Group. At that time, I was worried that there might be disputes in the future, so at my suggestion, the original company was separated from Storm Group as a subsidiary that still specializes in manufacturing electronic components. At present, its market value 

Chapter 152 

has gradually increased to twenty million dollars. Leo can only get a slice of this subsidiary.” 

The market value of Storm Group was hundreds of billions of dollars, while that of this subsidiary was only twenty million dollars

Noticing the huge gap between them, Penelope and Leo both found it unacceptable

However, the documents Charlie presented clearly showed the accounts. Indeed, Ben’s father had only left a company, and Storm Group, which was developed by Ben, had nothing to do with his father

Ben, what do you think of dividing up this subsidiary into three parts for Penelope, Leo and you?Charlie asked

Ben answered, Grandpa, you are the boss. I have no objection.” 

The subsidiary to be divided up was worth even less than a tenth of a percent of Ben’s property, so he naturally didn’t care

With a nod, Charlie took out the list of assets left by Ben’s father. He had managed them properly over the years, so there was a certain degree of increase in them

Then Charlie allocated the villa, where he lived, to Ben and decided to live here with Ben, while allocating another villa nearby to Penelope and Leo

In the end, he equally divided the cash into three portions for Penelope, Leo and Ben

After calculating the property allocated to them, Penelope and Leo found they were going to get sixteen million dollars in total which was a much larger sum of money than they had imagined

Even Penelope, who had resisted Ben’s suggestion at first, was a little tempted

If Ben and Leo did not divide up the property, she could only rely on Ben’s power to be a fine lady

But if they did, she would be able to get real money

Leo was even more tempted

He, who had almost used up the startup fund given by Ben by indulging in eating, drinking and pleasureseeking, was worried about how to get another sum of money

But now he was going to get a total of sixteen million dollars and a company

If you have no objection, sign the agreement,” Charlie said wearily

Susan and I have no objection,Ben said

We want to talk it over,Leo said, moving his eyes and pulling Penelope and Isabella 


Both Penelope and Leo were tempted by this large sum of assets

Meanwhile, they were also a little worried

Once Ben and Leo divided up the property and lived apart, Ben would no longer support 


If they weren’t competent at running the company, it wouldn’t take long for them to use up 

their fortune

Two cowards, Isabella thought

Despite her disdain for them, she feigned gentleness and said, Leo, you’re a top graduate in finance from an international top university. After getting the company, you can apply what you have learned there. It took Ben ten years to develop Storm Group into what it is today, which is known as a miracle. I believe that you will surely be able to create a miracle that’s as good as Storm Group.” 

Isabella did not care about Leo, but she cared about the sixteen million dollars! She needed startup funds and another sum of money to pay back

If she could find a way to get the sixteen million dollars… 


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