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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 

Charlie ordered the maid directly, Prepare the car and take me to the hospital! I’m going to 

the hospital to watch over them.” 

The maid glanced at Ben hesitantly

Before Ben could speak, Charlie was enraged

What’s wrong? Are my words useless?” 

The maid hurried off to prepare

Charlie was obviously angry now

Frowning, Ben slowly said, I’ll go with you.” 

Charlie huffed coldly and went downstairs without even looking at him

Ben quickly ordered a few people to follow

Then he turned around and said softly to Susan, Susan, grandpa still has some affection for Penelope. Don’t blame grandpa for what he said.” 

Susan shook her head, her eyes slightly red. Go and accompany grandpa first. I’m fine.” 

Ben looked at her worriedly

However, he was still worried about Charlie

Ben reached out and hugged Susan tightly

He whispered, Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” 

Then, he quickly chased after them

Susan was left alone in the room

When the servants passed by, they glanced at her carefully and then quickly walked past 



Chapter 167 

No one dared to speak loudly

Susan pursed her lips, turned around, and slowly returned to her room

It was get 

late at night

Charlie and Ben didn’t return all night

There was also no news from the hospital

Susan stared blankly out of the window

She had been watching the whole time.. 

They saw the darkness retreat and the morning light wake up

Then, she stood up and made a decision

She had to go to the hospital

She couldn’t just sit here and wait for death

Isabella had taken the initiative and now had the upper hand

If she didn’t do anything, it would be regarded as tacit consent

She would naturally admit to what she had done

But no one could frame her for what she had not done

If she went to the hospital, at least she could understand the latest situation and find a way to defend herself

There was nothing she could do if she stayed at home

Susan drove straight to the hospital with a calm face

At the hospital

After a night of emergency treatment, Penelope Landor was pushed out from the emergency room

Chapter 167 

How’s my mother?Leo asked anxiously

The physician sighed and said slowly, We have tried our best. Because there is an old wound in Mrs. Penelope’s head, and now there is a new injury, the situation is very serious. We have tried our best, but we can’t wake her up.” 

What do you mean now?Leo widened his eyes

The physician hesitated for a moment and said slowly, She’s most likely going to become vegetative. The possibility of recovery is less than 1%.” 

Mom!Isabella cried in a low voice and looked heartbroken. Howhow could this be?” 

A vegetable… 

Charlie fell to his seat

Leo turned his head and looked at Ben like crazy. Ben! What do you think of my mother’s 

current state?” 

Be quiet!Charlie stamped his cane

Grandpa, do you still want to cover up for him at this time?Leo was anxious. My mother is in a vegetative state, and Isabella and I lost our child. Are we just going to let it go?” 

Don’t make a fool of yourself outside. Send your mother to the ward first,” Charlie held his breath and said sternly

The medical staff quickly pushed Penelope into the ward

The others also followed him

Charlie glanced at the sleeping Penelope and sighed slightly. His heart was throbbing with 


No matter how bad Penelope was before, but now that she was in such a state, those bad things disappeared with the wind. All he remembered were the good things she did

Since Charlie was silent, Leo couldn’t wait any longer. There’s no one else now. It’s time for us to make things clear.” 


Chapter 167 

Charlie ignored him. He glanced at Isabella and said, Isabella, don’t stay here. Go rest next door.” 

Isabella burst into tears. Grandpa, I’m not going to rest. Compared to mom, I’m already. very lucky. I just want justice now.” 

Yes, both Isabella and I want justice,Leo said resolutely

Charlie glanced at Ben

Ben had a calm expression on his face. What kind of justice do you want?” 

Thinking that Ben had agreed, Leo was overjoyed and hurriedly said, I’m afraid that my mother will live a life worse than death for the rest of her life. You have to be responsible for it. Also, my unborn child is gone. You have to be also responsible for it.” 

How should I take responsibility?Ben looked very easy to talk to

It’s very simple.Leo suppressed the joy in his heart and tried his best to say calmly, You have to give us a large sum of money as compensation.” 

How much do you want?Ben asked

I don’t want too much,” Leo said, Just 10% of Storm Group’s shares.” 


Ben smiled. What ifl don’t?” 

to me

You don’t want to give it to me?Leo sneered and suddenly stood up. If you don’t give it means that you don’t feel guilty at all. Maybe you’re the one behind what happened mom and Isabella! Then I’ll make it public and let everyone see how terrible you and Susan are.” 

Leo!Charlie couldn’t help but slam his hand on the table, looking a little angry. What are you talking about?” 

Leo was displeased. Grandpa, why are you still scolding me at a time like this? It was my brother and that bitch who did something wrong!” 

Chapter 167 

No matter what, you two are still brothers.Charlie was so angry that his face turned red. You’re threatening your brother with the shares of Storm Group. What are you doing? Do you think I’m dead?” 

Leo sneered and said, If this amount of shares could be exchanged for my child and my mother’s awakening, I wouldn’t want it. But could I bring them back

YouCharlie was so angry that his entire body was trembling

Ben held his hand tightly and said in a calm voice, Grandpa, don’t worry. Leave everything 

to me.” 

You can solve it? How?Leo looked at Ben coldly

Leo was now the victim, and he had the right to ask for compensation. No matter what request he made, Ben had to listen

Otherwise, if he publicized this matter, Ben might lose more than just these shares

Leo felt that he had already shown mercy

Isabella’s eyes flickered as she said softly, Actually, I have a suggestion.” 

Isabella, go ahead,Leo said hurriedly

We all know that it was Susan who did it. It has nothing to do with Ben. I’m also heartbroken that my child is gone, but I also know that it’s wrong to vent my anger on someone else.Isabella slowly said

She took a deep breath as if she had made a huge decision. Then, she slowly said, As long as Ben and Susan divorce and give us a certain amount of financial compensation, this matter will be over.” 

Isabella, that’s it?Leo looked at Isabella anxiously

Isabella slowly shook her head, indicating that he should not say more

Out of trust in Isabella, Leo suppressed his anger and remained silent for the time being

At the door of the ward, Susan gently pushed the door open and was about to enter


Then, she heard the overly calm voice of Ben

He said, So, in combination with the two of you said, either I will give you 10% of the shares of the Storm Group, or I will have to divorce Susan.” 

Leo had other ideas, but Isabella had already agreed. That’s what I mean.” 

As she spoke, she tugged at Leo

Leo said reluctantly, All right, you can do either of these two things.” 

But in fact, Leo was reluctant

Anyone with a discerning eye would know how to choose between these two conditions

It was reasonable for Ben and Susan to divorce. Why did she make it as a condition

However, Isabella always had her own reasons for doing things, so Leo held back and was going to ask her in private

Outside the door, Susan s hand on the door handle froze

She stood at the door without saying a word or moving

All right, give me three days. I’ll think about it,Ben said calmly

Susan lowered her eyes

Ben said

He would think about it

If he said so, it meant that he believed that she was the one who did it

That was why he hesitated and was willing to think about it

Ben shouldn’t have to consider between Susan and 10% of the shares


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