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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 

Before leaving the small town, Ben made a special trip with Susan to Clara’s house to pick up her daily necessities

Susan, these are your everyday items, including your documents. See if they jog your memory,Ben said

Susan gathered her belongings briefly

Ben watched her, torn between hope and worry, Did you remember anything?” 

The name Susan sounds familiar. I must be right in thinking that’s my name,” she replied, looking at her 


Anything else?Ben inquired

Not for now, Susan shook her head

She had just lost her memory,” and knew recovery shouldn’t be rushed

Moreover, a thought lingered in Susan’s mind

Could her amnesia” be an unexpected way to hear Ben’s unguarded truths

She was curious if he ever doubted her, or considered letting her go

Perhaps it seemed like she was splitting hairs

But still, Susan stubbornly wanted an answer

Don’t worry, take your time, your memory will come back, Ben consoled her with a hint of regret in his voice

Susan nodded

Clara, learning about Susan’s amnesia, felt sorry and held Susan’s hand, saying earnestly, Susan, take good care of yourself. Once you’re better, come back and visit me.” 

Susan’s gaze was tender as she nodded gently

Minutes later, Susan and Ben left with her suitcase in hand

Clara watched them go with a touch of sadness

She lived alone, and having company for a few months was a rare delight for her, but now they were leaving

With a sigh, Clara shakily made her way back to her room to tidy up

But she found that Susan and Ben had left everything in perfect order before they left, even the trash bin was 



This girlClara murmured with a hint of admiration, as she went to put the only pillow left out back into the wardrobe

As Clara lifted the pillow, a stack of banknotes emerged from underneath

Her eyes narrowed in surprise, about to chase after the ones who left, when she noticed a note underneath the 


Clara picked it up and deciphered the message

Granny, I’ve secretly taken one of the green plants from your windowsill. This money is for that,Susan had written

with a smiley face added to the note

This childClara’s eyes moistened slightly with emotion

In the car… 

Ben looked at Susan, How did you think to leave money for Granny?” 

Susan, in a cheerful mood holding the plant, replied, What do you mean leave money? I took her plant, paying for 

it is only right.” 

In her bag, there was a sum of four to six thousand in cash, which Susan had left entirely for Clara

A hint of amusement flickered in Ben’s eyes

Really, what difference did it make whether Susan remembered or not

She had always been the sameoutwardly tough, but softhearted

They drove out of the town and then transferred to a private jet

To reinforce the impression of her amnesia, Susan exclaimed with feigned surprise, A private jet? Are you rich or 


She eyed Ben suspiciously, Although my memory hasn’t fully returned, I have this faint feeling that my family was more than welloff. Don’t rich people care about matching social status? How did we end up together? Don’t tell me this is some modernday Cinderella storyI won’t buy it.” 

Ben’s heart skipped a beat

He had always felt that the origin of their marriage was less than perfect

Previously, he had instinctively lied, claiming their union was purely out of love


Chapter 192 

But now, the question was posed

If it weren’t for certain underlying factors, he and Susan would never have been together at all

Ben’s mind raced, scrambling for an excuse to round out his lie

Susan watched him quietly

She just wanted to see how he would spin this tale

After a short while, Ben said with a pained expression, Susan, you’ve got it wrong. I’m not really that wealthy.” 

Susan, Oh?” 

Ben nodded firmly, This private jet is borrowed from a friend. It cost me a lot to borrow it!” 

Ben assured with a pledge of loyalty, But don’t worry, no matter the cost, as long as it means getting you back sooner, I’m willing.” 

Susan replied with a simple, Oh.” 

She believed him, she really did

The richest man who’s poor, Little Ben


Susan spoke slowly, Then you should return the jet to its owner as soon as you can.” 

Sure. Don’t worry,Ben nodded obediently

By the way, which friend did you borrow this jet from?” 

Susan gave him a glance

Without missing a beat, Ben said, His name is Thomas, quite a notable guy. I’ll introduce you two later.” 

Alright,Susan said

Miles away, Thomas sneezed and then quietly put on an extra layer of clothing

Susan didn’t ask any further

Ben breathed a sigh of relief and then took out his phone to make arrangements

It was for Charlie


Chapter 192 

[Grandpa, I’ve found Susan! But she has amnesia now. I’ll bring her to see you once her memory returns!

It was for his secretary

[Quick, buy a set of two thousand square feet, no, one thousand square feet of suite!

In the developed city of Anaville, real estate was expensive

A casual listing here started at an average price of ten or twelve hundred per square feet

Six to eight hundred was considered cheap

Ben thought for a moment and added, [Don’t get one in too good a location. An average price of around six hundred is fine, but it must have all the facilities!

After a while, he added another message, [Don’t pay in full, just the down payment! As for the purchase date, find at way to backdate it to a year ago

[Quick, get it done immediately. I want to check in in five hours

[Remember, make it feel livedin

[Don’t forget to put a photo of me and Susan in the room

[Go buy a new batch of affordable clothes and fill up the wardrobe.


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