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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 220

Chapter 220 

Isabella struggled to get up, but Leo was not done yet

He approached her, intent on continuing his assault

In a flash of fear, Isabella blurted out, No matter how much money we’ve lost, my parents can cover it!” 

Leo’s hand paused midair, his expression shifting to skepticism

Really?he asked

Desperate, Isabella nodded vigorously

Leo’s demeanor softened slightly as he stated, I’ll believe you one last time. I’ve lost over twenty million dollars on this project. Bring back forty million dollars, and we can continue our life together. Otherwise” 

Forty million?Isabella was shocked and fearful, Isn’t that too much?” 

Too much?Leo sneered menacingly. Either bring the money or face the consequences. Your choice.” 

Leo looked like a devil

Frightened, Isabella agreed to find a way

When are we going to Riowert then?Leo asked

Us?Isabella was bewildered

What, you thought you’d go ask for the money alone? What if you run away? What about my losses then?Leo looked at Isabella with a threatening gaze

Feeling cornered, Isabella had no choice but to agree, Don’t worry. Once we sort things out here, we’ll go ask my parents for the money.” 

At this, Leo’s face lit up with a radiant smile

He reached out, helping her up. Isabella, don’t be afraid. I was just angry earlier. You’re the one I truly love. Why else would I forsake even my own mother to be with you? What I said earlier was all in the heat of the moment.” 

Really?Isabella was partly surprised and flattered

Leo nodded affirmatively. Of course. I’m pushing you to ask your parents for money for our future. Think about it, you’re an only child at home, but you have many cousins. Remember how you used to complain about them. hanging around your parents, trying to benefit from them? Now that you’re not around much, they’re probably even more ingratiating. What if your parents are deceived by them and leave the family fortune to them instead?” 

Chapter 220 

They wouldn’t dare!Isabella exclaimed in shock and anger

They can do whatever they want with their money,” Leo said soothingly. So, our top priority now is to gradually secure your parentswealth for ourselves. Otherwise, who knows who might end up benefiting from it in the future?” 

Isabella nodded thoughtfully

She knew Leo had his own ulterior motives, but his words made perfect sense

She was the only child, and the family wealth was rightfully hers. Taking it in advance seemed justifiable

Moreover, in her mind, she harbored numerous opportunities to make money.

With the funds, she was sure she could make a comeback

Sensing Isabella’s agreement, Leo couldn’t help but smile satisfactorily

Although his wife was foolish, she had wealthy parents

Securing the Smith family’s assets would offset his previous losses

With a backup plan in place, Leo and Isabella stopped resisting the online backlash

The legal case was clearcut. The court quickly made a judgment

The charges of plagiarism and malicious defamation were indisputable

The plagiarism charge in Coraland was lighter, merely requiring a fine

However, the defamation could have led to imprisonment, but Isabella’s parents intervened, paying a substantial sum to have others take the fall

Infinite Technologiesreputation was irreparably tarnished, making it impossible to continue operations

Leo promptly dissolved the company

Then, he and Isabella quietly left Coraland to start anew in Riowert

At the Landor residence

The TV was on, but Old Mr. Landor watched without really focusing

Penelope, sitting beside him, also seemed lost in thought

Ben sighed and took the initiative to speak, Leo bought someone to take the fall for him, and he and Isabella have gone to Riowert.” 


Chapter 220 

Ben knew about Leo’s scheme to have someone else take the blame

However, he never exposed his actions

After all, Leo carried the bloodline of their family

Despite Old Mr. Landor and Penelope often speaking bitterly of Leo, if he had actually gone to prison, they wouldn’t have been able to let go

Especially grandpa with his advanced age and frail health, Ben didn’t want to see him distressed over Leo’s situation

Escaped to Riowert?Old Mr. Landor exclaimed angrily, That rascal! He only knows how to run away after causing 


He should be locked up for ten or eight years,Penelope added vehemently

The two elders continued to grumble about Leo, but their spirits visibly improved

Ben shook his head slightly

Indeed, no matter how unfilial the younger generation might be, elders in their hearts could never bear to see them fare poorly

Now that they knew Leo had fled to Riowert, where he had the support of the Smith family, his life would likely be comfortable. This knowledge seemed to provide some relief to the concerned elders

However, Leo and Isabella had completely lost touch with reality

Ben narrowed his eyes

For his grandpa’s sake, he was willing to let Leo and Isabella off the hook


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