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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 

What, that beautiful lady is already married?Allen looked utterly heartbroken

Yes, and they have a great marriage. You should stop this no 

Thomas quickly responded

Allen was silent for a while

Thinking that he had given up, Thomas was about to let out a sigh of relief

Allen suddenly looked up, passionately declaring, True love transcends all boundaries. Even if she’s married, It can’t stop my love for her. I’ve decided, I will pursue her! I’m sure I can win her over, make her leave that boring husband, and be with me.” 

Thomas was at a loss for words

Thomas felt like dying

Maybe he should just end it all now to avoid facing Ben’s wrath later

Taking a deep breath, Thomas tried to reason with him, You haven’t even seen her entire face when you said you liked her! Isn’t this love a bit too sudden?” 

Allen looked at him disdainfully. Thomas, you don’t understand love. Love comes from the heart. Even if I haven’t seen her face, my heart has already fallen for her at first sight!” 

Thomas, exasperated, said, Do you even know who her husband is?” 

No matter who he is, he can’t love her more than I do.Allen retorted

Thomas couldn’t understand where Allen’s confidence came from

Allen’s reckless behavior was his own concern, but Thomas didn’t want to be dragged down with him

He seriously informed Allen, Her husband is Ben, the one at the top of the Forbes list.” 

Allen paused, giving Thomas a moment of relief, thinking he would finally give up

Instead, Allen suddenly got excited and stood up, indignantly saying, Are you trying to tell me that this beautiful lady was forcibly taken by the vile Ben? Don’t worry, if that’s the case, I have even more reason to rescue her. For love, I fear nothing!” 

Thomas was baffled by Allen’s logic

He didn’t know what Allen was thinking

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All he knew was that he was in big trouble

He gritted his teeth and insisted, They are happily married, she doesn’t need to be rescued.” 

Allen gave him a knowing look, as if saying, I understand everything.” 

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Allen patted Thomas on the shoulder, understandingly saying, Thomas, I know that my pursuit of Ms. Miller might affect you. Don’t worry, I’ll cancel our previous arrangement. I won’t work at your hospital. I’m off to pursue the 

woman of my dreams.” 

Thomas was at a loss for words

He still wanted to struggle, but Allen had already skipped away

Watching him go, Thomas groaned in despair, hoping Allen was just bluffing and wouldn’t actually do anything 


Otherwise, he feared he might end up ruined by Ben

After parting with Thomas, Allen excitedly made a phone call

Eason! It’s me, Allen.” 

A lazy voice came from the other end, Hmm?” 

Eason, I’m in Coraland, and I’ve fallen for a lady!” 

Far away in Tonico, Eason raised an eyebrow, So what?” 

Do you remember the incident a year ago?Allen’s voice brimmed with excitement. The day I visited your house and saw a photo.” 

Eason’s tone turned dark, You dare bring that up?” 

I didn’t do it on purpose,Allen hurriedly explained. I didn’t know the girl in the photo was your mother when she was young.” 

Eason snorted coldly, If you had done it intentionally, I would have broken your legs by now.” 

Allen awkwardly laughed, But your mother was really beautiful and elegant when she was young. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have fallen for her at first sight just from a photo.” 

You dare say that,Eason’s expression turned icy

Allen, slightly fearful of Eason, quickly said, Anyway, I wanted to tell you I’ve met the woman of my dreams! She has a similar aura to your mother when she was young. I was captivated at first sight! Sadly, she’s already married, but no matter, I will try to win her heart.” 

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Eason, massaging his temples in annoyance, said disdainfully, What, any random person can resemble my mother? Allen, don’t tell me these things in the future.” 

Allen insisted, It’s hard to find someone with your mother’s grace, true. But the girl I met is no less remarkable. Speaking of which, being from toptier families, you might have met her. She’s Ben’s wife, her surname is Miller, I think. But she’s only temporarily Ben’s wife. Once I succeed in wooing her, she will be mine.” 

Allen emphasized this point again

Enough, I’m busy. Don’t bother me with this,” Eason said, uninterested, and hung up the phone

Sitting at his desk, Eason immersed himself in a new round of work

As the evening approached and his tasks were nearly completed, he poured himself a cup of coffee

The fragrant aroma relaxed his tense brows and eyes

In this moment of relaxation, Eason’s thoughts drifted back to Allen’s earlier remarks


Ben’s wife? Resembling my mother?Intrigued, Eason turned on his computer and started searching for photos

He easily found numerous photos of Ben, but it took him a while to find just one of Sasan. In the photo, Susan’s face was partially obscured, her figure appearing both aloof and warm under a streetlight

Eason stared at the photo, transfixed

His hand trembled as he zoomed in, examining every detail

Allen was usually unreliable, but this time, he seemed to have stumbled upon a truth

The woman in the photo had lips just like his mother’s, and her unique aura was strikingly similar to his mother’s in her youth

Eason fell into a contemplative silence

After five minutes, he stood up abruptly and instructed his secretary to prepare his private jet for a trip to Coraland

After hanging up the phone, he sat down, then stood again, restless

Pacing back and forth, he couldn’t help but ponder

After searching for so long, this woman named Susan made his heart skip a beat

Could she possibly be his longlost sister

Over twenty years ago, his family faced troubles. His mother was forced to give birth out of Tonico, and she suffered severe hemorrhaging postdelivery, requiring emergency medical attention

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Chapter 223 

After the emergency rescue was over, the baby had vanished

His mother was nearly driven to madness by the loss


The nurse on duty that year was held accountable, and the hospital paid a hefty compensation

But what good did that do

His sister was still missing

Shortly after, his father found them and brought them back to Tonico, resuming their former life

However, Eason’s mother harbored deep resentment towards her husband

She believed that if she hadn’t married him, she wouldn’t have been caught up in such complicated matters, wouldn’t have given birth in a foreign land, and her daughter wouldn’t have been lost

She directed all her regret and anger about losing her daughter at her husband

Over the years, the number of words exchanged between his parents could be counted on two hands. 

His father was in pain, but his mother’s agony was no less

To alleviate his wife’s sorrow, Eason’s father adopted a girl who bore some resemblance to their family

This brought a semblance of vitality back to Eason’s mother as she poured her maternal love into the adopted girl

Still, she never forgave her husband

Eason, witnessing his parentssuffering over his sister, vowed to find her

He searched everywhere for girls resembling his parents and approached each one, but each time he returned disappointed

Susan, could it be you?Eason mused, looking out the window, his gaze clouded with uncertainty

In Tonico

In the NicholasManor 

Alexander tiredly rubbed his temples after seeing off a group of ministers

In the world today, there were several countries where Zathinese was spoken

Among them, the two most powerful were Tonico and Coraland

Unlike Coraland, Tonico still operated under a constitutional monarchy

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The Nicholas surname had been associated with the monarchy in Tonico for ten generations

Alexander, the current king of Tonico, often played a ceremonial role, more like a mascot

The country could run smoothly without him, thanks to a wellorganized cabinet

However, for significant matters, the ministers still had to report to him

King Alexander’s greatest sorrows were threefold


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