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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 

Theresa again?Ben sounded a bit jealous. Who’s your husband here, me or her?” 

Theresa seemed to call Susan every day, each time chatting for over half an hour

Ben felt his dignity as a husband was being challenged

Susan glanced at him. Is that the point?” 

What else would it be?Ben frowned

The point is, Theresa and Thomas are getting closer!Susan was surprised by this development

After all, Theresa and Thomas seemed like such an unlikely pair, yet they were now meeting daily

A single man and a single woman, is it that strange?Ben remarked

Susan shook her head at him, I won’t discuss this with a straightforward man like you.” 

Ben was confused

Susan leaned in closer. Theresa told me she’s going to an amusement park with Thomas tomorrow.” 

And then?Ben raised his eyebrows

Susan nudged him. I want to go and see for myself.” 

Ben was puzzled. See what?” 

Aren’t you curious about what their date will be like?Susan couldn’t help but say

Not really,Ben shook his head

Susan pinched him

Ben quickly agreed. Very curious, extremely curious.” 

Susan was pleased. Then, to satisfy your curiosity, let’s go to the amusement park too.” 

Ben was speechless

Susan narrowed her eyes. Are you unhappy about something?” 

No,” Ben replied calmly, I just realized that we’ve been married for so long, and I haven’t even taken you to an amusement park. I’ve been so negligent.” 


The next day

The sun was just right

Susan, wearing a sun hat, sunglasses, and a mask, looked quite sneaky

Ben, under her insistence, was dressed similarly

“We’ll enter the amusement park first. Then we’ll hide in the gift shop near the entrance. When we see them coming, we’ll secretly follow them. Got it?Susan whispered

Understood.Ben nodded calmly 

The two of them sneaked into the gift shop like thieves

They didn’t have to wait long before Thomas and Theresa entered the park, holding hands

Wow, they’re making progress,Susan exclaimed in surprise

Ben was slightly taken aback too, but soon he noticed the people following Thomas and Theresa and chuckled

What’s so funny?Susan asked curiously

Ben pointed to a middleaged woman following the couple, whispering, That’s Thomas’s mother. And the woman with her, I believe, is Theresa’s mother.” 

Susan was speechless

Susan fell silent for a moment before bursting into laughter

So, the mothers of Thomas and Theresa, not trusting their children, had also followed them to the date

No wonder, despite holding hands, both Thomas and Theresa looked awkward

Let’s follow them. I have a feeling there’s going to be some interesting drama,Susan said, pulling Ben along

They followed at a safe distance behind the two mothers

Mrs. Smith, Thomas’s mother, was speaking with satisfaction, I say, these two kids are just meant for each other. Look how wellmatched they are.” 

Mrs. Austin, Theresa’s mother, was equally delighted, Isn’t it? Theresa is just introverted. Thomas being extroverted complements her perfectly, doesn’t it?” 

Mrs. Austin, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Thomas is so lively. I like quiet kids like Theresa who can keep him in 


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Oh, you flatter her too much. Theresa is just a bookworm without much flair. If Thomas agrees to marry her, that would be her fortune.” 

No, no, no. It’s Thomas’s fortune.” 

No, no, it’s really Theresa’s fortune.” 

The two mothers began to lavishly praise each other’s child, almost as if they were eager to have Thomas and Theresa get married on the spot

The sun was shining brightly

Thomas and Theresa were walking hand in hand, albeit reluctantly

Theresa whispered, Let go of my hand, it’s hot today. My palms are sweating.” 

Thomas scoffed, You let go first.” 

He knew if he released her hand first, he’d fall right into Theresa’s trap and his mother would come charging at him

Theresa glared at Thomas. Can’t you act a bit more like a man?” 

Thomas smiled. A real man never let go.” 

Exasperated, Theresa proposed. How about we switch to arm around the waist? That should be okay, right?” 

After a moment’s thought, Thomas put his arm around Theresa’s waist

Their mothers, who were following behind, were thrilled at this

I told you these kids are a perfect match, didn’t I? Look, he’s even got his arm around her waist,Mrs. Smith whispered excitedly

Mrs. Austin laughed. Mrs. Smith, since our family only has one daughter, can the second child take the Austin 


Oh, I don’t mind at all. Even the first child can take the Austin name,Mrs. Smith replied cheerfully

You’re such a generous person. Then let’s discuss the wedding, shall we? I was thinking” 

Whatever you suggest for the wedding is fine by us. As long as Theresa likes it, we agree. I’m planning to give the young couple” 

Speaking of children’s names, I have a few suggestions. How about… 


Chapter 230 

I think they all sound great. If it’s a boy, we can name himIf it’s a girl, we can name her” 

Susan, eavesdropping, couldn’t help but laugh out loud at this point

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Thomas and Theresa had no idea their simple gesture had their mothers excitedly planning out their children’s 


However, before Susan could finish laughing, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Austin turned around, looking surprised to see 


Susan quickly covered her mouth. I just think Tobias Smithis a great name

The two mothers continued to gaze at them

Theresa, noticing the commotion, turned around and was surprised to see Susan, exclaiming, Susan?” 

It was a surprise to be recognized in disguise

Feeling slightly awkward, Susan removed her sunglasses and, clutching Ben, said, It’s a coincidence, we were just having a date here today too.” 

also too 

Ben also took off his sunglasses and calmly greeted the mothers, Hello, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Austin


Mrs. Smith immediately brightened up. Oh, it’s you kids. What a coincidence! Since you’re all couples and friends, why don’t you play together?” 

Absolutely, let’s go together.Theresa, seeing a lifeline, eagerly signaled to Susan for help

Suppressing her laughter, Susan agreed

Go ahead, you young people enjoy the thrills. We’ll just row a boat on the nearby lake.Mrs. Smith suggested 


Mom, please go ahead!Thomas hurriedly encouraged them

Mrs. Smith looked at him suspiciously, Are you that eager for us to leave?” 

Thomas broke out in a cold sweat, but Mrs. Smith quickly laughed. I know you want to spend time alone with 

Theresa. Have fun!” 

The mothers cheerfully departed, still discussing potential names for future grandchildren

Thomas and Theresa watched their mothers walk away and, once they were out of sight, Thomas quickly released 

Theresa from his embrace

Theresa glared at him. What, you feel so wronged holding me? So eager to let go?” 

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Chapter 230 

Thomas hesitated before asking, Should I hold you again?” 

172 06:20 

Get lost.Theresa snapped back coldly. Don’t even think about taking advantage of me for one more second.” 

Thomas was at a loss 

It was really difficult for him

Susan watched the scene with amusement

What’s so funny, Susan? Theresa inquired 

I just suddenly feel like you two are quite a good match Susan remarked

Impossibleboth Thomas and Theresa said in unison

Look, how in sync you areSusan remarked 

Not in sync at all Thomas and Theresa retorted in unison 

Susan fell silent and just spread her hands in a gesture of resignation 

Thomas and Theresa exchanged a resentful glance and decided to stop talking 

Alright, we won’t disturb your date anymore. Have fun, you two, Susan said with a smile

Wait, Susan Theresa started anxiously, wanting to keep her there

But Susan had already taken off with Ben, leaving them far behind

Thomas and Theresa looked at each other, then both scoffed and turned away

Ben looked at Susan, a slight smirk playing on his lips, though his voice carried a hint of tease, So, not watching 

the show anymore?” 

Susan blinked, I wanted to, but seeing how well they match, I don’t want to be a third wheel” 

Ben’s face fell instantly. Thats it

Susan gave him a playful look. Of course, more importantly, I wanted to spend some alone time with you.” 

This made Ben’s smile deepen 

That’s more like it 

I’ve never been to an amusement park. What should we try first? Susan asked, her enthusiasm evident


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Chapter 230 

Ben frowned slightly

Truth be told, he had never been to an amusement park either

However, he tried to act knowledgeable

Let’s start with something gentle, warm up a bit. How about Eternal Love? That sounds soothing.” 


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