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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237 

Thomas, having failed to find Theresa, quickly located Susan and hurried over to her

Sisterinlaw.” he greeted her

Susan was startled to see him. Thomas? What are you doing here?” 

Thomas sat down next to her and whispered, Sisterinlaw, Theresa’s with you, right? Where is she?” 

Susan glanced subtly in Theresa’s direction

Theresa, with her back to them, seemed engrossed in her script, but her rigid posture betrayed her tension

It seemed Thomas was still unaware that Theresa was actually the lead actress, Rose, in their film

Susan raised an eyebrow. Who told you Theresa and I are together? She’s not here.” 

Don’t lie to me, sisterinlaw.Thomas calmly presented the photo Theresa had taken the previous night, explaining 

how he had used it to locate her

Susan was incredulous. Are you sure you’re a doctor? Ever thought about becoming a detective?” 

Just stop hiding things from me,” Thomas insisted

Susan gave Thomas a curious look, her expression one of interest. Can you tell me why you’re so determined to find Theresa? As far as I know, you two don’t exactly get along. But you came all the way here. Could it bethat you like her?” 

How could that be possible?Thomas reflexively denied. She’s so fierce and unreasonable, not at all my type. I prefer someone gentle and innocent like Monica.” 

At this moment

Theresa casually walked by them, overhearing his comment. She scoffed quietly and, pretending dropped a heavy prop brick right on Thomas’s foot

Caught off guard, Thomas was thrown right on the spot

He cried out in pain

Sorry, my hand slipped,” Theresa said nonchalantly before walking away

to be clumsy

Is that the lead actress, Rose?Thomas muttered under his breath, Doesn’t seem to have much class.” 

Susan was utterly unfazed, even considering recording the conversation

Chapter 237 

She had a feeling that if Thomas kept on this reckless path, his future would be fraught with troubles

Enough about that, sisterinlaw.” Thomas implored, his voice tinged with urgency. Just tell me where Theresa is.” 

said you 

Susan looked at him slyly. But don’t like her, so why do you want to find her?” 

Thomas had his excuse ready

He said without hesitation, Do you think I want to be here? It’s my mother. She’s been making a scene, insisting bring Theresa back. Honestly, if Theresa hadn’t tricked my mom with her cunning ways, I wouldn’t even spare her a second glance.” 

At this moment, Theresa was approaching

Susan glanced at Theresa and wanted to laugh. She held back her laughter and asked, What do you think of her?” 

Thomas didn’t hold back. Let’s not even start on her terrible personality. Just her looks always hiding behind. those thick glasses, with her heavy bangs and hair always down. From a distance, if she didn’t move, I’d mistake 

her for a mop.” 

In the next moment, he let out a yelp of pain

Theresa looked at him emotionlessly. Sorry, my hand slipped again.” 

Thomas stared at the two bricks on the ground, speechless

Once could be an accident, but twice

And the number of bricks even increased

He wouldn’t believe that Rose didn’t do it on purpose

Do we have some sort of feud?Thomas asked, baffled

Theresa chuckled and walked past him, deliberately stepping on his foot with her high heel

This pain…. 

The pain was so intense that Thomas couldn’t even cry out

He looked at Susan incredulously. You saw that, right?” 

Susan, barely holding back her laughter, nodded. I saw.” 

Thomas was astonished. Is this the quality of your lead actress?” 

Susan raised an eyebrow. Well, she’s very close to Theresa. Maybe she doesn’t like hearing you talk about her like 


Chapter 237 


Thomas immediately tensed up. She knows Theresa? Susan, she won’t go tattling, will she?” 

Susan chuckled reassuringly. Don’t worry, she won’t.” 

After all, she had heard everything herself

Thomas relaxed slightly, explaining in a low voice, Even though what I said was the truth, if Theresa hears It, she’ll definitely complain to my mom, and then I’ll be in trouble.” 

Susan nodded, indicating she understood

As Thomas was about to continue his questioning, Mr. Witt announced that filming was about to start. 

Susan smiled and said, Let’s watch the shooting for now.” 

Thomas, still with many questions, acquiesced for the moment

On set, the lead actors were ready

Mr. Witt briefly described the scene and started the first trial shoot

The female protagonist, Alice, was a girl who cared a lot about looking refined

In this apocalyptic environment, she couldn’t maintain her flawless makeup like before. She couldn’t even do her 

usual skincare and makeup routine 

So, her high heels became her last stronghold

Due to a sudden climate change, temperatures plummeted to minus ten degrees in just a few days and were still dropping rapidly. The place where Alice and Levi, the male protagonist, were staying couldn’t be heated, so they 

had to find a new base 

In the heavy snow, Alice struggled to walk in her high heels, sinking in with every step

Levi, seeing this, couldn’t help but reproach Alice for being unreasonable, insisting on wearing high heels even in 

such conditions

This led to an argument and they decided to part ways

The next scenes were to be shot separately for both characters

Mr. Witt decided to start with Theresa’s part

So, just after warming up for five minutes in the studio, Theresa had to reenter the snowy outdoors



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