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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 

Theresa gaped at Susan’s radiant face and then noticed the various marks on her neck, which left her stunned

Theresa, are we having breakfast? I’ll just be a sec.” 

As Susan spoke

Theresa pushed her into the room 

Then, she slammed the door shut

Susan looked at her, puzzled

Theresa’s voice dropped to a whisper, Susan, how could you not resist!” 

Susan was speechless again

Theresa became more frantic. Don’t panic. There’s still time to fix this. Just tell me who was with you last night, III pay him off to keep his mouth shut. Then, you need to fly back home and pretend like nothing happened” 

Susan was speechless again 

She seemed to understand a little

Susan cleared her throat, attempting to clarify

Theresa waved her hand dismissively. I know, you’re embarrassed to have me foot the bill. But trust me, it’s better to run this through my accounts. They’re harder to trace. I’ll keep your secret, no doubt about it. But you have to think about how you’re going to deal with Mr. Landor. Whether to come clean or keep it hidden. My advice would 


As Theresa was talking, Ben appeared 

He looked at Theresa, with his expression unreadable. So, what’s your advice?” 

Theresa was speechless 

She stiffened up in an instant 

What was going on

How did Ben end up here

Theresa numbly glanced at Susan Why didn’t you say something?” 

Susan was at a loss. “I wanted to, but there was never a good moment.” 


Chapter 240 

Theresa felt like she could die of embarrassment

What had she done! 

She was advising Susan on how to cover up an affair right in front of Ben

Theresa offered an awkward smile and began to inch backward

Finally, she retreated to the door. She quickly opened the door and jumped out

It’s all a misunderstanding, Mr. Landor, just a big misunderstanding.Theresa blurted out before shutting the door and making a quick escape

At the doorway

Thomas watched Theresa with a schadenfreudeladen expression on his face

Theresa, having just wiped off sweat, caught sight of his infuriating smirk and instantly felt her blood boil

You knew Ben was coming, that’s why you insisted on Susan staying in her own room last night, right?Theresa ground out through clenched teeth

Yeah.Thomas admitted without hesitation

So why did you justTheresa took a deep breath to calm herself and continued, Why didn’t you stop me?” 

I did try to stop you, but couldn’t hold you back,Thomas said with a sly grin

Great, just great.Theresa glared at him, already imagining various scenes of Thomas being deepfried in her 


Of course, I’m great,Thomas responded nonchalantly

At that moment, Henri, a famous actor, happened to open the door

Theresa’s eyes flickered with an idea, and she deliberately bumped into Thomas’s hand before falling to the 


Thomas was speechless

Theresa started crying as if she was the heroine of a tragic play. Thomas, what are you doing? I really don’t know where the person you’re looking for is! Even if you push me, or beat me to death, I still wouldn’t know!” 

Thomas was speechless

Wait a minute, this scene seemed strangely familiar



Chapter 240 

Henri saw Theresa on the ground, crying pitifully. His protective instincts kicked in, and his gaze towards Thomas turned sharp

He went over to help Theresa up and then glared at Thomas. Why would you bully a woman like that? Are you even a man?” 

Thomas was speechless

Theresa wiped her tears. It’s okay. He didn’t mean it.” 

Thomas’s gaze darkened

Was she playing him

He remembered Monica pulling similar stunts before

Back then, he was too concerned about her to notice

But seeing Theresa’s quick change of tactics, the image of Monica in his heart crumbled a bit more

As for Theresa

She was blatantly trying to frame him

But Thomas found himself amused instead of angry

Did she really think she could get the better of him this way

Thomas immediately put on an apologetic expression. I’m so sorry, I was just too hasty and forgot about Rose’s leg injury. I might have pushed a bit too hard. Rose, I am truly sorry. Is there any chance you could give me an opportunity to make it up to you?” 

Theresa narrowed her eyes

Well, well

Thomas wasn’t going to be easy to deal with

She smiled gently. What’s there to make up for? It’s just a trivial matter.” 

How can this be a trivial matter? Since Rose has hurt her leg, I’ll be your legs for the entire day, Thomas said decisively. He walked over, scooped Theresa up in a princess carry, and lifted her off the ground

Theresa stared at him with her mouth agape

Please accept my apology,Thomas said, his voice soft, but his eyes gleamed with a hint of challenge

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Chapter 240 

68% 06:27 

Theresa suddenly smiled. Then please do me the favor. I’ve got a sudden craving for panfried buns. There’s

Coraland breakfast joint about two miles from here. Carry me there.” 

Thomas was speechless

Thomas was momentarily silent. Don’t go overboard.” 

Is it too far?Theresa’s voice suddenly grew louder. Then never mind, you don’t have to make it up to me.” 

Let’s go! I’ll carry you there!Thomas gritted his teeth and strode out with Theresa in his arms

Henri was speechless

Hmmwhat was his role in all this

Was he just pulled out to be a prop in their drama

Although he was somewhat baffled

But Henri looked at the hand he had just used to help Theresa up, a hint of amusement in his eyes

He had been in the entertainment industry for quite a while

But a natural beauty like Rose was truly a rare find

Especially since this time, they were scheduled for a fourmonth closed sel filming


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