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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 242

Chapter 242 

Eason let out a sigh, I used to have a sister. But there was an accident during my mother’s labor, and my sister went missing. She’s never been found.” 

Ben squinted slightly. So, you think Susan is your sister?” 

Eason was torn. I don’t know. The world is full of lookalikes. I’ve tapped into all my connections to find my sister and have found quite a few girls who bear some resemblance to my mother. Some even look more like her than Susan does. Each time, I went for the tests full of hope, but the results always ended in utter disappointment.” 

Ben seemed to understand

He arched an eyebrow. Have you ever mentioned this to Susan?” 

Eason shook his head. No, I haven’t dared to.” 

Why not?Ben frowned

Eason hesitated before speaking, The moment I first saw Susan, I felt something strange. Even without any tests, I instinctively felt she was my sister. But her family background is crystal clear, with parents and a younger sister. Her family tree doesn’t leave room for doubt. If she were my sister, how could she suddenly become the daughter of the Miller family?” 

And then?Ben asked, more pragmatically

Ben thought Eason didn’t grasp the significance of his turmoil. Wrestling with the idea back and forth was pointless. Why not just tell Susan the truth and have everything out in the open

Eason glanced at Ben. You don’t understand. I’ve been let down so many times, and now, finally, there’s a girl who is the spitting image of the sister in my heart. Even if it’s just my imagination, I don’t want to shatter this illusion so 


Despite telling himself to get a sample of Susan’s blood for testing as soon as possible

However, Eason never took any real action

Because he was scared

Scared that the result would be another disappointment

He had borne so many disappointments before

But this time, it was different

Susan was the exact embodiment of the sister he had imagined


Chapter 242 

Unwittingly, he had infused her with so many of his emotions

If this time it turned out not to be true

Eason wasn’t sure if he had the courage to continue the search

You’re just fooling yourself.” Ben pointed out sharply. 

Eason gave a wry smile. Perhaps.” 

Ben handed the photo back to Eason and said coolly, I can understand your actions. But that doesn’t mean I can accept them. Mr. Nicholas, you now have two options. Either you tell Susan the truth yourself, or I will. Of course, whether or not to take the test should be up to Susan to decide.” 

Ben didn’t really believe that Susan could be Eason’s sister

After all, resemblance is common, and a single photo can’t prove much

He figured Eason was just overly missing his sister, maybe even desperately clutching at straws

However, since Eason harbored such a thought, it would be best for Susan to step forward and put an end to this 


Otherwise, Eason’s relentless hovering around Susan wasn’t a solution

Ben’s suggestion was purely aimed at resolving the issue

Ben would never admit that, deep down, he was a little jealous

Eason knew that continuing this way was no good

What had to be faced, would eventually have to be faced

Eason let out a sigh. Give me two more days, I’ll tell her myself,” 

Okay.Ben nodded

Having decided to tell Susan the truth, Eason couldn’t help but feel anxious

Would Susan be willing to take the test with him

What if she wasn’t? What would he do then

And if she was willing, what if the results weren’t as he hoped

Eason was tied up in knots thinking about the possibilities


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Chapter 242 

68% 06:28 

Unaware of what the two men had been discussing, Susan had blissfully enjoyed her time and then glided back to 

where they were

What are you two still dolo 

are you two still doing standing here?Susan asked curiously, looking at Ben and Eason, Do you really have that much to talk about?” 

Ben just smiled. Nothing much, just some business matters.” 

He stepped forward and took Susan’s hand

Without further questions, Susan pulled Ben back to the ice rink for more skating

They enjoyed a whole morning of fun

And then they had lunch outside

The trio then returned to the hotel

Eason, with a mind full of thoughts, retreated to his own room

He needed to figure out how to approach Susan about this delicate matter

When they got back to their room, Susan asked Ben, a hint of curiosity in her voice, What’s with Mr. Nicholas? He was acting a bit strange.” 

It’s nothing.Ben quipped, arching an eyebrow. We’re hardly acquaintances. Maybe he’s just an eccentric character.” 

Susan paused, then said, You know, that sounds quite plausible.” 

Ben just laughed and affectionately tousled her hair

Hey, stop messing up my hair. Susan chided, swatting his hand away, then blinked up at him. If you’ve got a meeting tomorrow, doesn’t that mean you need to head back tonight?” 

Speaking softly, Ben said to her, It’s not safe to travel at night. I’ll head back first thing in the morning. The meeting isn’t until the afternoon, so there’s plenty of time.” 

ThenSusan was a little conflicted

What’s wrong?Ben inquired

I want to go with you,Susan murmured, her lips pressed together, But I’m worried that if I go, Theresa might get reckless. She’s still nursing that injury. She simply can’t rush back to work.” 

But Theresa was so strong and stubborn


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Chapter 242 

With her around, Theresa could have a good rest

As soon as she left, Theresa immediately told the director to start work

Ben raised his eyebrows, his tone laced with mock offense. So, for Theresa’s sake, you’d even give up time with your honey?” 

Susan was quick to explain, That’s not it. We can always see each other, but if Theresa doesn’t take care of her 


She’s an adult,Ben said. She should know how to take care of herself.” 

I’m afraid she’s not really the selfaware type, Susan replied helplessly

Theresa was good in every aspect, but she was too stubborn

Sometimes, asking for something forcibly was completely going too far

Ben, wait for me for just two days. In two days, I’ll come to you.Susan looked at Ben with puppydog eyes. Is that okay?” 


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