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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 245

Chapter 245 

Thomas quickly approached Monica, asking in a low voice, Monica, what are you really up to?” 

He was not a fool

At first, he thought Monica was there for him, and a part of him was secretly pleased

But as things unfolded, it was clear Monica wasn’t there for him at all. She had set her sights on Susan

Why would you ask that?Monica responded with an innocent face. I just want to offer Susan a sincere apology.” 

Thomas took a deep breath before slowly replying, That incident happened almost half a year ago. There were countless opportunities for you to apologize. Why now? Why here?” 

Her expression was even more innocent, Monica replied, I just didn’t come to that realization before. But now, I truly understand my mistake. Thomas, won’t you allow me to make amends?” 

Thomas was momentarily speechless, about to say something more

But Monica was already standing at the door to Susan’s room

She raised her hand and knocked

No answer came

Monica kept knocking

Thomas grabbed her hand, his eyes flashing a warning, Susan might be asleep. Don’t disturb her now.” 

Asleep?Monica blinked. That’s unlikely. I remember she’s a night owl.” 

You remembered wrong.Thomas narrowed his eyes

How could I remember that wrong?Monica said, trying to look pitiful. Tve made a big decision, gathered all my courage to come here and apologize. Thomas, is it that Susan knows it’s me and she doesn’t want to see me?” 

Are you 

you thinking too highly of yourself?Theresa couldn’t stand it any longer. If you want to apologize, just do it. But Susan doesn’t owe it to you to open her door in the dead of night just to be subjected to your sarcasm. Who do you think you are, expecting the whole world to accommodate you?” 

1Monica fell silent, her eyes beginning to redden


What’s this now? Putting on an act of the poor, innocent girl?Theresa was even more irritated

Rose, I really didn’t mean it like that,Monica said in a woeful tone, But with so many of us here, we might be a bit 


Chapter 245 

noisy. If Susan hasn’t heard us by now, I’m worried something might have happened to her. Minor issues aside, if something serious has happened to Susan, what then? If she doesn’t open the door, I suggest we just go in and 


You’re dreaming.Theresa snapped. Just barge in? Do you think you have the right?” 

A look of hurt crossed Monica’s face. I’m just concerned about Susan. Plus, Rose has been resistant to me seeing Susan. Could it be you know there’s something she’s involved in right now that makes it inconvenient for her to see anyone?” 

Theresa paused, thrown off. What are you implying?” 

Monica batted her eyelashes. Nothing much. Just feels a bit strange, that’s all.” 

In any case, Monica was determined to stay put if Susan didn’t open the door

Eason must be in Susan’s room right now

If she didn’t leave, Eason couldn’t leave either

Susan might avoid her now, but could she avoid her forever

Monica, if you keep up this passiveaggressive act, believe me, I’ll tear your mouth apart.Theresa stepped forward, ready to drag Monica away

Thomas instinctively grabbed Theresa’s hand

What did I do wrong, Thomas? Rose is so fierce, as if she’s out for blood.Monica cried, taking cover behind 


Theresa gave Thomas a look that was so calm it sent a chill down his spine. Are you protecting her?she asked

Her gaze was so calm that it made Thomas’s heart skip a beat

He took a deep breath and was about to say something

Suddenly, the door opened

Both Theresa and Thomas turned to look

To their surprise, it was Eason who opened the door

Eason being in Susan’s room at such a late hour was suspect enough to raise eyebrows

Mr. Nicholas?Monica gasped, her hand over her mouth. Whatwhat are you doing in Susan’s room? She’s a married woman, you know. It’s hardly appropriate for you two to be alone together at this hour.” 


Chapter 245 

Thomas whirled around to stare at Monica

Monica’s agenda was now crystal clear

Everything she had done was leading up to this moment

She had taken advantage of him

She used him to get close to the cast

And then, under the guise of wanting to apologize, she summoned everyone here

She wanted this moment of Eason’s exposure

In that instant, Thomas felt as though his prior joy had turned into a colossal joke

Hmph.Theresa scoffed, pulling her hand away from Thomas’s grasp

Thomas looked at her cold profile, his lips pressed tightly together

Eason raised an eyebrow, glanced over the mix of expressions, and casually asked, So, what brings all of you here?” 

Mr. Witt chuckled awkwardly. Iwe” 

He was absolutely livid with Monica, irrespective of whatever the truth was between Eason and Susan

He wanted no part in this drama

Monica cut in eagerly. Mr. Nicholas, originally, I was just coming over to bring Susan some food and to apologize for past events. But now that I’ve seen you here, I think I need to clear the air for Ben. Why are you here at this time? Is there something you couldn’t discuss during the day that you had to wait for the dead of night?” 

As she spoke, Monica narrowed her eyes and dropped a bombshell. It took so long for you to open the door. Could you tell me, what exactly have you been doing?” 

Monica truly had guts

The rest of the cast quietly looked away

They didn’t want any part of this mess either

Eason crossed his arms, a hint of amusement in his voice as he regarded Monica. And on what grounds are you. questioning me?” 

Monica spoke with conviction, Ben is a good man. I just can’t stand to see him betrayed and clueless.” 



Chapter 245 

Eason began clapping slowly. How very noble of you.” 

Where is Susan? Step aside, I need to ask her myself. How can she do this to Ben?Monica said, righteousness written all over her face

Eason raised an eyebrow and glanced at the others. Do you all want to see for yourselves?” 

Everyone awkwardly cast their eyes down

Eason, however, smiled. Well then, let’s all go in and have a look.” 

Mr. Witt stepped back, clearly uncomfortable. Maybe we should just let it go?” 

How can we let it go? Mr. Witt, you have to be my witness,” Monica said

Eason, with an undeniable air of command, said, Mr. Witt, please, come in.” 



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