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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257 

As soon as the plane was ready

Alexander and Judith, with their luggage in tow, set off immediately

When Penny returned home, dinner was already prepared, but Alexander and Judith were nowhere to be seen

Penny asked a servant curiously, Where are my parents?” 

The servant hurriedly informed her, Your Highness, the King and Queen have departed for Coraland.” 

Is it some official engagement?Penny asked casually while taking a bite of her food

The servant shook their head. No, it’s a personal matter. The King mentioned that he received news about the missing princess, so they went to verify it. They might not return for several days.” 

The missing princess

Penny was stunned for a moment, then realization dawned on her

The fork in her hand clattered onto the table

What’s wrong, Your Highness?the servant asked, a bit anxious

It’s nothing,Penny replied, masking her complex emotions. The news about the missing princess is it about the one who disappeared years ago? There have been so many false alarms over the years. Aren’t my parents setting themselves up for disappointment again?” 

The servant shook their head. This time seems different. The King appeared to have received concrete information, otherwise, he wouldn’t have taken the Queen with him.” 

Penny pursed her lips

Yes, her mother had been mentally fragile these past years. Though her father and brother had tirelessly searched for the lost daughter, they never dared to raise her mother’s hopes, fearing it would worsen her 


Chapter 257 

Given her father’s concern for her mother, his decision to take her along this time suggested that he might indeed have found the right person

Penny’s expression became distant

The real princess was coming back

What would become of her, the substitute

Collecting herself, Penny asked, What about my brother? Does he know about this?” 

The servant shook their head. Mr. Landor hasn’t been home and is unaware of the situation.” 

Penny nodded and lowered her gaze

Eason would probably be overjoyed upon hearing the news

She had seen firsthand how desperately this family had searched for their lost daughter

And now, she was finally coming home

Did that mean she, Penny, would lose her value

Penny’s hands trembled slightly

But what could she do

Penny thought about the fortunate turn her life had taken thanks to the missing princess

Now that the real princess was returning, she knew she should leave and be grateful for the time she had

But Penny didn’t understand

But deep down, Penny couldn’t help feeling a strong sense of injustice

In Tonico

At the testing center

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 257 

Eason had been waiting at the door for days, full of hope for the results

Only eight more hours, he would get the result

Was Susan my sister

Everything would be clear soon

He had a gut feeling that this time, he wouldn’t be disappointed

It was a long journey

Alexander and Judith, traveling incognito on a private plane, were on their way to Tonico

The Miller residence 

95% 10:03 

Carl and Jane were nervously waiting for their arrival with Yana

Carl reminded them again of their story

Remember! We picked up this child outside. At that time, the weather was very hot, and she was almost out of temperature. We saved her life by picking her up. This bracelet was also on the child at that time.” 

Jane and Yana nodded nervously

The most important thing,Carl said, looking at Yana, You are that child. Do you understand, Yana?” 

Yana clenched her teeth and nodded. Don’t worry, Dad, I won’t give us away!” 

You don’t need to worry too much. The Nicholas family, feeling guilty about their biological daughter, will be too happy to see you to suspect anything,Carl said calmly. When they request a test, I’ll find a way to get some of Susan’s hair. Then our plan will be foolproof.” 

Yana nodded, though a hint of resentment flashed in her eyes. Dad, why is Susan so lucky? Not only did she marry Ben Landor, but her father turns out to be the King of Tonico!” 

Carl had explained Susan’s background to Yana the previous night

Yana was shocked and envious

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 257 

Finally, she understood why her parents had always favored her

She had thought it was because of her illness

But now she realized it was because Susan wasn’t her biological sister

If Susan’s real family would have been worse off than the Miller family

Yana might have been pleased

But Susan’s biological father was the King of Tonico

How can she be happy about that

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What’s so good about her luck?Jane held Yana’s hand. Yana, you’re the lucky one now! Have you forgotten that you’re the princess of the Tonico!” 

Carl said, That’s right! You are the princess of Tonico. Remember this and don’t slip up.” 

Yana nodded. I understand.” 

She subconsciously clenched her fists, still a little nervous

She was about to meet the King and Queen of Tonico

What sort of grand character were they

Could their plan really fool them

Yana wasn’t confident

But she knew this was her only chance

Her only chance to surpass Susan

Her only chance for revenge for Timothy

As the Miller family waited saviouch.. al

Emergency calls onlyOFO 

Chapter 257 

Carl immediately stood up and said, They’re here. Let’s go to welcome them.” 

Jane and Yana quickly followed

At the Miller family’s doorstep

Judith couldn’t stop wiping her tears as she looked at the Miller family’s mansion


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