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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267 

Alexander quickly joined in and said, Yes, Mrs. Landor saved Yana, and for that, she is Alexander’s benefactor. Mr. Landor, please don’t be reckless. Let Mrs. Landor receive treatment first. As for the blood transfusion, I am willing to compensate. Rest assured, the compensation will surely satisfy you, Mr. Landor.” 

As he spoke, Alexander couldn’t help but glance at Susan, whose face was obscured by Ben

He couldn’t help but guess

What kind of woman could make a man like Ben so anxious

Unfortunately, Ben shielded her so well that Alexander couldn’t see anything

Seeing everyone speaking on his behalf, Carl Miller breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, Yes, let Susan receive treatment. I’m her biological father and how could I harm her?” 

Carl resorted to his usual justification

Ben chuckled coldly. You just reminded me of something I hadn’t thought of.” 

He called his bodyguard over. Take this vial of medicine and get it tested.” 

Yes,the bodyguard replied and moved to take the medicine

The test

The nurse panicked

She clutched the vial tightly, refusing to let go

Ben eyed her narrowly

In a fluster, the nurse said, Mr. Landor, there’s nothing to test. It’s just a nutrient solution. If you’re worried, we don’t have to use it on Mrs. Landor.” 

Carl’s heart raced as well. He quickly said, Ben, I know you’re worried about Susan, but don’t go too far!” 


Chapter 267 

Ben snorted, What are you waiting for? Take it.” 

The nurse, in a panic, clutched the vial even tighter. The bodyguard, no longer hesitating, took the vial from her

Ben! What exactly are you trying to do?Carl raised his voice, turning to Alexander, Mr. Nicholas, Yana is still being resuscitated, and Ben just barged in, making such a scene. Even though he’s concerned for Susan, I won’t condone his behavior! His actions are completely unreasonable. Whatever punishment you decide for him, I won’t say a word.” 

Alexander was speechless

He couldn’t help glancing at Carl

He wasn’t one to use his power to oppress others

Previously, Carl had prematurely revealed his identity to the authorities

This directly caused his identity to be exposed

Now, Carl was even suggesting punishment as if Alexander were an ancient emperor

Even if he were an emperor, this wasn’t his kingdom

And from another perspective

What kind of society was it now? 

It was a business society

It was an international society

In a world where numerous countries are mere puppets of financial powerhouses

Ben’s influence was undeniable. How could he be punished by someone like Alexander? Such a suggestion wouldn’t sit well even with Uriah

After all, Ben was a citizen of Coraland, and it wasn’t for a Tonican to punish him

Mishandling this situation could lead to a diplomatic incident


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 267 

As Carl finished speaking. Ben glanced over coldly. Punish?” 

Alexander quickly said, Punishment? I’m just a guest in Coraland, I have no authority to say such things! And testing the medication isn’t an unreasonable request. Mr. Landor, please proceed as you see fit.” 

Judith, understanding the gravity of the situation, looked from afar at the frail figure in Ben’s arms, feeling an unexplainable pang of pity. She softly said, We understand your need to test the medication, Mr. Landor. But Mrs. Landor also needs proper rest.” 

There’s no need for your concern.” Ben retorted with a cold laugh, carefully picking Susan up in his arms

Judith, on her tiptoes, tried to get a better look at Susan’s face

But Ben carefully shielded Susan, revealing only her long, flowing hair of Susan

Everyone watched helplessly as Ben left with his team

A sense of loss flickered through Judith’s heart

Ben left with Susan

He even took away the medicinal liquid

The nurse, meanwhile, started trembling all over

As Ben reached the door, she collapsed to the ground

Her reaction was so strange that everyone looked at her in surprise

Ben paused, turned back, and coldly said, Take her into custody.” 

It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me!the nurse shrieked in panic

Everyone realized then that she was implicated

Alexander and Uriah, feeling a chill, didn’t wait for Ben’s men to act. They immediately took control of the situation

Carl, watching the nurse, felt his heart pounding wildly


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 267 

He’s ruined

Would the nurse reveal his involvement

Biting his lip, Carl made up an excuse and hurriedly left

He had to cover his tracks immediately

It would be best if the nurse could shut up forever

At Appolis Hospital

In a special care ward

Susan lay quietly.- 

Ben, having commandeered a ward, brought in an entire medical team

Now, Susan was injected with medicinal liquid again

Ben sat by her bedside, watching her intently

Susan had her eyes closed the entire time

It was as if she was asleep

Ben gently held her hand

Don’t worry, Susan

This time, I would make all those who hurt you pay the price

As the nutrient solution flowed, Susan’s complexion visibly improved

The effect of the anesthetic also began to wear off. me

Susan struggled to open her eyes

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt an overwhelming weakness


Emergency calls only — 

Chapter 267 

A sensation she was all too familiar with

This was the feeling after blood transfusion

As the blood was drawn more and more frequently, the more blood Susan had donated over time, the weaker 

she became

Before she married Ben

At that time, when Yana was seeking death, she had given Yana 800 cc of blood. At that time, she had already felt very weak, and even had a feeling that she would never wake up again


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