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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 279

Chapter 279 

Susanwhat do you think?Ben looked at Susan seriously. If you want to confirm your identity, we can find Alexander and do a paternity test. The truth will naturally come to light then.” 

Susan lowered her gaze, and after a while, she chuckled softly

Ben knew that she had made her decision

Susan looked up and spoke gently, Ben, Whoever I am, I couldn’t be happier than I am now.” 

Susan didn’t say it directly, but Ben understood her decision

He smiled and said, Alright, then we won’t look for them.” 

Susan held his hand and said softly, Ben, do you wish for me to have a more noble identity? That way, no one will laugh at you for marrying a woman from a nouveau riche family.” 

Ben raised an eyebrow. Who would dare to laugh?” 

Susan couldn’t help but laugh, saying, Then let’s just keep things as they are.” 

Perhaps it was because she was getting older. She didn’t want any turbulence in her life

She just wanted to quietly stay by Ben’s side and live her own cozy 


Ben touched Susan’s hair and said softly, However, the lies of the Miller family can easily be exposed. Alexander has been investigating for the past few days. He will definitely have doubts.” 

Ben knew that Alexander was investigating because he had done the same before

During that time, he almost wanted to pull down the Miller’s house while looking through the information

Now, the same information had been presented to Alexander

Ben didn’t try to stop it

Alexander would eventually find this information with his own resources. Ben only shortened the time it would 


Chapter 279 

take for Alexander to investigate

Also, from their previous encounter, he sensed that Alexander was a reasonable person. But now, with Yana by their side, she would probably be constantly smearing Susan. If Alexander heard her lies too many times, he might start doubting Susan. In that case, he would have to show Alexander the truth. This way, even if Alexander accepted Yana back, Alexander wouldn’t blindly listen to her and do anything harmful to Susan

Eason took your hair for testing, I believe the results should be out soon.Ben said, Susan, you should prepare yourself mentally.” 

WellSusan sighed, Let’s just let nature take its course.” 

She now had an ostrich mentality

If she could live her own little life, then so be it

If she couldn’t avoid it, then they would deal with it when the time came

Besides, she might not even be the princess of Tonico

What if they didn’t make a mistake, and Yana was the real princess

Susan didn’t have any expectations for a princess identity anyway, so she wouldn’t pay too much attention to it

Okay,Ben replied and didn’t bring up the matter again

In the following days, Ben forced Susan to rest at home and take care of herself

At first, Susan wanted to go to work, but her body, which used to be fine, had deteriorated significantly after the blood draw

It made everyone in the Landor family worry for her

Susan could only helplessly live a dolllike life

It was during this time that Yana’s test results came out

The Nicholas family went together to see the test results


Chapter 279 

The test results showed that there was a 99.99% chance that they were biological father and daughter

Alexander had doubts in his mind. When he saw the results, his emotions were complicated

He didn’t know whether the hair used for testing belonged to Yana or Susan

Susan had once been in the emergency room and was unconscious. If the Miller family had the intention to deceive, it would have been easy to get a few strands of Susan’s hair during that time

So, the results came out

But in Alexander’s eyes, it was still unknown who his daughter was

Alexander did not discuss his investigation into the Miller family and the resulting suspicions with anyone else

Judith was unaware of Alexander’s complicated emotions, and tears welled up in her eyes when she saw the 


Yanawas indeed her child

Her lost child for so many years

Judith felt a mix of excitement, uneasiness, and, deep down, a hint of disappointment.. 

As Penny looked at the report, her mind was wondering

She was slightly surprised

She thought, Whatis going on

According to Eason’s previous test results, the true princess is a girl named Susan. But now, the true princess has become Yana

What on earth is happening?” 

Penny’s mind was in turmoil, but she kept her thoughts hidden and showed no signs of abnormality

Judith took the test results and softly said, Today, Yana will be discharged from the hospital. Now that the results are confirmed, should we bring her here with us?” 


Emergency calls only 

calls only

Chapter 279 

Alexander narrowed his eyes

His investigation had now reached a deadlock

The main reason was that after he requested to see Susan from Ben, he was flatly rejected

The Landor family was unwilling to let him see Susan, let alone have a test done with her

In this situation, in order to obtain the true results, it seemed that he would have to focus on Jane and Yana

Bringing them closer might reveal some traces

Thinking this way, Alexander spoke gently, That’s only natural.” 

Judith sighed, Let’s bring her here first, and when Yana is settled, we can return to Tonico.” 

She didn’t know why, but she felt a sense of loss

She had once longed so much to find her daughter

Now that she had found her, she couldn’t find that heartfelt joy

Judith realized that what she felt more was a sense of responsibility

A responsibility to make Yana turn for the better

As for the emotional excitement she had eagerly anticipated, it seemed to be completely absent


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