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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285 

Alexander went straight to the study as soon as he returned

Yana instructed the servants to prepare some snacks and personally brought them to the study

Yana knocked on the door, and Alexander calmly told her to come in

Yana entered with a gentle smile on her face and said, Dad, I heard you just came back from being busy outside, so I made some snacks for you with my own hands.” 

Alexander glanced at the delicate pastries and couldn’t help but sneer

He thought, How foolish of her to think she could be clever. Handmade

Who does she think she is fooling?” 

Alexander maintained his composure and said, You can just put it down.” 

Yana placed the snacks on the table and remained standing

Alexander asked, What’s the matter? Do you have anything else to say?” 

Yana quickly put on a smile and said, Dad, I just want to ask when we will return to Tonico. I really want 

to see the place where you and Mom live.” 

Alexander gave her a meaningful look and said, We will be going back soon.” 

Yana’s face immediately lit up, and she exclaimed, Soon? Then I’ll go prepare.” 

Alexander replied calmly, Go ahead and prepare. You are leaving the embassy soon.” 

Yana thought he meant she could go to Tonico immediately, so she happily left

Alexander coldly snorted with a hint of coldness appeared on his face


Chapter 285 

Carl was already insane in prison, so he couldn’t be bothered with dealing with Carl further

But Jane and Yana, these two people, not only abused his daughter but also wanted to take advantage 

of his home

He couldn’t let them off so easily

At night, Judith snuggled up in Alexander’s arms

She hesitated and said, Alexander, I always feel like I’m not a good mother.” 

Alexander asked, Why do you say that?” 

Judith Struggled for a moment before deciding to be honest. Before finding our child, I had high expectations. But when I actually saw herI had a sense of disappointment. Even though I’ve tried very hard to accommodate and accept her, I still feel helpless. Iseem unable to love her as much as I love Eason. Do you think I’m a bad mother?” 

Alexander gently stroked Judith’s hair, and his gaze softened. No, it’s not your fault.” 

Judith looked at him with confusion

Alexander sighed, Tomorrow, we will visit the Landor residence.” 

Judith sat up abruptly. The Landor residence? Right, we should visit them. I wonder how Mrs. Landor is 

doing now.” 

Judith inexplicably felt excited

She knew that Yana and Susan had a bad relationship. In these past few days, even though she had a strange interest in Susan, she never mentioned Susan or paid her a visit to take care of Yana’s feelings

But when Alexander suddenly brought it up, Judith’s longdepressed emotions soared

Do youcare a lot about Susan?Alexander asked

Judith paused for a moment and weakly replied, I don’t know what happened to me, I just want to see 


Chapter 285 

her. Maybe I feel a little guilty towards her.” 

Alexander sighed

He thought, It’s not just a matter of feeling guilty. It’s a matter of blood ties.” 

Not only Judith, but even he felt an inexplicable concern for Susan

But are you sure we can enter the Landor residence?Judith worriedly asked, Ben seems to be very 

resistant towards us.” 

Alexander pressed his lips. Then we’ll beg him. Judith, I don’t care about my pride anymore


Tomorrow, I plan to casual clothes and stand at the entrance of the Landor residence and refuse to 


It may sound shameless, but Judith oddly felt a sense of excitement

Is that appropriate?Judith asked

As long as we can see her, it’s appropriate,Alexander said decisively

He didn’t care about his pride anymore

As long as he could see Susan, Alexander was willing to do anything

He was so persistent because he had already found the answer in his heart

Judith didn’t know anything yet, but she also seemed to care inexplicably

When Alexander said so, she didn’t hesitate to express her agreement. Okay, let’s do it!” 

Alexander patted her hair

He didn’t bring up what he had found out in advance. Revealing it now would only cause Judith more pain

Moreover, he had a premonition that as soon as he saw Susan, Judith would naturally understand 


Chapter 285 



Then, her daughter would be right in front of him. Judith would gain some comfort, even if it was only


That night, after Judith fell asleep, Alexander got up and called Ben

Mr. Landor, it’s me,Alexander’s voice was soft

Ben squinted his eyes and said, How did you get my phone number?” 

Alexander said slowly, From Uriah” 

Ben interrupted him, So, what do you want?” 

Alexander cleared his throat and got straight to the point. They are putting a lot of pressure on me in my home country. I can’t stay in Coraland too long. Tomorrow, I want to see Susan. If possible, I want 

her to come with me.” 

Ben understood Alexander had found out the truth

He replied indifferently, Mr. Nicholas has been busy those days. You should have dug up many things, right?” 

Alexander said solemnly, You should call me fatherinlaw.“” 

He had already made it clear

Ben was silent for a moment and said, This is just your guess.” 

Ben thought, Has Eason already obtained the results?” 

Even if it’s a guess, I’m pretty sure,Alexander said confidently

It was strange

He had had doubts before that Yana was his daughter, but for some reason, he didn’t believe it


Chapter 285 

He didn’t know why, but he just doubted and didn’t believe it

But now, he felt that Susan was his daughter

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became

He hadn’t even seen the person yet, but he already believed it himself

Ben said, Susan may not want to see you.” 

So I came to beg you,Alexander said shamelessly, As your fatherinlaw, I’m only making a small request. You and Susan got married. I didn’t even ask for anything. Now, I’m just asking for this little thing. Are you really going to refuse?” 

Ben remained silent

Ben thought Alexander was truly abandoning his pride

However, he didn’t really know how to refuse

Since Alexander had come to him, Alexander had probably confirmed Susan’s identity

That made Alexander his fatherinlaw

If he refused, and Susan accepted Alexander as her father, then what would that make him look like

Okay, let’s do it then,Alexander said finally, I have a plan. You should cooperate with me tomorrow.” 

Alexander said without waiting for Ben’s response before rambling on

Ben remained silent

See you tomorrow.Alexander hung up the phone without waiting for Ben’s response

Ben felt speechless while listening to the beep sound on the phone

The next day


Chapter 285 

The next morning, Alexander and Judith disguised themselves and prepared to leave the embassy secretly

As soon as they snuck out of the back door, Eason leaned against the door and casually waited for 


Whywhy are you here?Alexander glared at Eason

Eason glanced at Alexander and said, Dad, with you making such big moves recently. As your son, I ought to show some concern for you, right?” 

Alexander narrowed his eyes. Do you know what I’ve been doing these past few days?” 

Eason feplied, Lasked Uriah.” 

Alexander was speechless, thinking, This Uriah really can’t keep a secret.” 

The father and son exchanged a knowing glance, understanding each other

However, Judith seemed bewildered

What are you two talking about?Judith asked

Eason smiled and replied, Nothing. I just want to go with you guys.” 

Initially, Alexander hadn’t planned on bringing Eason along

This was their first meeting with their daughter, and even the biological son showing up at this time would be seen as a third wheel

However, Eason insisted, and Alexander couldn’t do anything about it

With a sigh, Alexander agreed, saying, Fine, you can come too.” 

Okay.Eason put on the sunglasses he had prepared in advance and followed them

The three of them left quietly, with Jane and Yana having no idea


Yana, do you remember Mr. White who lent us money before?Jane asked with a satisfied expression

Yana furrowed her brow and asked, What about him? Is he coming to collect the debt so soon?” 

Jane hurriedly said, You are a princess. He wouldn’t dare to do that. He is busy trying to establish a good relationship with us now.” 

Yana’s expression improved a bit

Jane continued, His suggestion is that since we are going to Tonico, but the Nicholas family is so low- key, you have no presence outside. So, he has decided to help us promote it for free. He guarantees that within a few hours, your identity will be known to the world.” 

Upon hearing this, Yana said, This kind of promotion must cost a lot.” 

We don’t have to pay for it. He will cover the costs!Jane proudly said, Now, many people want to establish a relationship with us but can’t find the opportunity. We are giving him the chance to pay for it. He should feel honored. Yana, now you are a princess, so you need to quickly adapt to the change in your identity.” 

As Jane spoke, Yana’s expression became proud as well. You’re right. Let him have this honor.” 

Mr. White’s suggestion had struck a chord with her

She was already a princess, yet her identity was still a secret to the outside world

Wasn’t this equivalent to sneaking out in disguise

She was impatient to announce this news to the whole world

Okay, I’ll go talk to him right away,Jane said happily

This Mr. White was indeed a man of his word

It didn’t take long for Yana’s new identity to dominate the headlines on various websites and forums


Chapter 285 

[Shocking! Tonico Princess Found Amongst the Commoners in Coraland!


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